
As the operator of this website and as a company, we come into contact with your personal data. This concerns all data that reveals something about you and by which you can be identified. In this privacy policy, we would like to explain how, for what purpose and on which legal basis we process your data.

Responsible for the data processing (“data controller”) on this website and in our company is:

Technische Universität Braunschweig - Abt. Hydrologie & Flussgebietsmanagement - Leichtweiss-Institut für Wasserbau

Beethovenstr. 51a

38106 Braunschweig


Phone: 0531 391 7931


General information

SSL or TLS encryption

When you enter your data on websites, place online orders or send e-mails via the Internet, you must always be prepared for unauthorized third parties to access your data. There is no complete protection against such access. However, we do our utmost to protect your data as best we can and to close security gaps as far as we can.

An important protection mechanism is the SSL or TLS encryption of our website, which ensures that data you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties. You can recognize the encryption by the lock icon in front of the Internet address entered in your browser and by the fact that our Internet address begins with https:// and not with http://.

Encrypted payment transactions

Payment data, such as account or credit card numbers, require special protection. For this reason, payment transactions made with the most common means of payment are carried out exclusively via an encrypted SSL or TLS connection.

How long do we store your data?

In some parts in this privacy policy, we inform you about how long we or the companies that process your data on our behalf will store your data. In the absence of such information, we store your data until the purpose of the data processing no longer applies, you object to the data processing or you revoke your consent to the data processing.

In the event of an objection or revocation, we may however continue to process your data if at least one of the following conditions applies:

In this case, we will delete your data as soon as the requirement(s) cease to apply.

Data transfer to the USA

On our website, we use tools from companies that transfer your data to the USA and store it there and, if necessary, process it further. The European Commission has adopted an adequacy decision for the EU-US data protection framework. The decision establishes that the US ensures an adequate level of protection for EU personal data transferred to US companies. This decision is based on new safeguards and measures put in place by the US to meet data protection requirements. The adequacy decision includes, among other things, restrictions and safeguards on access to data by US intelligence agencies. Binding safeguards were introduced to limit US intelligence agencies' access to what is necessary and proportionate to protect national security. In addition, enhanced oversight of US intelligence activities was established to ensure that restrictions on surveillance activities are respected. An independent redress mechanism has also been established to handle and resolve complaints from European citizens about access to their data. The EU-US data protection framework thus allows European companies to transfer data to certified US companies without having to introduce additional data protection safeguards. A list of all certified companies can be found at the following link:

A change in the European Commission's decision cannot be ruled out.

Your rights

Objection to data processing




Other rights

Withdrawal of your consent to data processing

Many data processing operations are based on your consent. You can give this consent, for example, by ticking the appropriate box on online forms before you send the form, or by allowing the operation of certain cookies when you visit our website. You may revoke your consent at any time without giving reasons (Art. 7 (3) GDPR). From the time of revocation, we may then no longer process your data. The only exception: we are required by law to retain the data for a certain period of time. Such retention periods exist in particular in tax and commercial law.

Right to complain to the competent supervisory authority

If you believe that we are in breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to complain to a supervisory authority in accordance with Art. 77 GDPR. You may contact a supervisory authority in the Member State of your residence, place of work or the place where the alleged infringement took place. The right to complain exists alongside administrative or judicial remedies.

Right to data portability

We must hand over data that we process automatically on the basis of your consent or in fulfillment of a contract to you or a third party in a common machine-readable format if you request this. We can only transfer the data to another “data controller” if this is technically possible.

Right to information, deletion, and correction of data

According to Art. 15 GDPR, you have the right to receive information free of charge about which of your personal data we have stored, where the data came from, to whom we transmit the data and for what purpose it is stored. If the data is incorrect, you have a right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR), and under the conditions of Art. 17 GDPR you may demand that we delete the data.

Right to restriction of processing

In certain situations, according to Art. 18 GDPR, you may demand that we restrict the processing of your data. The data may then - apart from storage - only be processed as follows:

The right to restrict processing exists in the following situations:

Hosting and Content Delivery Networks (CDN)

External hosting

Our website is hosted on a server of the following Internet service provider (hoster):

ALL-INKL.COM - Neue Medien Münnich
Owner René Münnich
Hauptstraße 68
02742 Friedersdorf, Germany

How do we process your data?

The hoster stores all the data from our website. This includes all personal data that is collected automatically or through entering. This can be in particular: Your IP address, pages accessed, names, contact details and requests, as well as meta and communication data. When processing data, our hoster adheres to our instructions and always processes the data only insofar as this is necessary to fulfill the service obligation to us.

On what legal basis do we process your data?

Since we address potential customers via our website and maintain contacts with existing customers, the data processing by our hoster serves to initiate and fulfill contracts and is therefore based on Art. 6 (1) lit. b) GDPR. In addition, it is our legitimate interest as a company to provide a professional Internet offering that meets the necessary requirements for security, speed and efficiency. In this respect, we also process your data on the legal basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR.

Data collection on this website

Use of cookies

Our website places cookies on your device. These are small text files that are used for various purposes. Some cookies are technically necessary for the website to function at all (necessary cookies). Others are needed to perform certain actions or functions on the site (functional cookies). For example, without cookies it would not be possible to take advantage of a shopping cart in an online store. Still other cookies are used to analyze user behavior or to optimize advertising measures. If we use third-party services on our website, for example to process payment transactions, these companies may also leave cookies on your device when you access the website (so-called third-party cookies).

How do we process your data?

Session cookies are only stored on your device for the duration of a session. As soon as you close the browser, they therefore disappear by themselves. Permanent cookies, on the other hand, remain on your device unless you delete them yourself. This can, for example, lead to your user behavior being permanently analyzed. You can use the settings in your browser to influence how it handles cookies:

If you disable or do not allow cookies, the functionality of the website may be limited.

If we use cookies from other companies or for analysis purposes, we will inform you about this as part of this privacy policy. We also request your consent in this regard when you access our website.

On what legal basis do we process your data?

We have a legitimate interest in ensuring that our online offers can be used by visitors without technical problems and that all desired functions are available to them. The storage of necessary and functional cookies on your device therefore takes place on the legal basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR. We use all other cookies on the legal basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. a) GDPR, provided you give us your consent. You can revoke this at any time with effect for the future. If you have consented to the placement of necessary and functional cookies when requesting consent, these cookies will also be stored exclusively on the basis of your consent.

Cookie consent with Borlabs Cookie

What is Borlabs Cookie?

Cookie plugin for compliance with the DSGVO and ePrivacy.

Who processes your data?

Only us, not the provider of Borlabs Cookie.

Where can you find more information about data protection at Borlabs Cookie?

How do we process your data?

We use Borlabs Cookie to obtain your consent to store cookies on your device. When you visit our website and close the Borlabs Cookie window requesting consent, a Borlabs cookie with the following content is stored in your browser:

This data is not transmitted to the provider of Borlabs Cookie.

We store the data until the purpose of the data storage no longer applies, you delete the Borlabs cookie or request us to delete the data. This does not apply only if we are required by law to retain the data.

On what legal basis do we process your data?

We are legally obliged to obtain the consent of our website visitors for the use of certain cookies. In order to fulfill this obligation, we use Borlabs Cookie. The legal basis for data processing is therefore Art. 6 (1) lit. c) GDPR.

Server log files

Server log files log all requests and accesses to our website and record error messages. They also include personal data, in particular your IP address. However, this is anonymized by the provider after a short time, so that we cannot assign the data to your person. The data is automatically transmitted to our provider by your browser.

How do we process your data?

Our provider stores the server log files in order to be able to track the activities on our website and to locate errors. The files contain the following data:

We do not combine this data with other data but use it only for statistical analysis and to improve our website.

On what legal basis do we process your data?

We have a legitimate interest in ensuring that our website runs without errors. It is also our legitimate interest to obtain an anonymized overview of the accesses to our website. Therefore, the data processing is lawful according to Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR.

Contact form

You can send us a message via the contact form on this website.

How do we process your data?

We store your message and the information from the form in order to process your request including follow-up questions. This also applies to the contact details provided. We do not pass on the data to other persons without your consent.

How long do we store your data?

We delete your data as soon as one of the following occurs:

This does not apply only if we are required by law to retain the data.

On what legal basis do we process your data?

If your request is related to our contractual relationship or serves the implementation of pre-contractual measures, we process your data on the legal basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. b) GDPR. In all other cases, it is our legitimate interest to effectively process requests directed to us. The legal basis for data processing is therefore Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR. If you have consented to the storage of your data, Art. 6 (1) lit. a) GDPR is the legal basis. In this case, you can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future.

Inquiry by e-mail, telephone or fax

You can send us a message by e-mail or fax or call us.

How do we process your data?

We store your message as well as your self-made contact details or the transmitted telephone number in order to be able to process your inquiry including follow-up questions. We do not pass on the data to other persons without your consent.

How long do we store your data?

We delete your data as soon as one of the following occurs:

This does not apply only if we are required by law to retain the data.

On what legal basis do we process your data?

If your request is related to our contractual relationship or serves the implementation of pre-contractual measures, we process your data on the legal basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. b) GDPR. In all other cases, it is our legitimate interest to effectively process requests directed to us. The legal basis for data processing is therefore Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR. If you have consented to the storage of your data, Art. 6 (1) lit. a) GDPR is the legal basis. In this case, you can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future.

Analysis tools and advertising

We use the following tools to analyze the behavior of our website visitors and show you advertisements.

Google Tag Manager

What is Google Tag Manager?

Tag management system for the integration of tracking codes and conversion pixels of Google Ireland. Ltd.

Who processes your data?

Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland

Where can you find more information about data protection at Google Tag Manager?

On what legal basis do we transfer your data to the USA?

On the basis of the European Commission's adequacy decision and the company's corresponding certification.

How do we process your data?

We use the Google Tag Manager. The tool helps us to integrate tracking codes and conversion pixels into our website, manage them and play them out. Google Tag Manager does not create user profiles itself, does not place cookies on your device, and does not analyze your behavior as a user. It does, however, record your IP address and transmit it to Google servers in the USA.

On what legal basis do we process your data?

We have a legitimate interest in a quick and uncomplicated integration and management of various tools on our website. The use of Google Tag Manager is therefore lawful according to Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR. If you have consented to the transfer of your IP address, we process your data exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. a) GDPR. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future.

Google Analytics

What is Google Analytics?

Tool for analyzing user behavior of Google Ireland Ltd.

Who processes your data?

Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Has a data processing agreement been concluded with Google Analytics?


Where can you find more information about Google Analytics data protection?

On what legal basis do we transfer your data to the USA?

On the basis of the European Commission's adequacy decision and the company's corresponding certification.

How can you prevent data collection?

Among other things, with a browser plugin:

How do we process your data?

We are always interested in optimizing our web offer for visitors to our website and placing advertisements in the best possible way. We are helped in this by Google Analytics, a tool that analyzes the behavior of users and thus provides us with the necessary database for adjustments. Through the tool, we receive information about the origin of our visitors, their page views and the time they spend on the pages, as well as the operating system they use.

Standard processing

To collect the data, Google Analytics uses cookies, device fingerprinting or other user recognition technologies. The data is transmitted to Google servers in the USA and, with the help of the IP address that is also collected, summarized in a profile that can be assigned to you or your device.

You can prevent Google from processing your data by installing a browser plugin that Google itself provides:

IP anonymization

We have activated the "IP anonymization" function within Google Analytics. For you, this means that Google truncates your IP address (from the EU or EEA) before transmitting it to the USA. Only in exceptional cases does Google transmit the full IP address to servers in the USA and only shorten it there.

Demographic characteristics

We use the "demographic characteristics" function of Google Analytics to display suitable advertisements to visitors to our website within the Google advertising network. As a result, reports may be generated that include statements about the age, gender, and interests of our site visitors. This data comes from interest-based advertising from Google as well as visitor data from third parties. It is not possible to assign the collected data to specific individuals.

You can deactivate the function in the settings of your Google account.

How long do we store your data?

According to its own information, Google deletes or anonymizes data stored at user and event level that is linked to cookies, user identifiers (e.g. user IDs) or advertising IDs after 14 months (cf.

On what legal basis do we process your data?

As a website operator, we have a legitimate interest in analyzing user behavior for the purpose of optimizing our website and the advertising placed there. The data processing is therefore lawful according to Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR. In the event that you have consented, for example, to the storage of cookies or have otherwise consented to data processing by Google Analytics, only Art. 6 (1) lit. a) GDPR is the legal basis. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future.

Plugins and tools

YouTube (with extended data protection)

What is YouTube?

Video plattform

Who processes your data?

Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland

Where can you find more information about data protection at YouTube?

How do we process your data?

You can watch YouTube videos on our website. In doing so, Google, as the provider of YouTube, collects and stores certain information about you. However, since we use YouTube in extended data protection mode, this only happens when you start a video. Specifically, the following happens in this case:

  1. Google's servers are told which of our pages were visited from your device. If you are logged into your YouTube account while surfing, Google can assign your surfing behavior directly to your personal profile. If you do not want this, you must log out of your YouTube account before you continue surfing the Internet.

  2. Google receives information about visitors to our website via cookies, device fingerprinting or similar recognition technologies. On this basis, the company then compiles video statistics, makes its application more attractive to users and prevents fraud attempts.

  3. If necessary, your data may also be processed beyond this. However, details are beyond our knowledge. Also, we can not influence the processing.

Even if you do not start a YouTube video on our website, Google establishes a connection to its DoubleClick network and possibly also to other partners. The extended data protection mode therefore does not mean that Google does not process any data from you at all when you visit our website.

On what legal basis do we process your data?

By integrating YouTube videos, we want to make our website and our services and offers more appealing. This is our legitimate interest as a company and therefore lawful according to Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR.

If you have consented to data processing, we process your data exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. a) GDPR. You may revoke your consent at any time. From the time of revocation, we may no longer process your data.

Font Awesome (local hosting)

We use icons from the Font Awesome icon library on our website. The library is provided by Fonticons Inc. We have installed the icons locally, so there is no connection to the company's servers when you visit our website.

For more information about Font Awesome, please visit and specifically see their privacy policy there:


What is OpenStreetMap?

Map service of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

Who processes your data?

OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF), Cowley Road, St John's Innovation Centre, Cambridge CB4 0WS, United Kingdom.

Where can you find more information about data protection at OpenStreetMap?

How do we process your data?

On our website, we use maps provided by the OpenStreetMap Foundation. What this means for you is that your IP address and information about your surfing behavior are forwarded to the foundation and stored there when you visit our website. For this purpose, the foundation leaves cookies on your device or uses comparable recognition technologies. If you have allowed your location to be determined in the settings of your device, OpenStreetMap also stores this data.

On what legal basis do we process your data?

The maps from OpenStreetMap ensure that the places indicated on our website are easier to find for visitors. As a company, we have a legitimate interest in this. The data processing is therefore lawful according to Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR.

If you have consented to the data processing, we process your data exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. a) GDPR. You may revoke your consent at any time. From the time of revocation, we may no longer process your data.

iThemes Security

What is iThemes Security?

Firewall and security scanner

Who processes your data?

iThemes Media LLC, 1720 South Kelly Avenue Edmond, OK 73013, USA

Where can you find more information about data protection at iThemes Security?

How do we process your data?

iThemes Security is used to protect our website from unwanted access or malicious cyberattacks. For this purpose, iThemes Security also collects, among other things, your IP address, time and source of login attempts and log data (e.g. the browser used). iThemes Security is installed locally on our servers.

iThemes Security transmits IP addresses of recurring attackers to a central database of iThemes in the USA (Network Brute Force Protection) to prevent such attacks in the future.

On what legal basis do we process your data?

As a website operator, we have a legitimate interest in protecting ourselves from malicious data traffic. The data processing is therefore lawful according to Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR.

In the event that you have consented to data processing, only Art. 6 (1) lit. a) GDPR is the legal basis. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. From the time of revocation, we may no longer process your data.

Audio and video conferences

As a company we are in contact with many people: Customers, business partners, service providers, etc. In doing so, we also use so-called online conferencing tools for the exchange, in addition to other means of communication. Information relevant to data protection law on the provider(s) of the tools we use can be found at the end of this section. If you communicate with us via such a tool, not only we, but in particular the provider of the respective tool, process your personal data.

How do we process your data?

Online conference tools collect and store various personal data in order to enable participation in an online conference and its smooth execution. In addition to registration, conference and technical data, this also concerns certain communication content.

For details on data processing, please refer to the privacy policy of the respective conferencing tool provider.

How long do we store your data?

As your communication partner, we delete your data on our systems as soon as one of the following occurs:

This does not apply only if we are required by law to retain the data.

Cookies remain on your terminal device until you delete them.

Conference tool providers also store your data for their own purposes. Please ask the providers directly what this means for the duration of the storage of your data.

On what legal basis do we process your data?

If we are already contractually connected or if you would like to conclude a contract with us, we use conference tools to fulfill the contract or to inform you about our services or products. In this respect, the data processing takes place on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. b) GDPR. Otherwise, the use of conferencing tools serves the purpose of simple and quick communication, without which we would not be able to run our business efficiently. We therefore also have a legitimate interest in data processing pursuant to Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR. Another legal basis may be your consent. Relevant in this case is Art. 6 (1) lit. a) GDPR. This basis ceases to apply for the future if you revoke your consent.

Which online conference tools do we use?


What is Webex?

Communication platform for video conferencing and cloud-based telephony.

Who processes your data?

Webex Communications Deutschland GmbH, Hansaallee 249 c/o Cisco Systems GmbH, 40549 Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Where can you find more information about data protection at Webex?

On what legal basis do we transfer your data to the USA?

On the basis of the European Commission's adequacy decision and the company's corresponding certification.

Data processing on social media

What is Social Media?

By social media, we mean the social networks on which we have created publicly accessible profiles. You can read below which social networks these are specifically.

Who processes your data?

The respective operating companies of the social networks. You can find the individual operators below under the respective networks.

How is your data processed?

The operators of social networks are generally able to collect and evaluate comprehensive data about the behavior of visitors and users of the network. It is not possible for us to track all processing operations on the social networks we use, which is why further processing operations not listed here may be carried out by the operators of the social networks. You can find more information on this in the terms of use and privacy statements of the respective social networks.

The processing of your data can be triggered by you visiting the website of the social network or our profile page there. Even if you visit a website that uses certain content of the network, e.g. like or share buttons, data may already be transmitted to the operators of the social network. If you yourself are a user of the social network and logged into your user account, your visit to our profile page can be assigned to your account by the operator of the social network. Even if you yourself have not registered a user account or are not logged in, the operator of the network may still collect your personal data, e.g. by recording your IP address or setting cookies. With this data, the operators can create user profiles adapted to your behavior and interests and show you interest-based advertising inside and outside the network. If you are a registered user of the network, the interest-based advertising may also be displayed on all devices on which you are or were logged in.

On what legal basis is your data processed?

Our profiles in the social networks are intended to ensure the broadest possible presence of our company on the Internet. As a company, we have a legitimate interest in this. The data processing is therefore lawful according to Art. 6 (1) lit. f) GDPR.

The data processing operations and analyses carried out by the operators of the social networks themselves may be based on other legal grounds. These must be stated by the operators of the social networks.

Who is responsible for the processing of your data and how can you assert your rights?

If you visit one of our profiles on the social networks, we are jointly responsible with the operator of the respective network for the data processing operations triggered during this visit. In principle, you can assert your rights both against us and against the operator of the respective network.

Despite the joint responsibility with the operators of the social networks, however, our influence on the data processing operations of the respective operator is limited and is primarily based on the operator's specifications.

How long is your data stored?

If we collect data via our profiles in the social networks, these are deleted from our systems as soon as the purpose for storing them no longer applies, you request us to delete them or you revoke your consent to storage. Stored cookies remain on your terminal device until you delete them. Mandatory legal provisions - in particular retention periods - remain unaffected.

We have no influence on how long the operators of the social networks store your data, which the operators collect for their own purposes. You can obtain information on this directly from the operator of the respective social network, e.g. in the respective privacy policy.

Which social media do we use?


What is Facebook?
A social network

Who processes your data?
Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Is your data transferred to third countries?
Yes, to the U.S. and also to other third countries.

Where can you find more information about data protection at Facebook?

As a Facebook user, where can you adjust your advertising preferences?
As a registered Facebook user, you can adjust your advertising settings in your user account. To do so, click on the following link and log in:


What is Twitter?
A social network in the form of a micro-blogging platform.

Who processes your data?
Twitter Inc, 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA.

Is your data transferred to third countries?
Yes, to the USA

Where can you find more information about data protection at Twitter?

As a Twitter user, where can you adjust your advertising preferences?

As a registered Twitter user, you can adjust your privacy settings in your user account. To do so, click on the following link and log in:


What is Instagram?
A social network specializing in photos and videos.

Who processes your data?
Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Irland

Is your data transferred to third countries?

Where can you find more information about data protection at Instagram?[0]=Instagram-Hilfebereich&bc[1]=Richtlinien%20und%20Meldungen

As a user, where can you adjust your privacy settings?
As a registered Instagram user, you can adjust your privacy settings in your user account. To do so, click the following link and log in:


What is LinkedIn?

A social network for business contacts

Who processes your data?

LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland

Is your data transferred to third countries?


Where can you find more information about data protection at LinkedIn?

As a user, where can you adjust your privacy settings?

As a registered LinkedIn user, you can adjust your privacy settings in your user account. To do so, click on the following link and log in:


What is YouTube?
A social network in the form of an online video portal.

Who processes your data?

Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland

Is your data transferred to third countries?

Where can you find more information about data protection at YouTube?

As a user, where can you adjust your privacy settings?