// Group array of objects function groupBy(xs, key) { return xs.reduce(function (rv, x) { (rv[x[key]] = rv[x[key]] || []).push(x); return rv; }, {}); }; // Create category block function createCategoryBlock(title, description) { return { title, description } } // Create config blocks function createBlocks(cookies) { const blocks = [] if (!cookies.length) { return blocks } const cookiesGroupedByTools = groupBy(cookies, "platform") Object.entries(cookiesGroupedByTools).forEach(([toolTitle, cookieList]) => { const cookieTableRows = cookieList.map(cookie => ({ col1: cookie.keyName, col2: cookie.domain, col3: cookie.description, col4: cookie.category, // use regex only on google's _ga_XXXX cookie is_regex: cookie.keyName.startsWith("_ga_") })) blocks.push({ title: toolTitle, description: "tool description", toggle: { value: toolTitle, enabled: false, readonly: false }, cookie_table: cookieTableRows }) }) return blocks } // Get script attributes function getLanguage() { return document.currentScript.dataset.ccLanguage === 'en' ? 'en' : 'de' } function getAutoLanguage() { if(!document.currentScript.dataset.ccLanguage) { return 'de' } if(document.currentScript.dataset.ccLanguage === 'browser') { return 'browser' } if(document.currentScript.dataset.ccLanguage === 'document') { return 'document' } return null } function overwritePreferedColorTheme() { // dark if(document.currentScript.dataset.ccTheme === 'dark') { return document.body.setAttribute('data-cc-theme', 'dark') } // browser settings if(document.currentScript.dataset.ccTheme === 'browser') { if(window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches) { return document.body.setAttribute('data-cc-theme', 'dark') } return document.body.setAttribute('data-cc-theme', 'light') } // light return document.body.setAttribute('data-cc-theme', 'light') } overwritePreferedColorTheme() function getIsNonEuConsentChecked() { return document.currentScript.dataset.ccNonEuConsent === 'true' ? true : false } // selected tools const selectedTools = document.currentScript.dataset.ccTools.split(","); // links passed from user shown in consent popups const imprintLink = document.currentScript.dataset.ccImprint const privacyLink = document.currentScript.dataset.ccPrivacy // theme color const hexCodeRegex = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i let themeColor = document.currentScript.dataset.ccColor themeColor = hexCodeRegex.test(themeColor) ? themeColor : '#16a34a' document.querySelector(':root').style.setProperty('--cc-btn-primary-bg', themeColor) // Create cookieList array // https://www.thymeleaf.org/doc/tutorials/3.0/usingthymeleaf.html (chapter 12) // @formatter:off // noinspection const cookieList = [ { keyName: "AMCV_###@AdobeOrg", platform: "", category: "Functional", domain: "adobe.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "_rxuuid", platform: "1rx.io", category: "Marketing", domain: "1rx.io", description: "Sets a unique ID for the visitor, with which external advertisers can target the visitor with relevant advertisements. This linking service is provided by third-party advertising hubs, facilitating real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "frq", platform: "2KDirect", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Cookie that contains a numeric ad ID and a counter value that keeps track of how many times a browser renders an ad from iPromote within a given time window.", }, { keyName: "crt", platform: "2KDirect", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Cookie that helps retarget based on a specific iPromote campaign ID.", }, { keyName: "cat2", platform: "2KDirect", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Cookie that helps retarget based on a specific iPromote campaign ID.", }, { keyName: "edaa", platform: "2KDirect", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Cookie that is placed if a user clicks an AdChoices link to inquire about opting-out of ad viewing.", }, { keyName: "hits", platform: "2KDirect", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Cookie that logs one click or conversion per impression to ensure that only one click or conversion occurs per impression.", }, { keyName: "optout", platform: "2KDirect", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Cookie , das es einem Benutzer erm\u00F6glicht, den Erhalt von iPromote-Adserving- cookies abzulehnen.", }, { keyName: "tluid", platform: "3Lift.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "3lift.com", description: "This cookie is used to identify the visitor and optimize ad-relevance by collecting visitor data from multiple websites \u2013 this exchange of visitor data is normally provided by a third-party data-center or ad-exchange.", }, { keyName: "js3qWatch", platform: "3Q Video", category: "Functional", domain: "https:\/\/3q.video\/en\/", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um wiederkehrende Benutzer durch eine eindeutige Kennung zu erkennen.", }, { keyName: "partners", platform: "A.Mob", category: "Marketing", domain: "adotmob.com", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um dem Benutzer relevante Inhalte und Werbung zu pr\u00E4sentieren.", }, { keyName: "uid", platform: "A.Mob", category: "Marketing", domain: "adotmob.com", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um anonyme Daten zu sammeln, die sich auf die Besuche des Benutzers auf der Website beziehen.", }, { keyName: "uuid", platform: "A.Mob", category: "Marketing", domain: "adotmob.com", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um die Anzeigenrelevanz zu optimieren, indem Besucherdaten von mehreren Websites erfasst werden.", }, { keyName: "ABTasty", platform: "ABTasty", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie sends all test data (visitorID, test and variant IDs, timestamps).", }, { keyName: "ABTastySession", platform: "ABTasty", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie allows us to identify a unique session. It allows us to determine that a new session has begun for a given user.", }, { keyName: "ADCELLpidX", platform: "ADCELL", category: "Functional", domain: "Adcell.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird nach dem Anklicken eines ADCELL-Werbemittels gesetzt und enth\u00E4lt Informationen \u00FCber Herausgeber, Werbemittel, SubID, Referrer und Zeitstempel.", }, { keyName: "ADCELLspidX", platform: "ADCELL", category: "Functional", domain: "Adcell.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird nach dem Anklicken eines ADCELL-Werbemittels gesetzt und enth\u00E4lt Informationen \u00FCber Herausgeber, Werbemittel, SubID, Referrer und Zeitstempel.se", }, { keyName: "ADCELLvpidX", platform: "ADCELL", category: "Functional", domain: "Adcell.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird nach dem Anklicken eines ADCELL-Werbemittels gesetzt und enth\u00E4lt Informationen \u00FCber Herausgeber, Werbemittel, SubID, Referrer und Zeitstempel.", }, { keyName: "ADCELLjhX", platform: "ADCELL", category: "Functional", domain: "Adcell.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird nach wiederholter Anzeige oder Klick auf ein ADCELL-Werbemittel gesetzt. Auf diese Weise wird der Weg des Nutzers durch die verschiedenen Verlage nachvollzogen.", }, { keyName: "ADCELLnoTrack", platform: "ADCELL", category: "Functional", domain: "Adcell.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird gesetzt, wenn der Nutzer nicht getrackt werden m\u00F6chte.", }, { keyName: ".secureclient", platform: "AFAS", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: ".securesession", platform: "AFAS", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: ".stateflags", platform: "AFAS", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: ".auth", platform: "AFAS", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "zttpvc", platform: "AWIN", category: "Functional", domain: "ad.zanox.com", description: "Wird gesetzt, wenn Sie eine Werbung sehen. Speichert eine ID f\u00FCr die Website, auf der die Anzeige und die Uhrzeit angezeigt werden, zu der Sie die Anzeige gesehen haben.", }, { keyName: "ztvc", platform: "AWIN", category: "Functional", domain: "www.zanox-affiliate.de", description: "Wird gesetzt, wenn Sie eine Werbung sehen. Speichert eine ID f\u00FCr die Website, auf der die Anzeige und die Uhrzeit angezeigt werden, zu der Sie die Anzeige gesehen haben.", }, { keyName: "zptpvc", platform: "AWIN", category: "Functional", domain: "www.zanox-affiliate.de", description: "Wird gesetzt, wenn Sie eine Werbung sehen. Speichert eine ID f\u00FCr die Website, auf der die Anzeige angezeigt wird, und die Zeit, zu der Sie die Anzeige gesehen haben.", }, { keyName: "zpvc", platform: "AWIN", category: "Functional", domain: "www.zanox-affiliate.de", description: "Wird gesetzt, wenn Sie eine Werbung sehen. Speichert eine ID f\u00FCr die Website, auf der die Anzeige angezeigt wird, und die Zeit, zu der Sie die Anzeige gesehen haben.", }, { keyName: "ztcc", platform: "AWIN", category: "Functional", domain: "www.zanox-affiliate.de", description: "Wird gesetzt, wenn Sie auf einen der Links von AWIN klicken. Speichert IDs f\u00FCr verweisende Websites, Werbung, auf die Sie geklickt haben, Gruppe von Anzeigen, zu denen die Anzeige geh\u00F6rt, Zeitpunkt, zu der Sie darauf geklickt haben, ID f\u00FCr die Art der Werbung und alle Verweise, die die verweisende Website dem Klick hinzuf\u00FCgt.", }, { keyName: "zcc", platform: "AWIN", category: "Functional", domain: "www.zanox-affiliate.de", description: "Wird geseztz, wenn Sie auf einen der Links von AWIN klicken. Speichert IDs f\u00FCr verweisende Websites, Anzeigen, auf die Sie geklickt haben, Gruppen von Anzeigen, zu denen die Anzeige geh\u00F6rt, die Zeit, zu der Sie darauf geklickt haben, ID f\u00FCr die Art der Anzeige und alle Verweise, die die verweisende Website dem Klick hinzuf\u00FCgt.", }, { keyName: "bId", platform: "AWIN", category: "Functional", domain: "awin1.com", description: "Legt eine browserspezifische ID fest, um einen neuen Klick auf denselben Browser zu identifizieren.", }, { keyName: "*****", platform: "AWIN", category: "Functional", domain: "awin1.com", description: "Wird gesetzt, wenn Sie auf einen der Links von AWIN klicken. Speichert IDs f\u00FCr verweisende Websites, Werbung, auf die Sie geklickt haben, Gruppe von Anzeigen, zu denen die Werbung geh\u00F6rt, Zeitpunkt, zu der Sie darauf geklickt haben, ID f\u00FCr die Art der Werbung, ID f\u00FCr das Produkt und alle Verweise, die die verweisende Website dem Klick hinzuf\u00FCgt.", }, { keyName: "AWSESS", platform: "AWIN", category: "Functional", domain: "awin1.com", description: "Wird gesetzt, wenn Sie eine Anzeige sehen und AWIN dabei helfen, sicherzustellen, dass nicht immer dieselbe Anzeige angezeigt wird.", }, { keyName: "awpv*****", platform: "AWIN", category: "Functional", domain: "awin1.com", description: "Wird gesetzt, wenn Sie eine Werbung sehen. Speichert eine ID f\u00FCr die Website, auf der die Anzeige angezeigt wird, und die Zeit, zu der Sie die Anzeige gesehen haben.", }, { keyName: "_*****", platform: "AWIN", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird gesetzt, wenn Sie auf einen der Links von AWIN klicken. Speichert IDs f\u00FCr verweisende Websites, Werbung, auf die Sie geklickt haben, Gruppe von Anzeigen, zu denen die Werbung geh\u00F6rt, Zeitpunkt, zu der Sie darauf geklickt haben, ID f\u00FCr die Art der Werbung, ID f\u00FCr das Produkt und alle Verweise, die die verweisende Website dem Klick hinzuf\u00FCgt.", }, { keyName: "tv_spot_tracker", platform: "Abovo Media", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Contains information about the timeslot of a running TV ad", }, { keyName: "ac_enable_tracking", platform: "Active Campaign", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is associated with Active Campaign and is set to confirm that tracking has been enabled for the website. Tracking is used to create reports of our web traffic and improve the user experience of the website.", }, { keyName: "cmpXXXXXXXXX", platform: "ActiveCampaign", category: "Functional", domain: "activecampaign.com", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr die Site-Verfolgung verwendet.", }, { keyName: "adspaceIdcatIdconfigcountrymultiadvproductIdretsearchname", platform: "Ad4Mat", category: "Functional", domain: "ad4mat.de", description: "Cookies werden zur Leistungsbewertung von Marketingkampagnen und zur Wiedererkennung von Nutzern f\u00FCr Werbezwecke verwendet.", }, { keyName: "adroll", platform: "AdRoll", category: "Marketing", domain: "d.adroll.com", description: "Dieses Cookie wird von der AdRoll Group gesetzt, um das Ger\u00E4t zu identifizieren, wenn die Benutzer zwischen verschiedenen digitalen Eigenschaften wechseln, um gezielte Werbung zu schalten.", }, { keyName: "adrollshared", platform: "AdRoll", category: "Marketing", domain: "d.adroll.com", description: "Die Domain dieses Cookies geh\u00F6rt Adroll. Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um Benutzerdaten auf der gesamten Website zu sammeln. Die gesammelten Daten werden verwendet, um relevantere Werbung zu schalten.", }, { keyName: "adrollfpc", platform: "AdRoll", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird von der AdRoll Group gesetzt, um das Ger\u00E4t zu identifizieren, wenn die Benutzer zwischen verschiedenen digitalen Eigenschaften wechseln, um gezielte Werbung zu schalten.", }, { keyName: "tluid", platform: "AdRoll", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird vom Anbieter AdRoll gesetzt. Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um den Besucher zu identifizieren und ihm relevante Anzeigen zu liefern, indem das Benutzerverhalten von mehreren Websites erfasst wird.", }, { keyName: "testcookie", platform: "AdWords Remarketing", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net", description: "Dies wird als Test gesetzt, um zu \u00FCberpr\u00FCfen, ob der Browser das Setzen von Cookies zul\u00E4sst. Enth\u00E4lt keine Identifikationsmerkmale.", }, { keyName: "IDE", platform: "AdWords Remarketing", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net", description: "Enth\u00E4lt eine zuf\u00E4llig generierte Benutzer-ID. Mithilfe dieser ID kann Google den Nutzer auf verschiedenen Websites dom\u00E4nen\u00FCbergreifend erkennen und personalisierte Werbung anzeigen.", }, { keyName: "adal", platform: "Adalyser", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die Existenz einer aktiven Sitzung zu best\u00E4tigen.", }, { keyName: "adal", platform: "Adalyser", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Conversion-Ereignisse an fr\u00FChere Besuche zur\u00FCck zu binden.", }, { keyName: "adal", platform: "Adalyser", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um ein Ger\u00E4t eindeutig zu identifizieren.", }, { keyName: "adal", platform: "Adalyser", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hierdurch wird gespeichert, welche Werbekampagne einen Nutzer zu einem Besuch gef\u00FChrt hat.", }, { keyName: "__adal_ca", platform: "Adalyser.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores which advertising campaign drove a user to visit, stores traffic source and campaign data.", }, { keyName: "__adal_cw", platform: "Adalyser.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Ties back conversion events to earlier visits, stores a visit timestamp.", }, { keyName: "__adal_id", platform: "Adalyser.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Uniquely identify a device, stores a generated Device ID.", }, { keyName: "__adal_ses", platform: "Adalyser.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Determines whether there is an active session and which conversions have taken place in this session to prevent duplicates, stores a list of events in this session.", }, { keyName: "acalltracker", platform: "Adcalls", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Adcalls call tracking: ID, phone number", }, { keyName: "acalltrackersession", platform: "Adcalls", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie stores a unique identifier, so that it can be tracked which session the visitor is in.", }, { keyName: "acalltrackerreferrer", platform: "Adcalls", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set as soon as the AdCalls JavaScript is loaded. The cookie is used to store the referrer of the visitor as quickly as possible, so that it cannot be lost. As soon as the JavaScript has been executed, this cookie is immediately deleted.", }, { keyName: "excludecalltracking", platform: "Adcalls", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set as soon as the visitor - for whatever reason - is not measured, so that we do not take any further actions.", }, { keyName: "acalltrackernumber", platform: "Adcalls", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie stores the phone number for the session that is active.", }, { keyName: "__atuvc", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: ".addthis.com", description: "This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget, it stores an updated page share count.", }, { keyName: "__atuvs", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: ".addthis.com", description: "This cookie is associated with the AddThis social sharing widget, which serves a similar purpose to other cookies set by the service.", }, { keyName: "ssc", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: ".addthis.com", description: "AddThis - Cookie related to an AddThis sharing button available on the website", }, { keyName: "uvc", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: ".addthis.com", description: "AddThis - Cookie related to an AddThis sharing button available on the website", }, { keyName: "loc", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: ".addthis.com", description: "AddThis - Cookie related to an AddThis sharing button available on the website", }, { keyName: "na_id", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: ".addthis.com", description: "AddThis - Cookie related to an AddThis sharing button available on the website", }, { keyName: "na_tc", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: ".addthis.com", description: "AddThis - Cookie related to an AddThis sharing button available on the website", }, { keyName: "ouid", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: ".addthis.com", description: "AddThis - Cookie related to an AddThis sharing button available on the website", }, { keyName: "atuvc", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: "addthis.com", description: "Auf diese Weise k\u00F6nnen Besucher Inhalte mit einer Reihe von Netzwerk- und Freigabeplattformen teilen.", }, { keyName: "atuvs", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: "addthis.com", description: "Auf diese Weise k\u00F6nnen Besucher Inhalte mit einer Reihe von Netzwerk- und Freigabeplattformen teilen.", }, { keyName: "locmussscsshsshsuvc", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: "addthis.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um das Freigabeverhalten zu protokollieren.", }, { keyName: "ouiduid", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: "addthis.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um das Freigabeverhalten zu protokollieren.", }, { keyName: "bt2", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: "addthis.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die Seiten der besuchten Website aufzuzeichnen, um andere Teile der Website zu empfehlen.", }, { keyName: "di2", platform: "AddThis", category: "Functional", domain: "addthis.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um das Ablaufdatum anderer Cookies zu verfolgen, die von der Social-Sharing-Plattform verwendet werden.", }, { keyName: "TPC", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Used to determine if browser of user accepts third party cookies or not", }, { keyName: "C", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Used to determine if browser of user accepts cookies or not", }, { keyName: "uid", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Contains a unique ID to identify a user", }, { keyName: "cid", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Unique value to be able to identify cookies from users (same as uid)", }, { keyName: "GCM", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Checks if a new partner cookie synchronozation is required", }, { keyName: "CM", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Checks if a new partner cookie synchronozation is required (cookie set by ad server)", }, { keyName: "CM14", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Checks if a new partner cookie synchronozation is required (cookie set during cookie synchronozation )", }, { keyName: "token", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Security token for opt out functionality", }, { keyName: "otsid", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Opt out cookie for specific advertiser", }, { keyName: "adtrc", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Used to determine if browser related information has been collected", }, { keyName: "SR", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Unique value that records info about consecutive ads - includes: total impressions, daily impressions, total clicks, daily clicks, and last impression date", }, { keyName: "CT", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Identifies the last click membership for third-party pixels on advertiser's pages", }, { keyName: "EBFCD", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Registers daily max. number of impressions (frequency cap) for expanding advertisements (expandables)", }, { keyName: "EBFC", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Registers max. total number of impressions (frequency cap) for expanding advertisements (expandables)", }, { keyName: "CFFC", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Registers max. number of impressions (frequency cap) for compound banners", }, { keyName: "DigiTrust.v1.identity", platform: "Adform", category: "Marketing", domain: "adform.net (3rd party)", description: "Unique value with which the user is identified by DigiTrust, an independent industrial body", }, { keyName: "Connectsid", platform: "Adform", category: "Functional", domain: "adform.net", description: "Gibt an, ob der Browser des Benutzers cookies akzeptiert.", }, { keyName: "TPC", platform: "Adform", category: "Functional", domain: "adform.net", description: "Gibt an, ob der Browser des Benutzers cookies von Drittanbietern akzeptiert", }, { keyName: "GCM", platform: "Adform", category: "Functional", domain: "adform.net", description: "Gibt an, ob die Existenz des cookie -Abgleichs des Partners erneut \u00FCberpr\u00FCft werden muss", }, { keyName: "CM14", platform: "Adform", category: "Functional", domain: "adform.net", description: "Gibt an, ob die Existenz des cookie -Matching des Partners erneut \u00FCberpr\u00FCft werden muss (festgelegt durch Cookie -Matching)", }, { keyName: "token", platform: "Adform", category: "Functional", domain: "adform.net", description: "Sicherheitstoken f\u00FCr die Opt-out-Funktion", }, { keyName: "otsid", platform: "Adform", category: "Functional", domain: "adform.net", description: "Werbetreibendenspezifisches Opt-out", }, { keyName: "uid", platform: "Adform", category: "Functional", domain: "adform.net", description: "Dies ist eine eindeutige Kennung.", }, { keyName: "cid", platform: "Adform", category: "Functional", domain: "adform.net", description: "Dies ist eine eindeutige Kennung.", }, { keyName: "adtrc", platform: "Adform", category: "Functional", domain: "adform.net", description: "\u00DCberpr\u00FCfen Sie, ob Browserinformationen gesammelt wurden", }, { keyName: "EBFCD", platform: "Adform", category: "Functional", domain: "adform.net", description: "Identifiziert das t\u00E4gliche Frequency Capping f\u00FCr Expanding-Banner", }, { keyName: "CFFC", platform: "Adform", category: "Functional", domain: "adform.net", description: "Frequency Capping f\u00FCr Compound-Banner", }, { keyName: "UserID1", platform: "Adition", category: "Marketing", domain: "adfarm3.adition.com", description: "Cookie sets a unique anonymous ID for a website visitor. This ID is used to recognize the user on different sessions and to track their activities on the website. The data collected is used for analysis purposes.", }, { keyName: "UserID1", platform: "Adition", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird verwendet, um die H\u00E4ufigkeit und Reihenfolge der Anzeigenschaltung pro Ger\u00E4t (Webbrowser \/ einzigartiges Ger\u00E4t) zu steuern. Richtet sich erneut auf Ger\u00E4te aus, die zuvor Kontakt mit der Kampagne oder der Website des Werbetreibenden hatten. Kampagnenerfolgsmessung: Messung der Kontakth\u00E4ufigkeit pro Ger\u00E4t, Messung der Aktionen auf der Kampagnenzielseite nach Anzeigenkontakt (Ansicht oder Klick) mittels pseudonymer UserID.", }, { keyName: "_${campaign", platform: "Adition", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Steuert die H\u00E4ufigkeit der Anzeigenschaltung pro Ger\u00E4t (Webbrowser \/ einzigartiges Ger\u00E4t). Steuert die Reihenfolge der Anzeigenschaltung pro Ger\u00E4t Retargeting-Ger\u00E4te, die zuvor Kontakt mit der Kampagne oder mit der Website des Werbetreibenden hatten Messung des Kampagnenerfolgs: Messung der Kontakth\u00E4ufigkeit pro Ger\u00E4t Messung der Aktionen auf der Kampagnenzielseite nach Anzeigenkontakt (Ansicht oder Klick).", }, { keyName: "_${campaign", platform: "Adition", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Controls the frequency of ad insertion per device (web browser \/ unique device). Controls the sequence of ad insertion per device Retarget devices that have had previous contact with the campaign or with the advertiser's website Campaign success measurement: measurement of contact frequency per device Measurement of actions on the campaign target page after ad contact (view or click).", }, { keyName: "LogID1_${contentunit", platform: "Adition", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Controls the frequency of ad insertion per device (web browser \/ unique device). Controls the sequence of ad insertion per device Retarget devices that have had previous contact with the campaign or with the advertiser's website Campaign success measurement: measurement of contact frequency per device Measurement of actions on the campaign target page after ad contact (view or click).", }, { keyName: "UserID1", platform: "Adition Dynamic Bannering", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um die H\u00E4ufigkeit und Reihenfolge der Anzeigenschaltung pro Ger\u00E4t (Webbrowser \/ einzigartiges Ger\u00E4t) zu steuern. Richtet sich erneut auf Ger\u00E4te aus, die zuvor Kontakt mit der Kampagne oder der Website des Werbetreibenden hatten. Kampagnenerfolgsmessung: Messung der Kontakth\u00E4ufigkeit pro Ger\u00E4t, Messung der Aktionen auf der Kampagnenzielseite nach Anzeigenkontakt (Ansicht oder Klick) mittels pseudonymer UserID.", }, { keyName: "UserID1", platform: "Adition Erfolgsspot", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um die H\u00E4ufigkeit und Reihenfolge der Anzeigenschaltung pro Ger\u00E4t (Webbrowser \/ einzigartiges Ger\u00E4t) zu steuern. Richtet sich erneut auf Ger\u00E4te aus, die zuvor Kontakt mit der Kampagne oder der Website des Werbetreibenden hatten. Kampagnenerfolgsmessung: Messung der Kontakth\u00E4ufigkeit pro Ger\u00E4t, Messung der Aktionen auf der Kampagnenzielseite nach Anzeigenkontakt (Ansicht oder Klick) mittels pseudonymer UserID.", }, { keyName: "UserID1", platform: "Adition Lead", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um die H\u00E4ufigkeit und Reihenfolge der Anzeigenschaltung pro Ger\u00E4t (Webbrowser \/ einzigartiges Ger\u00E4t) zu steuern. Richtet sich erneut auf Ger\u00E4te aus, die zuvor Kontakt mit der Kampagne oder der Website des Werbetreibenden hatten. Kampagnenerfolgsmessung: Messung der Kontakth\u00E4ufigkeit pro Ger\u00E4t, Messung der Aktionen auf der Kampagnenzielseite nach Anzeigenkontakt (Ansicht oder Klick) mittels pseudonymer UserID.", }, { keyName: "UserID1", platform: "Adition Offsite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um die H\u00E4ufigkeit und Reihenfolge der Anzeigenschaltung pro Ger\u00E4t (Webbrowser \/ einzigartiges Ger\u00E4t) zu steuern. Richtet sich erneut auf Ger\u00E4te aus, die zuvor Kontakt mit der Kampagne oder der Website des Werbetreibenden hatten. Kampagnenerfolgsmessung: Messung der Kontakth\u00E4ufigkeit pro Ger\u00E4t, Messung der Aktionen auf der Kampagnenzielseite nach Anzeigenkontakt (Ansicht oder Klick) mittels pseudonymer UserID.", }, { keyName: "UserID2", platform: "Adition Onsite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um die H\u00E4ufigkeit und Reihenfolge der Anzeigenschaltung pro Ger\u00E4t (Webbrowser \/ einzigartiges Ger\u00E4t) zu steuern. Richtet sich erneut auf Ger\u00E4te aus, die zuvor Kontakt mit der Kampagne oder der Website des Werbetreibenden hatten. Kampagnenerfolgsmessung: Messung der Kontakth\u00E4ufigkeit pro Ger\u00E4t, Messung der Aktionen auf der Kampagnenzielseite nach Anzeigenkontakt (Ansicht oder Klick) mittels pseudonymer UserID.", }, { keyName: "__adm_ui", platform: "Admatic", category: "Marketing", domain: "admatic.com.tr (3rd party)", description: "Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.", }, { keyName: "__adm_uiex", platform: "Admatic", category: "Marketing", domain: "admatic.com.tr (3rd party)", description: "Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.", }, { keyName: "__adm_usyncc", platform: "Admatic", category: "Marketing", domain: "admatic.com.tr (3rd party)", description: "Used to identify the visitor across visits and devices. This allows the website to present the visitor with relevant advertisement - The service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "am-uid", platform: "Admixer", category: "Marketing", domain: "admixer.net", description: "This cookie is used to identify the visitor and optimize ad-relevance by collecting visitor data from multiple websites \u2013 this exchange of visitor data is normally provided by a third-party data-center or ad-exchange.", }, { keyName: "lcc", platform: "Adobe Advertising Cloud", category: "Marketing", domain: "everesttech.net", description: "Dies ist ein Cookie eines Drittanbieters, mit dem festgelegt wird, ob ein Klickereignis in einer Display-Anzeige als Adobe Analytics-Treffer gewertet werden soll.", }, { keyName: "tmae", platform: "Adobe Advertising Cloud", category: "Marketing", domain: "everesttech.net", description: "Dies ist ein Cookie eines Drittanbieters, in dem Benutzerinteraktionen mit Anzeigen gespeichert werden", }, { keyName: "adcloud", platform: "Adobe Advertising Cloud", category: "Marketing", domain: "adobe.com", description: "Dies ist ein Cookie, das die Surfer-ID mit relevanten Zielgruppensegmenten und Conversions verkn\u00FCpft.", }, { keyName: "sync", platform: "Adobe Advertising Cloud", category: "Marketing", domain: "everesttech.net", description: "Ein Drittanbieter-Cookie speziell f\u00FCr den Anzeigenaustausch, das die Surfer-ID in der Advertising Cloud mit dem Partner-Anzeigenaustausch synchronisiert.", }, { keyName: "everest", platform: "Adobe Advertising Cloud", category: "Marketing", domain: "everesttech.net", description: "Dieses Cookie wird erstellt, nachdem ein Nutzer zum ersten Mal auf die Anzeige eines Kunden geklickt und aktuelle und nachfolgende Klicks anderen Ereignissen auf der Website des Kunden zugeordnet hat.", }, { keyName: "everestsession", platform: "Adobe Advertising Cloud", category: "Marketing", domain: "everesttech.net", description: "Dieses Cookie enth\u00E4lt Informationen dar\u00FCber, wie der Endbenutzer die Website nutzt, sowie \u00FCber Werbung, die der Endbenutzer m\u00F6glicherweise vor dem Besuch dieser Website gesehen hat.", }, { keyName: "s_cc", platform: "Adobe Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used to determine if browser of user accepts cookies or not", }, { keyName: "s_sq", platform: "Adobe Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used to register the previous link clicked by the user", }, { keyName: "s_vi", platform: "Adobe Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party) or 207.net (3rd party)", description: "Contains a unique ID to identify a user", }, { keyName: "s_fid", platform: "Adobe Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Alternative cookie with unique user ID \/ timestamp when the s_vi cookie can not be set for technical reasons", }, { keyName: "fid", platform: "Adobe Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "If other visitor ID methods fail, Adobe sets a fallback cookie or uses a combination of IP address and user agent to identify the visitor.", }, { keyName: "s_ppv", platform: "Adobe Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Stores information on the percentage of the page displayed", }, { keyName: "s_tp", platform: "Adobe Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This lets us know how much of the page you viewed.", }, { keyName: "sat_track", platform: "Adobe Analytics", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "The sat_track cookie is a part of Adobe Analytics. It controls the enabling and disabling of cookies and whether they are loaded onto the site.", }, { keyName: "AMCV_###@AdobeOrg", platform: "Adobe Analytics", category: "Functional", domain: "Current Website", description: "Identifiziert denselben Besucher in verschiedenen Marketing Cloud-L\u00F6sungen.", }, { keyName: "AMCVS_###@AdobeOrg", platform: "Adobe Analytics", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Cookie verwendet, um neue Sitzungen zum Abrufen der Besucher-ID zu erkennen.", }, { keyName: "demdex", platform: "Adobe Analytics", category: "Functional", domain: "demdex.net", description: "Das Demdex-Cookie enth\u00E4lt die Demdex-ID, die vom DCS generiert wird.", }, { keyName: "demdex", platform: "Adobe Audience Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party) or demdex.net (3rd party)", description: "Unique value with which Audience Manager can identify a user. Used, among others, for identification, segmentation, modeling and reporting purposes.", }, { keyName: "dextp", platform: "Adobe Audience Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Registers the date plus time (timestamp) on which a data synchronization was last performed by the Audience Manager.", }, { keyName: "dst", platform: "Adobe Audience Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used to register a possible error message when sending data to a linked system.", }, { keyName: "_dp", platform: "Adobe Audience Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party) or demdex.net (3rd party)", description: "Used to determine if browser of user accepts cookies or not", }, { keyName: "aam_uuid", platform: "Adobe Audience Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Adobe Audience Manager - data management platform uses these cookies to assign a unique ID when users visit a website.", }, { keyName: "AMCV_", platform: "Adobe Audience Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Adobe Experience Cloud uses a cookie to store a unique visitor ID that is used across Experience Cloud Solutions.", }, { keyName: "AMCVS_", platform: "Adobe Audience Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "The AMCVS cookie serves as a flag indicating that the session has been initialized. Its value is always 1 and discontinues when the session has ended.", }, { keyName: "mbox", platform: "Adobe Audience Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Adobe Target uses cookies to give website operators the ability to test which online content and offers are more relevant to visitors.", }, { keyName: "at_check", platform: "Adobe Audience Manager", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "A simple test value used to determine if a visitor supports cookies. Set each time a visitor requests a page.", }, { keyName: "renderid", platform: "Adobe Audience Manager", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is needed by the dispatcher (webserver) to distinguish between the different publisher server.", }, { keyName: "cfid", platform: "Adobe ColdFusion", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used to determine which type of device the visitor is using, so the website can be properly formatted", }, { keyName: "cftoken", platform: "Adobe ColdFusion", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used to determine which type of device the visitor is using, so the website can be properly formatted", }, { keyName: "ecid", platform: "Adobe Experience Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "adobe.com", description: "This cookie enables end-to-end ID tracking as a first-party provider and is used as a reference ID.", }, { keyName: "Affinity", platform: "Adobe Experience Manager", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This cookie helps to ensure that content is targeted to visitors who are most likely to act on the information.", }, { keyName: "JSESSIONID", platform: "Adobe Experience Manager", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "", }, { keyName: "mbox", platform: "Adobe Target", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Ein Cookie, mit dem eine Reihe von Werten (Sitzungs-ID, PC-ID, \u00DCberpr\u00FCfen und Deaktivieren) beibehalten werden, um zu verwalten, wie Besucher Zielkampagnen erleben.", }, { keyName: "OAID", platform: "AdsWizz", category: "Functional", domain: "adswizz.com", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um den Benutzer \u00FCber mehrere Sitzungen hinweg zu identifizieren.", }, { keyName: "OAEGEO", platform: "AdsWizz", category: "Functional", domain: "adswizz.com", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um die Standortinformationen des Benutzers aufzuzeichnen und schnellere nachfolgende Suchvorg\u00E4nge zu erm\u00F6glichen.", }, { keyName: "sessionID", platform: "AdsWizz", category: "Functional", domain: "adswizz.com", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um die Sitzung desselben Benutzers zu identifizieren.", }, { keyName: "ASPNETSessionId", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Beh\u00E4lt den Sitzungsstatus des Besuchers \u00FCber Seitenanforderungen hinweg bei.", }, { keyName: "CookieConsent", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert den cookie Zustimmungsstatus des Benutzers f\u00FCr die aktuelle Dom\u00E4ne.", }, { keyName: "images", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Merkt sich, in welcher Aufl\u00F6sung Bilder geladen werden sollen.", }, { keyName: "lang", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Merkt sich die vom Benutzer ausgew\u00E4hlte Sprachversion einer Website.", }, { keyName: "CONSENT", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird verwendet, um zu erkennen, ob der Besucher die Marketingkategorie im cookie Banner akzeptiert hat. Dieses cookie ist f\u00FCr die GDPR der Website erforderlich.", }, { keyName: "gat", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird von Google Analytics verwendet, um die Anfragerate zu drosseln.", }, { keyName: "gid", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Registriert eine eindeutige ID, die verwendet wird, um statistische Daten dar\u00FCber zu generieren, wie der Besucher die Website nutzt.", }, { keyName: "intercomintercomstatehhj23vct", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert Daten f\u00FCr das Intercom-Support-Chat-Widget.", }, { keyName: "intercom", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird verwendet, um Ihren Browser zu identifizieren, um sich an Gespr\u00E4che \u00FCber Intercom zu erinnern, die Sie eingeleitet haben.", }, { keyName: "intercomsession", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird verwendet, um die Intercom-Chat-Funktionalit\u00E4t zu aktivieren und wird bei jedem erfolgreichen eingeloggten Ping aktualisiert, wodurch es ab dem Moment auf 1 Woche verl\u00E4ngert wird.", }, { keyName: "smartlookbanexpire", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von Smartlook verwaltet und bietet tracking benutzer Behavior Analytics.", }, { keyName: "smartlookbanreason", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von Smartlook verwaltet und bietet tracking benutzer Behavior Analytics.", }, { keyName: "vuid", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Sammelt Daten \u00FCber die Besuche des Benutzers auf der Website, z. B. welche Seiten gelesen wurden.", }, { keyName: "fbssls", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Sammelt Daten \u00FCber die Nutzung des Kommentarsystems auf der Website durch den Besucher und welche Blogs\/Artikel der Besucher gelesen hat. Dies kann f\u00FCr Marketingzwecke verwendet werden.", }, { keyName: "DIE", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird von Google DoubleClick verwendet, um die Aktionen des Website-Benutzers nach dem Anzeigen oder Anklicken einer der Anzeigen des Werbetreibenden zu registrieren und zu melden, um die Wirksamkeit einer Anzeige zu messen und dem Benutzer zielgerichtete Anzeigen zu pr\u00E4sentieren.", }, { keyName: "testcookie", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird verwendet, um zu \u00FCberpr\u00FCfen, ob der Browser des Benutzers cookies unterst\u00FCtzt.", }, { keyName: "VISITORINFO1LIVE", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Versucht, die Bandbreite der Nutzer auf Seiten mit integrierten YouTube-Videos abzusch\u00E4tzen.", }, { keyName: "YSC", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Registriert eine eindeutige ID, um Statistiken dar\u00FCber zu f\u00FChren, welche Videos von YouTube der Benutzer gesehen hat.", }, { keyName: "innertubenextId", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Registriert eine eindeutige ID, um Statistiken dar\u00FCber zu f\u00FChren, welche Videos von YouTube der Benutzer gesehen hat.", }, { keyName: "innertuberequests", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Registriert eine eindeutige ID, um Statistiken dar\u00FCber zu f\u00FChren, welche Videos von YouTube der Benutzer gesehen hat.", }, { keyName: "remotecastavailable", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die Videoplayer-Einstellungen des Benutzers mit eingebettetem YouTube-Video.", }, { keyName: "remotecastinstalled", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die Videoplayer-Einstellungen des Benutzers mit eingebettetem YouTube-Video.", }, { keyName: "remoteconnecteddevices", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die Videoplayer-Einstellungen des Benutzers mit eingebettetem YouTube-Video.", }, { keyName: "remotedevice", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die Videoplayer-Einstellungen des Benutzers mit eingebettetem YouTube-Video.", }, { keyName: "remotefastcheckperiod", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die Videoplayer-Einstellungen des Benutzers mit eingebettetem YouTube-Video.", }, { keyName: "remotesessionapp", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die Videoplayer-Einstellungen des Benutzers mit eingebettetem YouTube-Video.", }, { keyName: "remotesessionname", platform: "Adtraction", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die Videoplayer-Einstellungen des Benutzers mit eingebettetem YouTube-Video.", }, { keyName: "XSRF-TOKEN", platform: "Advertiser's website domain", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is written to help with site security in preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.", }, { keyName: "advst_uid_11", platform: "Adxcore", category: "Marketing", domain: ".adxcore.com", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "DISPATCHER", platform: "Adxcore", category: "Marketing", domain: "dispatcher.adxcore.com", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "JSESSIONID", platform: "Adyen", category: "Functional", domain: "adyen.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um Benutzer zu verfolgen.", }, { keyName: "AKA", platform: "Akamai", category: "Functional", domain: "akamai.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die Bereitstellung von Inhalten auf Websites mithilfe der adaptiven Beschleunigungsfunktion zu beschleunigen.", }, { keyName: "_abck", platform: "Akamai Botmanager", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used to analyse traffic to determine if it is automated traffic generated by IT systems or a human user", }, { keyName: "aklamiosession", platform: "Aklamio", category: "Functional", domain: "aklamio.com", description: "Der Zweck dieses cookie besteht darin, den Authentifizierungsstatus eines Benutzers auf aklamio.com aufrechtzuerhalten", }, { keyName: "aklamio", platform: "Aklamio", category: "Functional", domain: "aklamio.com", description: "Dieser cookie -Typ speichert eine Klick-Kennung, bevor der Nutzer \u00FCber eine Empfehlung oder einen Cashback-Link zu einem Shop weitergeleitet wird. Beachten Sie, dass der Wert (Klickkennung) im Cookie-Namen gespeichert wird, um von anderen cookies anderer Partner unterscheidbar zu sein. Das cookie erm\u00F6glicht die Zuweisung von Pr\u00E4mien zu Empfehlungen, Cashbacks oder Anmeldungen bei der Zustellung \u00FCber das aklamio- tracking.", }, { keyName: "AlteonP", platform: "Alteon", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set by the load balancers and allows us to evenly balance the number of users across the web servers that we use.", }, { keyName: "borlabscookie", platform: "Altruja", category: "Functional", domain: "https:\/\/www.altruja.de\/", description: "Mit diesem cookie werden Cookie -Laufzeit, Cookie -Version, Domain und Pfad der WordPress-Website, Einwilligungen, UID gespeichert.", }, { keyName: "__trf.src", platform: "Amazon", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Registers how the user has reached the website to enable pay-out of referral commission fees to partners.", }, { keyName: "amazonpayabtestingapamigration", platform: "Amazon Pay", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Stellt sicher, dass die richtige Amazon Pay-Schaltfl\u00E4che f\u00FCr die verwendete Anmeldetechnologie gerendert wird", }, { keyName: "amazonpayabtestingnewwidgets", platform: "Amazon Pay", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Stellt sicher, dass die richtigen Amazon Pay-Widgets beim Auschecken gerendert werden", }, { keyName: "amazonpayconnectedAuth", platform: "Amazon Pay", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Stellt sicher, dass der richtige Anmeldefluss f\u00FCr die K\u00E4uferanmeldung verwendet wird", }, { keyName: "apaysessionset", platform: "Amazon Pay", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Stellt sicher, dass beim Auschecken die richtige Sitzung beibehalten wird", }, { keyName: "language", platform: "Amazon Pay", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Stellt sicher, dass das Amazon Pay-Erlebnis in der richtigen Sprache dargestellt wird", }, { keyName: "amazonLoginstatecache", platform: "Amazon Pay", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Stellt sicher, dass die Anmeldung des K\u00E4ufers ordnungsgem\u00E4\u00DF funktioniert", }, { keyName: "amazonLoginaccessToken", platform: "Amazon Pay", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Stellt sicher, dass die Anmeldung des K\u00E4ufers im Umleitungsfluss ordnungsgem\u00E4\u00DF funktioniert", }, { keyName: "apayLoginState", platform: "Amazon Pay", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Stellt sicher, dass der K\u00E4ufer die richtigen Widgets f\u00FCr den Legacy-Flow sieht", }, { keyName: "amazonpaycorsblockedstatus", platform: "Amazon Pay", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Bestimmt das optimale Verkehrsrouting, um das Blockieren von Skripten zu vermeiden", }, { keyName: "AWSALB", platform: "Amazon Web Services", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "These cookies enable us to allocate server traffic to make the user experience as smooth as possible. A so-called load balancer is used to determine which server currently has the best availability. The information generated cannot identify you as an individual.", }, { keyName: "AWSALBCORS", platform: "Amazon Web Services", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "For continued stickiness support with CORS use cases after the Chromium update, we are creating additional stickiness cookies for each of these duration-based stickiness features named AWSALBCORS (ALB).", }, { keyName: "AWSELBCORS", platform: "Amazon Web Services", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "For continued stickiness support with CORS use cases after the Chromium update, we are creating additional stickiness cookies for each of these duration-based stickiness features named AWSELBCORS (ALB).", }, { keyName: "AWSELB", platform: "Amazon Web Services", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "AWS Classic Load Balancer Cookie: Load Balancing Cookie: Used to map the session to the instance.", }, { keyName: "privacy", platform: "Amazon advertising", category: "", domain: "amazon.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die Aktionen des Benutzers zu registrieren und Inhalte auf der Website basierend auf den angeklickten Anzeigen auf verschiedenen Websites zu zielen.", }, { keyName: "uid", platform: "Amobee", category: "Functional", domain: "www.amobee.com", description: "Dieses Cookie erstellt eine eindeutige Benutzer-ID, die den Benutzer bei wiederkehrenden Besuchen erkennt.", }, { keyName: "ADRUMADRUMBT1ADRUMBTaADRUMBTsADRUMCLIENTINFO", platform: "AppDynamics", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This cookies are used for technical monitoring.", }, { keyName: "anj", platform: "AppNexus (adnxs.com)", category: "Functional", domain: "https:\/\/www.xandr.com\/", description: "Registriert eine eindeutige ID, die das Ger\u00E4t eines zur\u00FCckkehrenden Benutzers identifiziert. Die ID wird f\u00FCr gezielte Werbung verwendet.", }, { keyName: "uuid2", platform: "AppNexus (adnxs.com)", category: "Functional", domain: "https:\/\/www.xandr.com\/", description: "Registriert eine eindeutige ID, die das Ger\u00E4t eines zur\u00FCckkehrenden Benutzers identifiziert. Die ID wird f\u00FCr gezielte Werbung verwendet.", }, { keyName: "AA003", platform: "Atlas", category: "Marketing", domain: "atdmt.com", description: "Collects information on visitor behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used on the website, in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement.", }, { keyName: "ATN", platform: "Atlas", category: "Marketing", domain: "atdmt.com", description: "Collects information on visitor behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used on the website, in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement.", }, { keyName: "arcki2", platform: "Audrte", category: "Marketing", domain: "audrte.com", description: "Collects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.", }, { keyName: "csrf", platform: "Auth0", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies ist ein cookie , das f\u00FCr zus\u00E4tzliche Sicherheit bei der Authentifizierung verwendet wird. Es stellt sicher, dass der vom Benutzer verwendete Browser auf die Anwendung zugreifen darf und keine f\u00FCr den Benutzer sch\u00E4dlichen Angriffe erfolgen k\u00F6nnen.", }, { keyName: "auth0", platform: "Auth0", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies ist ein cookie , das f\u00FCr die Funktion der Auth0-Website erforderlich ist und als Reaktion auf durchgef\u00FChrte Aktionen (z. B. Einloggen) gesetzt wird. Es werden keine personenbezogenen Daten gespeichert.", }, { keyName: "did", platform: "Auth0", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies ist ein cookie , das die zu speichernden Benutzer-IDs speichert, wenn eine Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung f\u00FCr einen Benutzer eines bestimmten Anbieters durchgef\u00FChrt wird.", }, { keyName: "buid", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is used by Microsoft to securely verify your login information", }, { keyName: "esctx", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is used by Microsoft to securely verify your login information", }, { keyName: "fpc", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is used by Microsoft to securely verify your login information", }, { keyName: "stsservicecookie", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Cookie for Azure Active Directory B2C-verification", }, { keyName: "ARRAffinity", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "When using Microsoft Azure as a hosting platform and enabling load balancing, this cookie ensures that requests from one visitor's browsing session are always handled by the same server in the cluster.", }, { keyName: "ARRAffinitySameSite", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "When using Microsoft Azure as a hosting platform and enabling load balancing, this cookie ensures that requests from one visitor's browsing session are always handled by the same server in the cluster.", }, { keyName: "__AntiXsrfToken", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is used to prevent Cross-site request forgery (often abbreviated as CSRF) attacks of the website. CSRF attacks exploit the trust that a site has in a user's browser.", }, { keyName: ".ASPXANONYMOUS", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Created by ASP.Net. This cookie configures anonymous identification for application authorization. This is required to identify entities that are not authenticated when authorization is required.", }, { keyName: ".ASPXAUTH", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Created by ASP.Net. .ASPXAUTH is a cookie to identify if the user is authenticated( As user's identity has been verified)", }, { keyName: "nSGt-", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is used by Microsoft to securely verify your Sharepoint login information", }, { keyName: "RpsContextCookie", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is used by Microsoft to securely verify your Sharepoint login information", }, { keyName: "ASLBSACORS", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Microsoft App Service and Front Door Affinity Cookies. These cookies are used to direct your browser to use the appropriate backend server.", }, { keyName: "ASLBSA", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Microsoft App Service and Front Door Affinity Cookies. These cookies are used to direct your browser to use the appropriate backend server.", }, { keyName: "ASPSESSIONID", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Browsing session: the asterisks identify an alphanumerical code that varies from session to session in automatic mode.", }, { keyName: "ApplicationGatewayAffinity", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is used by Azure Apps to keep a user session on the same server.", }, { keyName: "ApplicationGatewayAffinityCORS", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is used by Azure Apps to keep a user session on the same server.", }, { keyName: "VisitorStorageGuid", platform: "Azure \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is used by Azure Apps to keep a user session on the same server.", }, { keyName: "tuuidtuuid", platform: "BIDSWITCH", category: "Functional", domain: ".bidswitch.net", description: "Diese Cookies speichern eine eindeutige ID, um festzustellen, welche Anzeigen die Benutzer gesehen haben, wenn Sie eine der Websites des Werbetreibenden besucht haben. Die Informationen werden verwendet, um zu bestimmen, wann und wie oft Benutzer ein bestimmtes Banner sehen.", }, { keyName: "HMACCOUNT", platform: "Baidu Analytics", category: "Functional", domain: ".hm.baidu.com", description: "This is used to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website.", }, { keyName: "lpvt", platform: "Baidu Analytics", category: "Functional", domain: ".classictic.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die H\u00E4ufigkeit der Anfragen zu begrenzen.", }, { keyName: "lvt", platform: "Baidu Analytics", category: "Functional", domain: "classictic.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die H\u00E4ufigkeit der Anfragen zu begrenzen.", }, { keyName: "BVBRANDID", platform: "Bazaar Voice", category: "Analytics", domain: "network.bazaarvoice.com", description: "BVBRANDID is a persistent cookie that allows Bazaarvoice to track website analytics data such as how often you visit the site and allocate it to the same website visitor.", }, { keyName: "BVBRANDSID", platform: "Bazaar Voice", category: "Analytics", domain: "network.bazaarvoice.com", description: "This cookie allows internal Bazaarvoice web analytics to be correlated to the same user browsing session for interactions within a particular client domain.", }, { keyName: "BVID", platform: "Bazaar Voice", category: "Marketing", domain: "network.bazaarvoice.com", description: "Allows internal Bazaarvoice web analytics to be correlated to the same user for interactions across the Bazaarvoice network.", }, { keyName: "BVSID", platform: "Bazaar Voice", category: "Marketing", domain: "network.bazaarvoice.com", description: "Allows internal Bazaarvoice web analytics to be correlated to the same user browsing session for interactions across the Bazaarvoice network.", }, { keyName: "tsvtsc", platform: "Belboon", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Die cookies werden gesetzt, wenn eine Anzeige gesetzt und angeklickt wird.", }, { keyName: "belco-anonymous-id", platform: "Belco", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie enables you to make use of the chat-function of our customer service-tool, so we can help you anytime.", }, { keyName: "belco-cookies", platform: "Belco", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie enables you to make use of the chat-function of our customer service-tool, so we can help you anytime.", }, { keyName: "dc", platform: "BetweenDigital", category: "Marketing", domain: "betweendigital.com", description: "This cookie is used for advertising purposes", }, { keyName: "MR", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: ".bing.com (3rd party) or .microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to collect information for analytics purposes.", }, { keyName: "MUID", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: ".bing.com (3rd party) or .microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes.", }, { keyName: "MUIDB", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: ".bing.com (3rd party) or .microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes.", }, { keyName: "MC1", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: ".bing.com (3rd party) or .microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes.", }, { keyName: "MSFPC", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: ".bing.com (3rd party) or .microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes.", }, { keyName: "_uetsid", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: ".bing.com (3rd party) or .microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is used by Bing to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site.", }, { keyName: "_uetvid", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: ".bing.com (3rd party) or .microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "This is a cookie utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads and is a tracking cookie. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website.", }, { keyName: "ANON", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains the ANID, a unique identifier derived from your Microsoft account, which is used for advertising, personalization, and operational purposes. It is also used to preserve your choice to opt out of interest-based advertising from Microsoft if you have chosen to associate the opt-out with your Microsoft account.", }, { keyName: "ANONCHK", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to store session ID for a users session to ensure that clicks from adverts on the Bing search engine are verified for reporting purposes and for personalisation", }, { keyName: "CC", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains a country code as determined from your IP address.", }, { keyName: "PPAuth", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Helps to authenticate you when you sign in with your Microsoft account.", }, { keyName: "MSPAuth", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Helps to authenticate you when you sign in with your Microsoft account.", }, { keyName: "MSNRPSAuth", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Helps to authenticate you when you sign in with your Microsoft account.", }, { keyName: "KievRPSAuth", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Helps to authenticate you when you sign in with your Microsoft account.", }, { keyName: "WLSSC", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Helps to authenticate you when you sign in with your Microsoft account.", }, { keyName: "MSPProf", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Helps to authenticate you when you sign in with your Microsoft account.", }, { keyName: "MC0", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Detects whether cookies are enabled in the browser.", }, { keyName: "MS0", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Identifies a specific session.", }, { keyName: "NAP", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains an encrypted version of your country, postal code, age, gender, language and occupation, if known, based on your Microsoft account profile.", }, { keyName: "MH", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Appears on co-branded sites where Microsoft is partnering with an advertiser. This cookie identifies the advertiser, so the right ad is selected.", }, { keyName: "childinfo", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information that Microsoft account uses within its pages in relation to child accounts.", }, { keyName: "kcdob", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information that Microsoft account uses within its pages in relation to child accounts.", }, { keyName: "kcrelid", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information that Microsoft account uses within its pages in relation to child accounts.", }, { keyName: "kcru", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information that Microsoft account uses within its pages in relation to child accounts.", }, { keyName: "pcfm", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information that Microsoft account uses within its pages in relation to child accounts.", }, { keyName: "x-ms-gateway-slice", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Identifies a gateway for load balancing.", }, { keyName: "ToptOut", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: ".bing.com (3rd party) or .microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Records your decision not to receive interest-based advertising delivered by Microsoft.", }, { keyName: "ACH01", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Marketing", domain: ".bing.com (3rd party) or .microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Maintains information about which ad and where the user clicked on the ad.", }, { keyName: "AADSSO", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Microsoft Microsoft Online Authentication Cookie", }, { keyName: "brcap", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: "Microsoft Microsoft Online Authentication Cookie", }, { keyName: "SRM_B", platform: "Bing \/ Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "microsoft.com (3rd party)", description: " Collected user data is specifically adapted to the user or device. The usercan also be followed outside of the loaded website, creating a picture of the visitor's behavior.", }, { keyName: "MUID", platform: "Bing Ads", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Wird von Microsoft h\u00E4ufig als eindeutige Benutzer-ID verwendet. Dieses bing.com-Cookie erm\u00F6glicht die Nachverfolgung durch Synchronisieren der ID in vielen Microsoft-Dom\u00E4nen.", }, { keyName: "MMUIDB", platform: "Bing Ads", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie registriert Daten \u00FCber Sie aus mehreren Besuchen und auf mehreren Websites. Diese Informationen werden verwendet, um die Effizienz von Werbung auf Websites zu messen.", }, { keyName: "uetsid", platform: "Bing Ads Retargeting", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "This is a tracking cookie that is used for targeted advertising.", }, { keyName: "MUID", platform: "Bing Ads Retargeting", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "This is a user identifier tracking cookie to help count valid clicks for targeted advertising.", }, { keyName: "MUIDB", platform: "Bing Ads Retargeting", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "This is a user identifier tracking cookie used by Microsoft Bing Ads, which is used for targeted advertising.", }, { keyName: "uetvid", platform: "Bing Ads Retargeting", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Besucher auf mehreren Websites zu verfolgen, um relevante Anzeigen basierend auf den Pr\u00E4ferenzen des Besuchers zu pr\u00E4sentieren.", }, { keyName: "uetsid", platform: "Bing Conversion", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Microsoft Bing Ads UET (Universal Event Tracking, Universelle Ereignisnachverfolgung) Tracking-Cookie, der f\u00FCr die zielgerichtete Werbung genutzt wird.", }, { keyName: "uetsid", platform: "Bing Remarketing", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "", }, { keyName: "bkdc", platform: "BlueKai", category: "Marketing", domain: "bluekai.com", description: "Registers anonymised user data, such as IP address, geographical location, visited websites, and what ads the user has clicked, with the purpose of optimising ad display based on the user's movement on websites that use the same ad network.", }, { keyName: "bku", platform: "BlueKai", category: "Marketing", domain: "bluekai.com", description: "Registers anonymised user data, such as IP address, geographical location, visited websites, and what ads the user has clicked, with the purpose of optimising ad display based on the user's movement on websites that use the same ad network.", }, { keyName: "bkpa", platform: "BlueKai", category: "Marketing", domain: "bluekai.com", description: "Used to present the visitor with relevant content and advertisement - The service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "bkdc", platform: "BlueKai", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird normalerweise von Websites gesetzt, um anonymisierte Benutzerdaten (IP-Adresse, Geolokalisierung usw.) zu registrieren und anonyme Aktivit\u00E4ten zusammenzufassen, damit Vermarkter gezielter Online-Werbung schalten k\u00F6nnen.", }, { keyName: "Bku", platform: "BlueKai", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieser Cookie wird zu Werbezwecken verwendet.", }, { keyName: "bkpa", platform: "BlueKai", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieser Cookie wird zu Werbezwecken verwendet.", }, { keyName: "BCSessionID", platform: "Blueconic.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Unique identifier for the BlueConic profile.", }, { keyName: "BCTempID", platform: "Blueconic.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "blueconic.net", description: "Temporary unique identifier for the BlueConic profile, removed after BCSessionID is created.", }, { keyName: "BCPermissionLevel", platform: "Blueconic.com", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Opt-in level (PERSONAL|ANONYMOUS|DO_NOT_TRACK)", }, { keyName: "BCReferrerOverrule", platform: "Blueconic.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "blueconic.net", description: "Stores a custom bcChannelIdentifier as referrer. For these channels the actual referrer points to the website and not the overrule. The overrule would be lost if not stored in this cookie.", }, { keyName: "BCRefusedObjectives", platform: "Blueconic.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "blueconic.net", description: "Used to store the identifiers of BlueConic Objectives that were explicitly refused.", }, { keyName: "BCRevision", platform: "Blueconic.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used to store requests that are sent to BlueConic, but haven't returned yet. On the next page view, if BCRevision still contains values, those requests are sent again, to prevent data loss. This information is now stored in localStorage; when this fails, the cookie solution is used as fallback.", }, { keyName: "BCTracking", platform: "Blueconic.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used for tracking the channel of an external tracker.", }, { keyName: "twis", platform: "Bounce Exchange", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Daten \u00FCber das Verhalten der Besucher und die Interaktionen mit Inhalten zu sammeln.", }, { keyName: "bncreturningvisitor", platform: "Bounce Exchange", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Daten \u00FCber das Verhalten der Besucher und die Interaktionen mit Inhalten zu sammeln.", }, { keyName: "browserupdateorg", platform: "Browser-Update.org", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores information if user dismissed notification about outdated browser", }, { keyName: "gckp", platform: "CXense", category: "Marketing", domain: "cxense.com", description: "Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "CAKEPHP", platform: "CakePHP", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "A cookie controller used to manage other Cookies", }, { keyName: "ctmp", platform: "CallTrackingMetrics", category: "Functional", domain: "calltrackingmetrics.com", description: "Dies dient der Bereitstellung der vom Websitebetreiber verwendeten Call- tracking -Funktionalit\u00E4t. Damit kann das Support-Team der Website den Benutzer beim Aufruf des Supports wiedererkennen.", }, { keyName: "ctmid", platform: "CallTrackingMetrics", category: "Functional", domain: "calltrackingmetrics.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die Anrufverfolgungsfunktionalit\u00E4t bereitzustellen. Es setzt eine ID f\u00FCr den jeweiligen Benutzer, die es dem Support-Team des Anbieters der Website erm\u00F6glicht, den Benutzer beim Anrufen des Supports zu erkennen und die Navigation des Benutzers auf der Website zu verfolgen.", }, { keyName: "CMID", platform: "Casale Media", category: "Marketing", domain: "casalemedia.com", description: "Collects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "CMPRO", platform: "Casale Media", category: "Marketing", domain: "casalemedia.com", description: "Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that the visitor is shown the same advertisement.", }, { keyName: "CMPS", platform: "Casale Media", category: "Marketing", domain: "casalemedia.com", description: "Collects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads", }, { keyName: "CMRUM3", platform: "Casale Media", category: "Marketing", domain: "casalemedia.com", description: "Collects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "CMST", platform: "Casale Media", category: "Marketing", domain: "casalemedia.com", description: "Collects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "wwwchannelme_z_sid", platform: "Channel.me", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "The cookie is used when using the co-browsing feature.", }, { keyName: "chartbeat2", platform: "Chartbeat", category: "Functional", domain: "chartbeat.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um sich zu registrieren, wenn eine Person die Domain zuvor besucht hat.", }, { keyName: "SUPERFLYnosample", platform: "Chartbeat", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird nur verwendet, wenn das verf\u00FCgbare Traffic-Limit \u00FCberschritten wird.", }, { keyName: "apbct_antibot", platform: "CleanTalk", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their website.", }, { keyName: "ct_check_js", platform: "CleanTalk", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used in order to detect spam and improve the website's security.", }, { keyName: "ct_fkp_timestamp", platform: "CleanTalk", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used in order to detect spam and improve the website's security. Does not store visitor specific data.", }, { keyName: "ct_has_scrolled", platform: "CleanTalk", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.", }, { keyName: "ct_pointer_data", platform: "CleanTalk", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used in order to detect spam and improve the website's security. Does not store visitor specific data.", }, { keyName: "ct_ps_timestamp", platform: "CleanTalk", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used in order to detect spam and improve the website's security. Does not store visitor specific data.", }, { keyName: "ct_timezone", platform: "CleanTalk", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used in order to detect spam and improve the website's security.", }, { keyName: "__cfduid", platform: "Cloudflare", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "The '__cfduid' cookie is set by the CloudFlare service to identify trusted web traffic. It does not correspond to any user id in the web application, nor does the cookie store any personally identifiable", }, { keyName: "__cfruid", platform: "Cloudflare", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used by the content network, Cloudflare, to identify trusted web traffic.", }, { keyName: "__cf_bm", platform: "Cloudflare", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Cloudflare's bot products identify and mitigate automated traffic to protect your site from bad bots. Cloudflare places the __cf_bm cookie on End User devices that access Customer sites that are protected by Bot Management or Bot Fight Mode. The __cf_bm cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of these bot solutions.", }, { keyName: "cflb", platform: "Cloudflare", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "This cookie is set for load balancing purposes. This cookie is set to route future requests to the same origin, optimizing network resource usage.", }, { keyName: "info", platform: "Cloudflare", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "This cookie provides information about failed requests to our website.", }, { keyName: "use", platform: "Cloudflare", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "This cookie informs Cloudflare to fetch the requested resource from the Always Online cache on the designated port.", }, { keyName: "cfruid", platform: "Cloudflare", category: "Essentiell", domain: "cloudflare.com", description: "This cookie is required to manage incoming traffic and to have better visibility on the origin of a particular request.", }, { keyName: "clearance", platform: "Cloudflare", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von Cloudflare-gesch\u00FCtzten Websites gesetzt, die ein Captcha oder eine verwaltete Herausforderung anzeigen. Dieses Cookie speichert den Nachweis, dass eine Challenge bestanden wurde.", }, { keyName: "ci_session", platform: "CodeIgniter", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Cookie to track the users logged in state and access level to restricted pages.", }, { keyName: "UIDR", platform: "ComScore", category: "Marketing", domain: "scorecardresearch.com", description: "Collects information of the user and his\/her movement, such as timestamp for visits, most recently loaded pages and IP address. The data is used by the marketing research network, Scorecard Research, to analyse traffic patterns and carry out surveys to help their clients better understand the customer's preferences.", }, { keyName: "CVARS", platform: "ContentSquare", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Enth\u00E4lt die benutzerdefinierten Variablen der Sitzung URL-codiert.", }, { keyName: "OPTOUT", platform: "ContentSquare", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wenn gesetzt, wird der Benutzer vom Tracking ausgeschlossen.", }, { keyName: "SAMESITE", platform: "ContentSquare", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hiermit wird gepr\u00FCft, ob der Browser das SameSite-Flag unterst\u00FCtzt.", }, { keyName: "ROOTDOMAIN", platform: "ContentSquare", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Damit wird die Root-Dom\u00E4ne ermittelt.", }, { keyName: "LCLKDotomiUser", platform: "Conversant Europe", category: "Functional", domain: "https:\/\/www.conversantmedia.eu\/", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr den Verkauf und die Lead Connection verwendet.", }, { keyName: "SESSCJSession", platform: "Conversant Europe", category: "Functional", domain: "https:\/\/www.conversantmedia.eu\/", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den Start einer Browsersitzung zu bestimmen.", }, { keyName: "NSID", platform: "Conversant Europe", category: "Functional", domain: "https:\/\/www.conversantmedia.eu\/", description: "Dies wird zur Betrugserkennung verwendet.", }, { keyName: "CJAnalytics", platform: "Conversant Europe", category: "Functional", domain: "https:\/\/www.conversantmedia.eu\/", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die Wirksamkeit der On-Click-Zustimmungsl\u00F6sung zu analysieren.", }, { keyName: "CJLoyalty", platform: "Conversant Europe", category: "Functional", domain: "https:\/\/www.conversantmedia.eu\/", description: "Dies erm\u00F6glicht CJ und Werbetreibenden, die Kundenerwartungen zu erf\u00FCllen, wenn sie auf einen Link auf der Loyalit\u00E4tsseite klicken und einen Kauf auf der Website eines Werbetreibenden abschlie\u00DFen.", }, { keyName: "gclgclgcl", platform: "Conversion Linker", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies ist das Pr\u00E4fix, das als Teil der cookie Namen verwendet wird. Das Conversion-Linker-Tag legt Informationen zu Anzeigenklicks in cookies und verwendet die oberste Dom\u00E4ne und den Pfad auf Stammebene.", }, { keyName: "cookie-consent-io", platform: "CookieConsent.io", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Registers cookie preferences of a user", }, { keyName: "cookie-consent-io-timestamp", platform: "CookieConsent.io", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Registers user activity timestamp", }, { keyName: "cookie-consent-io-gdpr", platform: "CookieConsent.io", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Register anonymous consent identifier for GDPR consent compliance", }, { keyName: "CookieConsent", platform: "Cookiebot", category: "Functional", domain: "cookiebot.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Registers cookie preferences of a user", }, { keyName: "CookieConsentBulkTicket", platform: "Cookiebot", category: "Functional", domain: "cookiebot.com (3rd party)", description: "Enables sharing cookie preferences across domains \/ websites", }, { keyName: "userlang", platform: "Cookiebot", category: "Functional", domain: "cookiebot.com (3rd party)", description: "Saves language preferences of user for a website", }, { keyName: "CookieConsent", platform: "Cookiebot", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain", }, { keyName: "CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN", platform: "CraftCMS", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Facilitates protection against cross-site request forgeries. This helps to safeguard data as it is submitted through forms on the website.", }, { keyName: "CraftSessionId", platform: "CraftCMS", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Craft relies on PHP sessions to maintain sessions across web requests. That is done via the PHP session cookie. Craft names that cookie 'CraftSessionId' by default. This cookie will expire as soon as the session expires.", }, { keyName: "ceir", platform: "Crazy Egg", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Hiermit wird aufgezeichnet, ob der Benutzer die Site zuvor besucht hat.", }, { keyName: "ceg", platform: "Crazy Egg", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Hiermit werden anonyme Nutzungsaktivit\u00E4ten auf der Website aufgezeichnet, um Heatmaps und allgemeine Benutzermuster zu definieren und die Funktionalit\u00E4t und Inhaltsentwicklung in Zukunft zu verbessern.", }, { keyName: "ceg", platform: "Crazy Egg", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um wiederholte Besuchermuster auf den Websites zu verstehen.", }, { keyName: "csrf", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Gew\u00E4hrleistet die Sicherheit beim Surfen von Besuchern, indem f\u00E4lschungs\u00FCbergreifende F\u00E4lschungen verhindert werden. Dieses Cookie ist f\u00FCr die Sicherheit der Website und des Besuchers von wesentlicher Bedeutung.", }, { keyName: "connectsid", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Dieses Cookie ist f\u00FCr die sichere Anmeldung und die Erkennung von Spam oder Missbrauch der Website erforderlich.", }, { keyName: "XSRFTOKEN", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Gew\u00E4hrleistet die Sicherheit beim Surfen von Besuchern, indem f\u00E4lschungs\u00FCbergreifende F\u00E4lschungen verhindert werden. Dieses Cookie ist f\u00FCr die Sicherheit der Website und des Besuchers von wesentlicher Bedeutung.", }, { keyName: "gat", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Wird verwendet, um die Anforderungsrate zu drosseln.", }, { keyName: "ajsanonymous", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Mit diesem Cookie wird gez\u00E4hlt, wie oft eine Website von verschiedenen Besuchern besucht wurde. Dazu wird dem Besucher eine ID zugewiesen, damit der Besucher nicht zweimal registriert wird.", }, { keyName: "hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Mit diesem Cookie wird gez\u00E4hlt, wie oft eine Website von verschiedenen Besuchern besucht wurde. Dazu wird dem Besucher eine ID zugewiesen, damit der Besucher nicht zweimal registriert wird.", }, { keyName: "hjid", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Legt eine eindeutige ID f\u00FCr die Sitzung fest. Auf diese Weise kann die Website zu statistischen Zwecken Daten zum Besucherverhalten abrufen", }, { keyName: "hjIncludedInPageviewSample", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Legt fest, ob die Navigation des Benutzers in einem bestimmten statistischen Platzhalter registriert werden soll.", }, { keyName: "hjTLDTest", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Erkennt das SEO-Ranking f\u00FCr die aktuelle Website. Dieser Dienst ist Teil eines Statistik- und Analysedienstes eines Drittanbieters.", }, { keyName: "amplitudeunsent", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Wird im Zusammenhang mit den Popup-Frageb\u00F6gen und dem Messengering der Website verwendet. Die Daten werden zu statistischen oder Marketingzwecken verwendet.", }, { keyName: "amplitudeunsentidentify", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Wird im Zusammenhang mit den Popup-Frageb\u00F6gen und dem Messengering der Website verwendet. Die Daten werden zu statistischen oder Marketingzwecken verwendet.", }, { keyName: "openam", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "hjFirstSeen", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um festzustellen, ob der Besucher die Website zuvor besucht hat oder ob es sich um einen neuen Besucher auf der Website handelt.", }, { keyName: "amplitudecookietest", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Erkennt, ob die Synchronisierung der Partnerdaten funktioniert und gerade ausgef\u00FChrt wird - Diese Funktion sendet Benutzerdaten zwischen Werbefirmen von Drittanbietern zum Zweck gezielter Werbung.", }, { keyName: "amplitudeb37a423901694056906133c8c13c895dcriteocom", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Eindeutige selbst generierte ID zur Verwaltung der anonymen Rechte von Browsern und Steuern, um auf der Grundlage statistischer Daten und Navigation auf die zugeh\u00F6rige Verwaltung zugreifen zu k\u00F6nnen", }, { keyName: "amplitudeidundefinedcriteocom", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "amplitudetestcriteocom", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "pardot", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Wird verwendet, um den Besucher \u00FCber Besuche und Ger\u00E4te hinweg zu identifizieren. Auf diese Weise kann die Website dem Besucher relevante Werbung pr\u00E4sentieren. - Der Service wird von Werbe-Hubs von Drittanbietern bereitgestellt, die Werbetreibenden Echtzeit-Gebote erm\u00F6glichen.", }, { keyName: "zdi", platform: "Criteo", category: "Marketing", domain: "criteo.com", description: "Sammelt anonyme Daten im Zusammenhang mit den Besuchen des Nutzers auf der Website, z. B. die Anzahl der Besuche, die durchschnittliche Zeit auf der Website und die geladenen Seiten, um zielgerichtete Anzeigen anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "gcks", platform: "Cxense", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Zum Erstellen von Sitzungsinformationen f\u00FCr alle Sites im Cxense-Netzwerk", }, { keyName: "gckp", platform: "Cxense", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Zum Erstellen von Benutzerprofilinformationen f\u00FCr alle Sites im Cxense-Netzwerk", }, { keyName: "LSP", platform: "Cxense", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Zeichnet die vorherige Sitzungszeit auf", }, { keyName: "N\/A", platform: "DMA Institute", category: "Analytics", domain: "dmai.com (3rd party)", description: "Javascript tag used to measure and monitor ad visibilty\/viewability and brand safety standards.", }, { keyName: "sitetest", platform: "Datadog Real User Monitoring", category: "Functional", domain: "datadog.com", description: "Temporary cookie used to test for cookie support. Expires instantly.", }, { keyName: "cookietest", platform: "Datadog Real User Monitoring", category: "Functional", domain: "datadog.com", description: "Temporary cookie used to test for cookie support. Expires instantly.", }, { keyName: "digitalAudience", platform: "Digital Audience", category: "Marketing", domain: "digitalaudience.io", description: "Digital Audience uses cookies to improve the effectiveness of digital platforms, thanks to online recognition mechanisms.", }, { keyName: "testcookie", platform: "DoubleClick Ad", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net", description: "Testen die Browser-Einstellungsberechtigungen im Browser des Benutzers", }, { keyName: "IDE", platform: "DoubleClick Ad", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net", description: "", }, { keyName: "gads", platform: "DoubleClick Bid Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um die Werbung zu verbessern. Sie werden verwendet, um Werbung basierend auf dem, was f\u00FCr einen Benutzer relevant ist, auszurichten, um die Berichterstattung \u00FCber die Kampagnenleistung zu verbessern und um zu vermeiden, dass dem Benutzer bereits Anzeigen angezeigt werden.", }, { keyName: "dsid", platform: "DoubleClick Bid Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um die Werbung zu verbessern. Sie werden verwendet, um Werbung basierend auf dem, was f\u00FCr einen Benutzer relevant ist, auszurichten, um die Berichterstattung \u00FCber die Kampagnenleistung zu verbessern und um zu vermeiden, dass dem Benutzer bereits Anzeigen angezeigt werden.", }, { keyName: "ide", platform: "DoubleClick Bid Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um die Werbung zu verbessern. Sie werden verwendet, um Werbung basierend auf dem, was f\u00FCr einen Benutzer relevant ist, auszurichten, um die Berichterstattung \u00FCber die Kampagnenleistung zu verbessern und um zu vermeiden, dass dem Benutzer bereits Anzeigen angezeigt werden.", }, { keyName: "testcookie", platform: "DoubleClick Bid Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um die Werbung zu verbessern. Sie werden verwendet, um Werbung basierend auf dem, was f\u00FCr einen Benutzer relevant ist, auszurichten, um die Berichterstattung \u00FCber die Kampagnenleistung zu verbessern und um zu vermeiden, dass dem Benutzer bereits Anzeigen angezeigt werden.", }, { keyName: "aid", platform: "DoubleClick Bid Manager", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um die Werbung zu verbessern. Sie werden verwendet, um Werbung basierend auf dem, was f\u00FCr einen Benutzer relevant ist, auszurichten, um die Berichterstattung \u00FCber die Kampagnenleistung zu verbessern und um zu vermeiden, dass dem Benutzer bereits Anzeigen angezeigt werden.", }, { keyName: "IDE", platform: "DoubleClick Floodlight", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net", description: "", }, { keyName: "IDE", platform: "DoubleClick\/Google Marketing", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is used for targeting, analyzing and optimisation of ad campaigns in DoubleClick\/Google Marketing Suite ", }, { keyName: "DSID", platform: "DoubleClick\/Google Marketing", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is used for targeting, analyzing and optimisation of ad campaigns in DoubleClick\/Google Marketing Suite ", }, { keyName: "ID", platform: "DoubleClick\/Google Marketing", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is used for targeting, analyzing and optimisation of ad campaigns in DoubleClick\/Google Marketing Suite ", }, { keyName: "RUL", platform: "DoubleClick\/Google Marketing", category: "Marketing", domain: "doubleclick.net (3rd party)", description: "Used by DoubleClick to determine if the website ad was properly displayed. This is done to make their marketing efforts more efficient.", }, { keyName: "__gads", platform: "DoubleClick\/Google Marketing", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is used by Google for a variety of purposes (e.g., ensuring Frequency Caps work correctly). It includes AdSense if you have AdSense enabled. This cookie is associated with the DoubleClick for Publishers service from Google. Its purpose is to monitor the showing of advertisements on the site, for which the owner may earn some revenue. The main purpose of this cookie is targeting\/advertising.", }, { keyName: "GoogleAdServingTest", platform: "DoubleClick\/Google Marketing", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used to register what ads have been displayed to the user.", }, { keyName: "test_cookie", platform: "DoubleClick\/Google Marketing", category: "Functional", domain: "doubleclick.net", description: "This cookie is set by DoubleClick (which is owned by Google) to determine if the website visitor's browser supports cookies.", }, { keyName: "drifttsid", platform: "Drift", category: "Functional", domain: "drift.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Aktionen innerhalb einer Browsersitzung zu verfolgen.", }, { keyName: "drifttaid", platform: "Drift", category: "Functional", domain: "drift.com", description: "Dies ist ein anonymes Kennungstoken.", }, { keyName: "has_js", platform: "Drupal CMS", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Drupal uses this cookie to indicate whether or not the visitors browser has JavaScript enabled.", }, { keyName: "dyn", platform: "DynAdmic", category: "Functional", domain: "dynadmic.com", description: "Dieses cookie sammelt Daten \u00FCber das Verhalten und die Interaktion von Besuchern. Dies wird verwendet um Werbung auf der Webseite relevant zu machen.", }, { keyName: "dtCookie", platform: "Dynatrace", category: "Functional", domain: "dynatrace.de", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um einen Besuch \u00FCber mehrere Anfragen hinweg zu verfolgen.", }, { keyName: "dtLatC", platform: "Dynatrace", category: "Functional", domain: "dynatrace.de", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die Serverlatenz f\u00FCr die Leistungs\u00FCberwachung zu messen.", }, { keyName: "dtPC", platform: "Dynatrace", category: "Functional", domain: "dynatrace.de", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Benutzer auf der Website zu verfolgen.", }, { keyName: "dtSa", platform: "Dynatrace", category: "Functional", domain: "dynatrace.de", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um seiten\u00FCbergreifende Aktionen zu speichern.", }, { keyName: "psoeMandant", platform: "E wie einfach", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Technisch erforderlich, um eine Auszeichnung im Recruit Friends-Programm zu erm\u00F6glichen.", }, { keyName: "psoeMandant", platform: "E wie einfach", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Technisch erforderlich, um eine Auszeichnung im Recruit Friends-Programm zu erm\u00F6glichen.", }, { keyName: "Emosjcsid", platform: "Econda", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "emossession", platform: "Econda", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "Emosjcvid", platform: "Econda", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "emosvisitor", platform: "Econda", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "cfduid", platform: "Elfsight", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die Servicesicherheit zu gew\u00E4hrleisten und vor b\u00F6swilligen Besuchern zu sch\u00FCtzen.", }, { keyName: "hfpclient", platform: "Elfsight", category: "Functional", domain: "elfsight.com", description: "Wird verwendet, um soziale Plattformen auf der Website zu implementieren. Erm\u00F6glicht den sozialen Plattformen, die Benutzer zu verfolgen, indem ihnen eine bestimmte ID zugewiesen wird.", }, { keyName: "session", platform: "Elfsight", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um zu verhindern, dass die Ansichten der Widget-Besitzer gez\u00E4hlt werden.", }, { keyName: "ELQSTATUS", platform: "Eloqua", category: "Marketing", domain: ".eloqua.com", description: "Dieses Cookie wird nur gesetzt, wenn Sie diese Seite \u00FCber eine gesponserte Anzeige bei Google, Bing, Facebook oder LinkedIn gefunden haben. Sie sammeln in anonymisierter Form Informationen dar\u00FCber, welche Seiten Sie besuchen und welche Informationsanfragen Sie stellen.", }, { keyName: "ELOQUA", platform: "Eloqua", category: "Marketing", domain: ".eloqua.com", description: "Dieses Cookie wird f\u00FCr E-Mail-Dienste verwendet. Es hilft auch bei der Marketing-Automatisierungsl\u00F6sung f\u00FCr B2B-Vermarkter, Kunden durch alle Phasen des Kaufzyklus zu verfolgen.", }, { keyName: "everest_g_v2", platform: "Everest Technologies", category: "Marketing", domain: "everesttech.net", description: "Created after a user initially clicks a client's ad, and used to map the current and subsequent clicks with other events on the client's website", }, { keyName: "everest", platform: "Everesttech", category: "Functional", domain: "everesttech.net", description: "Der Zweck des Cookies besteht darin, Klicks anderen Ereignissen auf der Website des Kunden zuzuordnen.", }, { keyName: "everestsession", platform: "Everesttech", category: "Functional", domain: "everesttech.net", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um den Nutzern personalisierte und relevante Anzeigen anzuzeigen und die Effizienz der Werbekampagne zu messen.", }, { keyName: "makouid", platform: "Eyeota", category: "Functional", domain: "eyeota.net", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Daten \u00FCber den Besuch eines Benutzers auf der Website zu sammeln.", }, { keyName: "ONPLFTRH", platform: "Eyeota", category: "Functional", domain: "eyeota.net", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Besucher auf mehreren Websites zu verfolgen, um basierend auf den Pr\u00E4ferenzen des Benutzers relevante Werbung zu pr\u00E4sentieren.", }, { keyName: "SERVERID", platform: "Eyeota", category: "Functional", domain: "eyeota.net", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr den Lastausgleich verwendet.", }, { keyName: "f5_cspm", platform: "F5", category: "Analytics", domain: "simage2.pubmatic.com", description: "This cookie name is associated with the BIG-IP product suite from company F5. It is used to monitor page load speed, as part of site performance monitoring.", }, { keyName: "lu", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to record whether the person chose to remain logged in\n\nContents: User ID and miscellaneous log in information (e.g., number of logins per account, state of the \"remember me\" check box, etc.)", }, { keyName: "xs", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Used in conjunction with the c_user cookie to authenticate your identity to Facebook.\n\nContents: Session ID, creation time, authentication value, secure session state, caching group ID", }, { keyName: "c_user", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Used in conjunction with the xs cookie to authenticate your identity to Facebook.\n\nContents: User ID", }, { keyName: "m_user", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to authenticate your identity on Facebook's mobile website.\n\nContents: Email, User ID, authentication value, version, user agent capability, creation time, Facebook version indicator", }, { keyName: "pl", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to record that a device or browser logged in via Facebook platform.\n\nContents: Y\/N", }, { keyName: "dbln", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to enable device-based logins\n\nContents: Login authentication values", }, { keyName: "aks", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Determines the login state of a person visiting accountkit.com\n\nContents: Account kit access token", }, { keyName: "aksb", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Authenticates logins using Account Kit\n\nContents: Request time value", }, { keyName: "sfau", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Optimizes recovery flow after failed login attempts\n\nContents: Encrypted user ID, contact point, time stamp, and other login information", }, { keyName: "ick", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Stores an encryption key used to encrypt cookies", }, { keyName: "csm", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Insecure indicator", }, { keyName: "s", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "\t\nFacebook browser identification, authentication, marketing, and other Facebook-specific function cookies.", }, { keyName: "datr", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to prevent creation of fake \/ spammy accounts. Datr cookie is associated with a browser, not individual people.", }, { keyName: "sb", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Facebook browser identification, authentication, marketing, and other Facebook-specific function cookies.", }, { keyName: "fr", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains a unique browser and user ID, used for targeted advertising.", }, { keyName: "oo", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Ad optout cookie", }, { keyName: "ddid", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to open a specific location in an advertiser's app upon installation", }, { keyName: "locale", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie contains the display locale of the last logged in user on this browser. This cookie\nappears to only be set after the user logs out.\nThe locale cookie has a lifetime of one week.", }, { keyName: "_fbp", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers", }, { keyName: "_fbc", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers", }, { keyName: "js_ver", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Records the age of Facebook javascript files.", }, { keyName: "rc", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to optimize site performance for advertisers", }, { keyName: "campaign_click_url", platform: "Facebook", category: "Marketing", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "Records the Facebook URL that an individual landed on after clicking on an ad promoting Facebook", }, { keyName: "wd", platform: "Facebook", category: "Functional", domain: "facebook.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie stores the browser window dimensions and is used by Facebook to optimise the rendering of the page.", }, { keyName: "ljt_reader", platform: "Federated Media Publishing", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Collects data related to reader interests, context, demographics and other information on behalf of the Lijit platform with the purpose of finding interested users on websites with related content.", }, { keyName: "tsrvid", platform: "FeedbackCompany", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Feedback company review cookie", }, { keyName: "DSP_UID", platform: "Fidelity-media.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "fidelity-media.com", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "Connectsid", platform: "Fitanalytics", category: "Functional", domain: "fitanalytics.com", description: "Diese cookies werden verwendet, um Besuchern eine Hilfestellung bei der Gr\u00F6\u00DFe zu geben. Dar\u00FCber hinaus speichern sie die Ratschl\u00E4ge und wenden die gegebenen Ratschl\u00E4ge auf andere Produkte auf der Website an.", }, { keyName: "cfduid", platform: "Fitanalytics", category: "Functional", domain: "fitanalytics.com", description: "Diese cookies werden verwendet, um Besuchern eine Hilfestellung bei der Gr\u00F6\u00DFe zu geben. Dar\u00FCber hinaus speichern sie die Ratschl\u00E4ge und wenden die gegebenen Ratschl\u00E4ge auf andere Produkte auf der Website an.", }, { keyName: "fitasidsuitsupply", platform: "Fitanalytics", category: "Functional", domain: "fitanalytics.com", description: "Diese cookies werden verwendet, um Besuchern eine Hilfestellung bei der Gr\u00F6\u00DFe zu geben. Dar\u00FCber hinaus speichern sie die Ratschl\u00E4ge und wenden die gegebenen Ratschl\u00E4ge auf andere Produkte auf der Website an.", }, { keyName: "flashtalkingad1", platform: "Flashtalking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird verwendet, um die H\u00E4ufigkeit und Reihenfolge der Anzeigeneinf\u00FCgung pro Ger\u00E4t (Webbrowser \/ eindeutiges Ger\u00E4t) zu steuern. Retargets von Ger\u00E4ten, die zuvor Kontakt mit der Kampagne oder der Website des Werbetreibenden hatten. Messung des Kampagnenerfolgs: Messung der Kontakth\u00E4ufigkeit pro Ger\u00E4t, Messung der Aktionen auf der Kampagnenzielseite nach dem Anzeigenkontakt (Anzeigen oder Klicken) mithilfe der pseudonymen Benutzer-ID.", }, { keyName: "_flowbox", platform: "Flowbox", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used to differentiate between users and sessions and collecting statistics on the viewing behaviour for Instagram posts displayed on the website.", }, { keyName: "stripemid", platform: "Fontawesome", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird von Font Awesome verwendet, um den Zahlungszugriff auf den Drittanbieter-Service zu verfolgen.", }, { keyName: "utma", platform: "Fontawesome", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie z\u00E4hlt, wie oft ein Besucher auf der Website war, als der erste und der letzte Besuch stattfanden.", }, { keyName: "utmz", platform: "Fontawesome", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Registriert den Standort und die Passw\u00F6rter des Benutzers.", }, { keyName: "fbp", platform: "Fontawesome", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird von Facebook verwendet, um eine Reihe von Werbeprodukten anzuzeigen, beispielsweise Echtzeitgebote von Werbekunden Dritter.", }, { keyName: "utmc", platform: "Fontawesome", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "\u00DCberpr\u00FCft, ob die Sitzung ge\u00F6ffnet bleiben muss oder eine neue Sitzung ge\u00F6ffnet werden muss.", }, { keyName: "uid-bp-", platform: "FreeWheel", category: "Marketing", domain: "stickyadstv.com", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "uid", platform: "Freewheel", category: "Functional", domain: "freewheel.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um zielgerichtete Werbung anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "uid", platform: "Freewheel", category: "Functional", domain: "freewheel.com", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr die Benutzerverfolgung und tracking verwendet.", }, { keyName: "SESS", platform: "Freewheel", category: "Functional", domain: "freewheel.com", description: "Beh\u00E4lt die Einstellungen des Benutzers f\u00FCr alle Seitenaufrufe bei.", }, { keyName: "hp2sesprops3731580590", platform: "Freshdesk", category: "Functional", domain: "freshdesk.com", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um den Dienst bereitstellen zu k\u00F6nnen.", }, { keyName: "helpdeskurl", platform: "Freshdesk", category: "Functional", domain: "freshdesk.com", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um den Dienst bereitstellen zu k\u00F6nnen.", }, { keyName: "helpkitsession", platform: "Freshdesk", category: "Functional", domain: "freshdesk.com", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um den Dienst bereitstellen zu k\u00F6nnen.", }, { keyName: "falconenabled", platform: "Freshdesk", category: "Functional", domain: "freshdesk.com", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um den Dienst bereitstellen zu k\u00F6nnen.", }, { keyName: "filtername", platform: "Freshdesk", category: "Functional", domain: "freshdesk.com", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um den Dienst bereitstellen zu k\u00F6nnen.", }, { keyName: "helpdesknodesession", platform: "Freshdesk", category: "Functional", domain: "freshdesk.com", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um den Dienst bereitstellen zu k\u00F6nnen.", }, { keyName: "usercredentials", platform: "Freshdesk", category: "Functional", domain: "freshdesk.com", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um den Dienst bereitstellen zu k\u00F6nnen.", }, { keyName: "order", platform: "Freshdesk", category: "Functional", domain: "freshdesk.com", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um den Dienst bereitstellen zu k\u00F6nnen.", }, { keyName: "ordertype", platform: "Freshdesk", category: "Functional", domain: "freshdesk.com", description: "Diese Cookies werden verwendet, um den Dienst bereitstellen zu k\u00F6nnen.", }, { keyName: "DG_HID", platform: "Funda", category: "Marketing", domain: "funda.nl", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "DG_IID", platform: "Funda", category: "Marketing", domain: "funda.nl", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "DG_SID", platform: "Funda", category: "Marketing", domain: "funda.nl", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "DG_UID", platform: "Funda", category: "Marketing", domain: "funda.nl", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "DG_ZID", platform: "Funda", category: "Marketing", domain: "funda.nl", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "DG_ZUID", platform: "Funda", category: "Marketing", domain: "funda.nl", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "fonts-loaded", platform: "Funda", category: "Functional", domain: "funda.nl", description: "This cookie checks and remembers whether you have the font used by funda. Remembering this check makes visiting the website faster.", }, { keyName: "html-classes", platform: "Funda", category: "Functional", domain: "funda.nl", description: "Remembering how the website is displayed to adjust the appearance of the site to the environment and browser used by the user. This ensures that the site loads faster on a subsequent visit.", }, { keyName: "SNLB2", platform: "Funda", category: "Functional", domain: "funda.nl", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "AWSALBCORS", platform: "Fundraisingbox", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie dient der Steuerung des Loadbalancers zur gleichm\u00E4\u00DFigen Lastverteilung auf den Servern.", }, { keyName: "box", platform: "Fundraisingbox", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um die ID der Benutzersitzung zu speichern.", }, { keyName: "Gdyn", platform: "Gemius", category: "Functional", domain: "gemius.com", description: "MOSS Messungen", }, { keyName: "bswsync", platform: "GetIntent", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um Besucher \u00FCber mehrere Websites hinweg zu verfolgen und relevante Werbung basierend auf den Pr\u00E4ferenzen des Besuchers zu pr\u00E4sentieren.", }, { keyName: "i18nextLng", platform: "Giggle Tips", category: "Functional", domain: "widget.giggle.tips", description: "Ermittelt die bevorzugte Sprache des Besuchers. Erm\u00F6glicht es der Website, die bevorzugte Sprache beim erneuten Eintritt des Besuchers festzulegen.", }, { keyName: "squirreluid", platform: "Glomex", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Identifizierung eindeutiger Benutzer zum Abspielen von Video Inhalten.", }, { keyName: "squirrelsessionuid", platform: "Glomex", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Identifizierung eindeutiger Benutzer zum Abspielen von Videoinhalten.", }, { keyName: "Uuid", platform: "Glomex", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Identifizierung eindeutiger Benutzer f\u00FCr die Wiedergabe von Videoinhalten im AdBlock-Fall.", }, { keyName: "_gcl_au", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services.", }, { keyName: "GCLB", platform: "Google", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is used in context with load balancing - This optimizes the response rate between the visitor and the site, by distributing the traffic load on multiple network links or servers.", }, { keyName: "1P_JAR", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: ".gstatic.com", description: "These cookies are set via embedded youtube-videos. They register anonymous statistical data on for example how many times the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback.", }, { keyName: "CONSENT", platform: "Google", category: "Functional", domain: ".gstatic.com", description: "Google cookie consent tracker", }, { keyName: "SEARCH_SAMESITE", platform: "Google", category: "Functional", domain: "google.com", description: "SameSite prevents the browser from sending this cookie along with cross-site requests. The main goal is mitigate the risk of cross-origin information leakage. It also provides some protection against cross-site request forgery attacks.", }, { keyName: "AID", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: "google.com", description: "Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search.", }, { keyName: "SID", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: "google.com", description: "Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search.", }, { keyName: "HSID", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: "google.com", description: "Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search.", }, { keyName: "APISID", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: "google.com", description: "Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search.", }, { keyName: "SAPISID", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: "google.com", description: "Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search.", }, { keyName: "SSID", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: "google.com", description: "Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search.", }, { keyName: "SIDCC", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: "google.com", description: "Download certain Google Tools and save certain preferences, for example the number of search results per page or activation of the SafeSearch Filter. Adjusts the ads that appear in Google Search.", }, { keyName: "OTZ", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: "google.com", description: "Aggregate analysis of website visitors", }, { keyName: "ANID", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: "google.com", description: "Google uses this cookies to make advertising more engaging to users and more valuable to publishers and advertisers", }, { keyName: "DV", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: "google.com", description: "This cookies is used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates and Google ad personalisation", }, { keyName: "NID", platform: "Google", category: "Marketing", domain: "google.com", description: "This cookies is used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates and Google ad personalisation", }, { keyName: "_ga", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "ID used to identify users", }, { keyName: "_ga_", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "ID used to identify users", }, { keyName: "_gid", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "ID used to identify users for 24 hours after last activity", }, { keyName: "_gat", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used to monitor number of Google Analytics server requests when using Google Tag Manager", }, { keyName: "_dc_gtm_", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used to monitor number of Google Analytics server requests", }, { keyName: "AMP_TOKEN", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Contains a token code that is used to read out a Client ID from the AMP Client ID Service. By matching this ID with that of Google Analytics, users can be matched when switching between AMP content and non-AMP content.\n\nReference: https:\/\/support.google.com\/analytics\/answer\/7486764?hl=en", }, { keyName: "_gat_gtag_", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain", description: "Used to set and get tracking data", }, { keyName: "_gac_", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Marketing", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Contains information related to marketing campaigns of the user. These are shared with Google AdWords \/ Google Ads when the Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts are linked together.", }, { keyName: "__utma", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "ID used to identify users and sessions", }, { keyName: "__utmt", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used to monitor number of Google Analytics server requests", }, { keyName: "__utmb", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used to distinguish new sessions and visits. This cookie is set when the GA.js javascript library is loaded and there is no existing __utmb cookie. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to the Google Analytics server.", }, { keyName: "__utmc", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used only with old Urchin versions of Google Analytics and not with GA.js. Was used to distinguish between new sessions and visits at the end of a session.", }, { keyName: "__utmz", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Contains information about the traffic source or campaign that directed user to the website. The cookie is set when the GA.js javascript is loaded and updated when data is sent to the Google Anaytics server", }, { keyName: "__utmv", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Bevat custom informatie die door de webdeveloper is ingesteld via de _setCustomVar methode in Google Analytics. Deze cookie wordt iedere keer geupdate als er nieuwe gegevens naar de Google Analytics server worden gestuurd. ", }, { keyName: "__utmx", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used to determine whether a user is included in an A \/ B or Multivariate test.", }, { keyName: "__utmxx", platform: "Google Analytics", category: "Analytics", domain: "google-analytics.com (3rd party) or advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used to determine when the A \/ B or Multivariate test in which the user participates ends", }, { keyName: "", platform: "Google Maps", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "", }, { keyName: "_gaexp", platform: "Google Optimize", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used to determine a user's inclusion in an experiment and the expiry of experiments a user has been included in.", }, { keyName: "cookiePreferences", platform: "Google Tag Manager", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Registers cookie preferences of a user", }, { keyName: "_GRECAPTCHA", platform: "Google reCAPTCHA", category: "Functional", domain: "google.com", description: "Google reCAPTCHA sets a necessary cookie (_GRECAPTCHA) when executed for the purpose of providing its risk analysis.", }, { keyName: "vst", platform: "GumGum", category: "Functional", domain: "gumgum.com", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um dem Besucher relevante Inhalte und Werbung zu pr\u00E4sentieren", }, { keyName: "utma", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This cookie indicates whether the cookie banner is displayed on the website or not.", }, { keyName: "utmb", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This cookie indicates whether the cookie banner is displayed on the website or not.", }, { keyName: "utmc", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieser Cookie enth\u00E4lt einen Zeitstempel, wann der Besucher die Seite verlassen hat. Zusammen mit __utmb kann dieses Cookie Informationen \u00FCber die Dauer des Aufenthalts des Besuchers auf einer Seite liefern.", }, { keyName: "utmk", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie enth\u00E4lt einen Hash-Wert f\u00FCr alle hier genannten UTM-Cookies.", }, { keyName: "utmv", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie ist f\u00FCr individuelle Inhalte bestimmt, kann frei zugeordnet werden und dient somit der Steuerung von benutzerdefinierten Analysen.", }, { keyName: "utmx", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie enth\u00E4lt Werte aus dem Google Website Optimizer.", }, { keyName: "utmz", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie enth\u00E4lt Informationen dar\u00FCber, woher der Besucher kam, bevor er die zu analysierende Seite aufrief. Dies kann z.B. Informationen \u00FCber Suchmaschinen und die dort eingegebenen Suchbegriffe enthalten oder wo auf der Erde sich die aufrufende IP-Adresse befindet.", }, { keyName: "utmt", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Zeigt an, welche Art von Anfrage gestellt wurde. (Kann ein Ereignis, eine Transaktion, ein Element oder eine benutzerdefinierte Variable sein. Wenn keine Angaben gemacht werden, handelt es sich um eine einfache Seitenansicht).", }, { keyName: "gid", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dient zur Unterscheidung von Benutzern.", }, { keyName: "gat", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird verwendet, um Tracker-Objekte zu erstellen.", }, { keyName: "gac", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Enth\u00E4lt kampagnenbezogene Informationen f\u00FCr den Nutzer. Wenn Sie Ihre Google Analytics-Konten und AdWords-Konten verkn\u00FCpft haben, lesen die AdWords-Website-Conversion-Tags dieses Cookie, sofern Sie sich nicht abmelden.", }, { keyName: "JAR", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird zur Unterst\u00FCtzung der Werbedienste von Google verwendet.", }, { keyName: "AID", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Google verwendet Cookies wie \"AID\", \"DSID\" und \"TAID\", um Ihre Aktivit\u00E4ten auf verschiedenen Ger\u00E4ten zu verkn\u00FCpfen, wenn Sie sich zuvor auf einem anderen Ger\u00E4t in Ihrem Google-Konto angemeldet haben. Dies wird verwendet, um die Anzeigen zu koordinieren, die f\u00FCr Sie auf verschiedenen Ger\u00E4ten angezeigt werden, und um Konversionsereignisse zu messen. Diese Cookies k\u00F6nnen f\u00FCr die Domains google.com\/ads, google.com\/ads\/measurement und googleadservices.com gesetzt werden.", }, { keyName: "APISID", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Google verwendet Cookies wie \"AID\", \"DSID\" und \"TAID\", um Ihre Aktivit\u00E4ten auf verschiedenen Ger\u00E4ten zu verkn\u00FCpfen, wenn Sie sich zuvor auf einem anderen Ger\u00E4t in Ihrem Google-Konto angemeldet haben. Dies wird verwendet, um die Anzeigen zu koordinieren, die f\u00FCr Sie auf verschiedenen Ger\u00E4ten angezeigt werden, und um Konversionsereignisse zu messen. Diese Cookies k\u00F6nnen f\u00FCr die Domains google.com\/ads, google.com\/ads\/measurement und googleadservices.com gesetzt werden.", }, { keyName: "CONSENT", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um die Werbedienste von Google zu unterst\u00FCtzen.", }, { keyName: "DSID", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie von doubleclick.net wird von Google verwendet, um Anzeigen in Google-Produkten wie der Google-Suche anzupassen. Google verwendet beispielsweise Cookies, um Ihre letzten Suchanfragen, Ihre fr\u00FCheren Interaktionen mit den Anzeigen oder Suchergebnissen eines Werbetreibenden und Ihre Besuche auf der Website eines Werbetreibenden aufzuzeichnen. Auf diese Weise erhalten Sie individuell zugeschnittene Werbung auf Google.", }, { keyName: "HSID", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Google verwendet so genannte SID- und HSID-Cookies, die die Google-Konto-ID und das letzte Einloggen eines Nutzers in digital signierter und verschl\u00FCsselter Form aufzeichnen. Die Kombination dieser beiden Cookies erm\u00F6glicht es Google, viele Arten von Angriffen zu blockieren. So verhindert Google beispielsweise Versuche, Informationen aus Formularen zu stehlen, die Sie auf Websites ausgef\u00FCllt haben.", }, { keyName: "IDE", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie von doubleclick.net wird von Google verwendet, um Anzeigen in Google-Produkten wie der Google-Suche anzupassen. Google verwendet beispielsweise Cookies, um Ihre letzten Suchanfragen, Ihre fr\u00FCheren Interaktionen mit den Anzeigen oder Suchergebnissen eines Werbetreibenden und Ihre Besuche auf der Website eines Werbetreibenden aufzuzeichnen. Auf diese Weise erhalten Sie individuell zugeschnittene Werbung auf Google.", }, { keyName: "NID", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie von doubleclick.net wird von Google verwendet, um Anzeigen in Google-Produkten wie der Google-Suche anzupassen. Google verwendet beispielsweise Cookies, um Ihre letzten Suchanfragen, Ihre fr\u00FCheren Interaktionen mit den Anzeigen oder Suchergebnissen eines Werbetreibenden und Ihre Besuche auf der Website eines Werbetreibenden aufzuzeichnen. Auf diese Weise erhalten Sie individuell zugeschnittene Werbung auf Google.", }, { keyName: "PREF", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie von doubleclick.net wird von Google verwendet, um Anzeigen in Google-Produkten wie der Google-Suche anzupassen. Google verwendet beispielsweise Cookies, um Ihre letzten Suchanfragen, Ihre fr\u00FCheren Interaktionen mit den Anzeigen oder Suchergebnissen eines Werbetreibenden und Ihre Besuche auf der Website eines Werbetreibenden aufzuzeichnen. Auf diese Weise erhalten Sie individuell zugeschnittene Werbung auf Google.", }, { keyName: "SAPISID", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie von doubleclick.net wird von Google verwendet, um Anzeigen in Google-Produkten wie der Google-Suche anzupassen. Google verwendet beispielsweise Cookies, um Ihre letzten Suchanfragen, Ihre fr\u00FCheren Interaktionen mit den Anzeigen oder Suchergebnissen eines Werbetreibenden und Ihre Besuche auf der Website eines Werbetreibenden aufzuzeichnen. Auf diese Weise erhalten Sie individuell zugeschnittene Werbung auf Google.", }, { keyName: "SID", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie von doubleclick.net wird von Google verwendet, um Anzeigen in Google-Produkten wie der Google-Suche anzupassen. Google verwendet beispielsweise Cookies, um Ihre letzten Suchanfragen, Ihre fr\u00FCheren Interaktionen mit den Anzeigen oder Suchergebnissen eines Werbetreibenden und Ihre Besuche auf der Website eines Werbetreibenden aufzuzeichnen. Auf diese Weise erhalten Sie individuell zugeschnittene Werbung auf Google.", }, { keyName: "SSID", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie von doubleclick.net wird von Google verwendet, um Anzeigen in Google-Produkten wie der Google-Suche anzupassen. Google verwendet beispielsweise Cookies, um Ihre letzten Suchanfragen, Ihre fr\u00FCheren Interaktionen mit den Anzeigen oder Suchergebnissen eines Werbetreibenden und Ihre Besuche auf der Website eines Werbetreibenden aufzuzeichnen. Auf diese Weise erhalten Sie individuell zugeschnittene Werbung auf Google.", }, { keyName: "GPS", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Registriert eine eindeutige ID auf mobilen Ger\u00E4ten, um die Verfolgung \u00FCber den geografischen GPS-Standort zu erm\u00F6glichen.", }, { keyName: "YSC", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Registriert eine eindeutige ID, um statistisch zu erfassen, welche YouTube-Videos der Nutzer angesehen hat.", }, { keyName: "fbp", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird von Facebook verwendet, um eine Reihe von Werbeprodukten anzuzeigen, z. B. Echtzeitgebote von Drittanbietern.", }, { keyName: "vuid", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Sammelt Daten \u00FCber die Besuche des Nutzers auf der Website, z. B. welche Seiten gelesen wurden.", }, { keyName: "hjid", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn der Kunde zum ersten Mal eine Seite mit dem Hotjar-Skript aufruft. Es wird verwendet, um die zuf\u00E4llige Benutzer-ID, die f\u00FCr diese Website einzigartig ist, im Browser zu speichern. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass das Verhalten bei sp\u00E4teren Besuchen derselben Website derselben Benutzer-ID zugeordnet wird.", }, { keyName: "hjClosedSurveyInvites", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn ein Besucher mit einem Einladungs-Popup f\u00FCr eine Umfrage interagiert. Es stellt sicher, dass dieselbe Einladung nicht erneut erscheint, wenn sie bereits angezeigt wurde.", }, { keyName: "hjDonePolls", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn ein Besucher eine Umfrage mit dem \"Feedback Poll\"-Assistenten beantwortet hat. Es stellt sicher, dass dieselbe Umfrage nicht erneut angezeigt wird, wenn sie bereits beantwortet wurde.", }, { keyName: "hjMinimizedPolls", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn ein Besucher einen \"Feedback-Umfrage\"-Assistenten minimiert. Es sorgt daf\u00FCr, dass der Assistent minimiert bleibt, wenn der Besucher sich auf der Website bewegt.", }, { keyName: "hjDoneTestersWidgets", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn ein Besucher Informationen mit dem Assistenten \"Benutzertester rekrutieren\" \u00FCbermittelt. Es stellt sicher, dass das gleiche Formular nicht erneut erscheint, wenn es bereits ausgef\u00FCllt wurde.", }, { keyName: "hjMinimizedTestersWidgets", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn ein Besucher einen \"Recruit User Testers\"-Assistenten minimiert. Er stellt sicher, dass der Assistent minimiert bleibt, wenn der Besucher sich auf der Website bewegt.", }, { keyName: "hjIncludedInSample", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieser Session-Cookie wird gesetzt, damit Hotjar wei\u00DF, ob dieser Besucher in der Stichprobe enthalten ist, die zur Erstellung von Trichtern verwendet wird.", }, { keyName: "hjShownFeedbackMessage", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird gesetzt, wenn der Benutzer ein Hotjar-Eingangsfeedback ausf\u00FCllt oder minimiert. Dadurch wird das Hotjar-Eingangsfeedback sofort als minimiert geladen, wenn der Benutzer zu einer anderen Seite navigiert, auf der es angezeigt werden soll.", }, { keyName: "ASPSESSIONID", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "System-Cookie, wird ben\u00F6tigt, um die Sitzung des Benutzers aufrechtzuerhalten.", }, { keyName: "PageConfigHttpFirstReferrerLink", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Origin Url, wird mit den E-Mails verschickt.", }, { keyName: "bCookieBarClosed", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "", }, { keyName: "sImageMode", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird verwendet, um festzustellen, ob ein Desktop, ein Tablet oder ein Smartphone verwendet wird", }, { keyName: "MessengerToken", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "G\u00E4stebereich-Identifikation (Re: Guest Messenger) Ger\u00E4tetoken zum Wechsel zwischen dem Angebotsbereich und der Website.", }, { keyName: "MessengerToken", platform: "HGV Anfragewidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Zus\u00E4tzlicher Cookie zur Identifizierung des G\u00E4stebereichs (Re: Guest Messenger), damit Logout und Neuanmeldung korrekt funktionieren", }, { keyName: "CSTLanguage", platform: "Hotel Barometer", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zur Spracherkennung verwendet.", }, { keyName: "PHPSESSID", platform: "Hotel Barometer", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie beh\u00E4lt den Sitzungsstatus des Benutzers \u00FCber Seitenanforderungen hinweg bei.", }, { keyName: "vcstsession", platform: "Hotel Barometer", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Daten an Vioma zu \u00FCbertragen.", }, { keyName: "vritrackingconsent", platform: "Hotel Barometer", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Daten an Vioma zu \u00FCbertragen.", }, { keyName: "vcstsession", platform: "Hotel Barometer", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "", }, { keyName: "vritracking", platform: "Hotel Barometer", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "", }, { keyName: "_hjid", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set when the customer first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the random user ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID.", }, { keyName: "_hjIncludedInSample", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Hotjar cookie. This session cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the sample which is used to generate funnels.", }, { keyName: "_hjClosedSurveyInvites", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set once a visitor interacts with a Survey invitation modal popup. It is used to ensure that the same invite does not re-appear if it has already been shown.", }, { keyName: "_hjDonePolls", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set once a visitor completes a poll using the Feedback Poll widget. It is used to ensure that the same poll does not re-appear if it has already been filled in.", }, { keyName: "_hjMinimizedPolls", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set once a visitor minimizes a Feedback Poll widget. It is used to ensure that the widget stays minimizes when the visitor navigates through your site.", }, { keyName: "_hjDoneTestersWidgets", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set once a visitor submits their information in the Recruit User Testers widget. It is used to ensure that the same form does not re-appear if it has already been filled in.", }, { keyName: "_hjMinimizedTestersWidgets", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Hotjar cookie. This cookie is set once a visitor minimizes a Recruit User Testers widget. It is used to ensure that the widget stays minimizes when the visitor navigates through your site.", }, { keyName: "_hjShownFeedbackMessage", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is set when a visitor minimizes or completes Incoming Feedback. This is done so that the Incoming Feedback will load as minimized immediately if they navigate to another page where it is set to show.", }, { keyName: "_hjTLDTest", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "When the Hotjar script executes we try to determine the most generic cookie path we should use, instead of the page hostname. This is done so that cookies can be shared across subdomains (where applicable). To determine this, we try to store the _hjTLDTest cookie for different URL substring alternatives until it fails. After this check, the cookie is removed.", }, { keyName: "_hjUserAttributesHash", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "User Attributes sent through the Hotjar Identify API are cached for the duration of the session in order to know when an attribute has changed and needs to be updated.", }, { keyName: "_hjCachedUserAttributes", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie stores User Attributes which are sent through the Hotjar Identify API, whenever the user is not in the sample. These attributes will only be saved if the user interacts with a Hotjar Feedback tool.", }, { keyName: "_hjLocalStorageTest", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is used to check if the Hotjar Tracking Script can use local storage. If it can, a value of 1 is set in this cookie. The data stored in_hjLocalStorageTest has no expiration time, but it is deleted immediately after creating it so the expected storage time is under 100ms.", }, { keyName: "_hjptid", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is set for logged in users of Hotjar, who have Admin Team Member permissions. It is used during pricing experiments to show the Admin consistent pricing across the site.", }, { keyName: "_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "The cookie is set so Hotjar can track the beginning of the user's journey for a total session count. It does not contain any identifiable information.", }, { keyName: "_hjFirstSeen", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "The cookie is set so Hotjar can track the beginning of the user's journey for a total session count. It does not contain any identifiable information.", }, { keyName: "_hjIncludedInPageviewSample", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the data sampling defined by your site's pageview limit.", }, { keyName: "_hjIncludedInSessionSample", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This cookie is set to let Hotjar know whether that visitor is included in the data sampling defined by your site's daily session limit", }, { keyName: "_hjSession_", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "A cookie that holds the current session data. This ensues that subsequent requests within the session window will be attributed to the same Hotjar session.", }, { keyName: "_hjSessionUser_", platform: "Hotjar", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Hotjar cookie that is set when a user first lands on a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to persist the Hotjar User ID, unique to that site on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID.", }, { keyName: "__hs_opt_out", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Functional", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "This cookie is used by the opt-in privacy policy to remember not to ask the visitor to accept cookies again.", }, { keyName: "__hs_do_not_track", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Functional", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "This cookie can be set to prevent the tracking code from sending any information to HubSpot.", }, { keyName: "__hs_initial_opt_in", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Functional", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "This cookie is used to prevent the banner from always displaying when visitors are browsing in strict mode.", }, { keyName: "hs_ab_test", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Functional", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "This cookie is used to consistently serve visitors the same version of an A\/B test page they\u2019ve seen before.", }, { keyName: "hs-messages-is-open", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Functional", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "This cookie is used to determine and save whether the chat widget is open for future visits.", }, { keyName: "hs-messages-hide-welcome-message", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Functional", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "This cookie is used to prevent the chat widget welcome message from appearing again for one day after it is dismissed.", }, { keyName: "__hsmem", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Functional", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "This cookie is set when visitors log in to a HubSpot-hosted site.", }, { keyName: "hs-membership-csrf", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Functional", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "This cookie is used to ensure that content membership logins cannot be forged.", }, { keyName: "hs_langswitcher_choice", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Functional", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "This cookie is used to save the visitor's selected language choice when viewing pages in multiple languages.", }, { keyName: "__hstc", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "The main cookie for tracking visitors.", }, { keyName: "hubspotutk", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "This cookie keeps track of a visitor's identity. It is passed to HubSpot on form submission and used when deduplicating contacts.", }, { keyName: "__hssc", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "This cookie keeps track of sessions.", }, { keyName: "__hssrc", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "Whenever HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser.", }, { keyName: "messagesUtk", platform: "Hubspot.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "hubspot.com", description: "This cookie is used to recognize visitors who chat with you via the chatflows tool. If the visitor leaves your site before they're added as a contact, they will have this cookie associated with their browser.", }, { keyName: "id5", platform: "ID5", category: "Marketing", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "cip", platform: "ID5", category: "Marketing", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Used to present the visitor with relevant content and advertisement - The service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "car", platform: "ID5", category: "Marketing", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Used to present the visitor with relevant content and advertisement - The service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "callback", platform: "ID5", category: "Marketing", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that the visitor is shown the same advertisement.", }, { keyName: "cnac", platform: "ID5", category: "Marketing", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Used to present the visitor with relevant content and advertisement - The service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "cf", platform: "ID5", category: "Marketing", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "gdpr", platform: "ID5", category: "Functional", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Determines whether the visitor has accepted the cookie consent box. This ensures that the cookie consent box will not be presented again upon re-en try.", }, { keyName: "3pi", platform: "ID5", category: "Marketing", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "id5", platform: "ID5 Technology", category: "Functional", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um eine eindeutige ID aufzuzeichnen, die das Ger\u00E4t eines wiederkehrenden Benutzers identifiziert. Diese ID wird f\u00FCr zielgerichtete Anzeigen verwendet.", }, { keyName: "3pi", platform: "ID5 Technology", category: "Functional", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um eine eindeutige ID aufzuzeichnen, die das Ger\u00E4t eines wiederkehrenden Benutzers identifiziert. Diese ID wird f\u00FCr zielgerichtete Anzeigen verwendet.", }, { keyName: "gdpr", platform: "ID5 Technology", category: "Functional", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Hierdurch wird festgestellt, ob ein Nutzer der Verwendung von cookies hat.", }, { keyName: "cnac", platform: "ID5 Technology", category: "Functional", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um eine eindeutige ID aufzuzeichnen, die das Ger\u00E4t eines wiederkehrenden Benutzers identifiziert. Diese ID wird f\u00FCr zielgerichtete Anzeigen verwendet.", }, { keyName: "cip", platform: "ID5 Technology", category: "Functional", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um eine eindeutige ID aufzuzeichnen, die das Ger\u00E4t eines wiederkehrenden Benutzers identifiziert. Diese ID wird f\u00FCr zielgerichtete Anzeigen verwendet.", }, { keyName: "car", platform: "ID5 Technology", category: "Functional", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um eine eindeutige ID aufzuzeichnen, die das Ger\u00E4t eines wiederkehrenden Benutzers identifiziert. Diese ID wird f\u00FCr zielgerichtete Anzeigen verwendet.", }, { keyName: "callback", platform: "ID5 Technology", category: "Functional", domain: "id5-sync.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um eine eindeutige ID aufzuzeichnen, die das Ger\u00E4t eines wiederkehrenden Benutzers identifiziert. Diese ID wird f\u00FCr zielgerichtete Anzeigen verwendet.", }, { keyName: "tuuid", platform: "IPONWEB", category: "Functional", domain: "BIDSWITCH.NET", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um eine Echtzeit-Gebotsplattform f\u00FCr Online-Werbung bereitzustellen.", }, { keyName: "tuuid", platform: "IPONWEB", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um eine Echtzeit-Gebotsplattform f\u00FCr Online-Werbung bereitzustellen.", }, { keyName: "cfduid", platform: "Iconfinder", category: "Functional", domain: "iconfinder.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um vertrauensw\u00FCrdigen Webverkehr zu identifizieren.", }, { keyName: "_#,", platform: "Impact Radius", category: "Functional", domain: "d.impactradius-event.com", description: "This cookie is used to measure the success of affiliate marketing activity and attribute sales to an affiliate partner.", }, { keyName: "gbd", platform: "Impact Radius", category: "Functional", domain: "d.impactradius-event.com", description: "This cookie is used to measure the success of affiliate marketing activity and attribute sales to an affiliate partner.", }, { keyName: "incap_ses_", platform: "Imperva", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set to allow a visitor to receive site content from one out of multiple servers as the visitor browses the site. This allows the visitor's session to be maintained.", }, { keyName: "nlbi_", platform: "Imperva", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Incapsula DDoS Protection and Web Application Firewall: Load balancing cookie. To ensure requests by a client are sent to the same origin server.", }, { keyName: "visid_incap_", platform: "Imperva", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is from the incapsula CDN and helps us with reliability, security and the performance of our site.", }, { keyName: "um", platform: "Improve Digital", category: "Marketing", domain: "ad.360yield.com", description: "To enable the bidding process.", }, { keyName: "umeh", platform: "Improve Digital", category: "Marketing", domain: "ad.360yield.com", description: "To enable the bidding process.", }, { keyName: "tuuid", platform: "Improve Digital International", category: "Functional", domain: "improvedigital.com", description: "Dieses Cookie erm\u00F6glicht Gebotsverfahren von Werbeanbietern f\u00FCr Werbespiele.", }, { keyName: "umeh", platform: "Improve Digital International", category: "Functional", domain: "improvedigital.com", description: "Dieses Cookie erm\u00F6glicht Gebotsverfahren von Werbeanbietern f\u00FCr Werbespiele.", }, { keyName: "lc7d", platform: "Improve Digital International", category: "Functional", domain: "improvedigital.com", description: "Dieses Cookie erm\u00F6glicht Gebotsverfahren von Werbeanbietern f\u00FCr Werbespiele.", }, { keyName: "lcri5m", platform: "Improve Digital International", category: "Functional", domain: "improvedigital.com", description: "Dieses Cookie erm\u00F6glicht Gebotsverfahren von Werbeanbietern f\u00FCr Werbespiele.", }, { keyName: "lcai9h", platform: "Improve Digital International", category: "Functional", domain: "improvedigital.com", description: "Dieses Cookie erm\u00F6glicht Gebotsverfahren von Werbeanbietern f\u00FCr Werbespiele.", }, { keyName: "tuuid", platform: "Improve Digital International", category: "Functional", domain: "improvedigital.com", description: "Dieses Cookie erm\u00F6glicht Gebotsverfahren von Werbeanbietern f\u00FCr Werbespiele.", }, { keyName: "pxl", platform: "Improve Digital International", category: "Functional", domain: "improvedigital.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Benutzer in Gruppen zu unterteilen \/ zu segmentieren.", }, { keyName: "CTK", platform: "Indeed", category: "Analytics", domain: "conv.indeed.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information related to registering (counting) a job application via a job listing on indeed.com.", }, { keyName: "ctkgen", platform: "Indeed", category: "Analytics", domain: "conv.indeed.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information related to registering (counting) a job application via a job listing on indeed.com.", }, { keyName: "INDEED_CSRF_TOKEN", platform: "Indeed", category: "Analytics", domain: "conv.indeed.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information related to registering (counting) a job application via a job listing on indeed.com.", }, { keyName: "jasx_pool_id", platform: "Indeed", category: "Analytics", domain: "conv.indeed.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information related to registering (counting) a job application via a job listing on indeed.com.", }, { keyName: "pagead\/conv\/%INTEGER%", platform: "Indeed", category: "Analytics", domain: "conv.indeed.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information related to registering (counting) a job application via a job listing on indeed.com.", }, { keyName: "INDEEDCSRFTOKEN", platform: "Indeed", category: "Functional", domain: "gdc.indeed.com", description: "Gew\u00E4hrleistet die Sicherheit beim Surfen von Besuchern, indem die F\u00E4lschung von site\u00FCbergreifenden Anfragen verhindert wird. Dieses Cookie ist f\u00FCr die Sicherheit der Website und des Besuchers unerl\u00E4sslich.", }, { keyName: "JSESSIONID", platform: "Indeed", category: "Functional", domain: "gdc.indeed.com", description: "Beh\u00E4lt Benutzerstatus \u00FCber Seitenanfragen hinweg bei", }, { keyName: "jasxpool", platform: "Indeed", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "\u00DCber den Zweck dieses Cookies sind keine weiteren Informationen bekannt.", }, { keyName: "ioam2018", platform: "Indeed", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Entweder das eine oder das andere Cookie wird f\u00FCr die Erkennung von Computersystemen gesetzt.", }, { keyName: "i00", platform: "Indeed", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Entweder das eine oder das andere Cookie wird f\u00FCr die Erkennung von Computersystemen gesetzt.", }, { keyName: "__insp_pad", platform: "Inspectlet", category: "Analytics", domain: "Inspectlet.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie contains the page number of the session recording.", }, { keyName: "__insp_sid", platform: "Inspectlet", category: "Analytics", domain: "Inspectlet.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie contains the ID of the Inspectlet session that is being recorded.", }, { keyName: "__insp_ref", platform: "Inspectlet", category: "Analytics", domain: "Inspectlet.com (3rd party)", description: "The cookie contains the referrer source\/URL", }, { keyName: "__insp_scpt", platform: "Inspectlet", category: "Analytics", domain: "Inspectlet.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie contains an integer that allows us to know if the screen capture was triggered or not.", }, { keyName: "__insp_nv", platform: "Inspectlet", category: "Analytics", domain: "Inspectlet.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie contains a value that allows Inspectlet to know if this user is a new visitor or a returning visitor.", }, { keyName: "__insp_wid", platform: "Inspectlet", category: "Analytics", domain: "Inspectlet.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie contains an uniqe user ID provided by the website if set up.", }, { keyName: "__insp_uid", platform: "Inspectlet", category: "Analytics", domain: "Inspectlet.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie contains random ID assigned to a visitor.", }, { keyName: "__insp_dct", platform: "Inspectlet", category: "Analytics", domain: "Inspectlet.com (3rd party)", description: "Registers statistical data on visitors' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.", }, { keyName: "__insp_norec_sess", platform: "Inspectlet", category: "Analytics", domain: "inspectlet.com", description: "Inspectlet uses cookies to keep track of session information. These cookies are needed to accurately understand how visitors are navigating the website.", }, { keyName: "__insp_slim", platform: "Inspectlet", category: "Analytics", domain: "inspectlet.com", description: "Inspectlet uses cookies to keep track of session information. These cookies are needed to accurately understand how visitors are navigating the website.", }, { keyName: "__insp_targlpt", platform: "Inspectlet", category: "Analytics", domain: "inspectlet.com", description: "Inspectlet uses cookies to keep track of session information. These cookies are needed to accurately understand how visitors are navigating the website.", }, { keyName: "__insp_targlpu", platform: "Inspectlet", category: "Analytics", domain: "inspectlet.com", description: "Inspectlet uses cookies to keep track of session information. These cookies are needed to accurately understand how visitors are navigating the website.", }, { keyName: "Instabug", platform: "Instabug", category: "Functional", domain: "https:\/\/instabug.com\/", description: "Dieses Cookie wird zu \u00DCberwachungszwecken gesetzt.", }, { keyName: "pigeonstate", platform: "Instagram Content", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Wird verwendet, um Instagram-Inhalte freizuschalten.", }, { keyName: "intercomapp", platform: "Intercom", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies ist ein anonymer Besucheridentifikations-Cookie.", }, { keyName: "intercomsessionapp", platform: "Intercom", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Kennung f\u00FCr jede einzelne Browsersitzung. Dieses Cookie wird bei jedem erfolgreichen angemeldeten Ping aktualisiert und von diesem Moment an auf eine Woche verl\u00E4ngert. Der Benutzer kann eine Woche lang auf seine Konversationen zugreifen und Daten auf abgemeldeten Seiten \u00FCbermitteln lassen.", }, { keyName: "cc-", platform: "Intershop", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "References a cart for anonymous users", }, { keyName: "pgid-org-", platform: "Intershop", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Hash of personalization information. Used to cache pages or snippets for users with same personalization information", }, { keyName: "SecureSessionID-", platform: "Intershop", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Reference to authenticated user", }, { keyName: "iutk", platform: "Issuu", category: "Marketing", domain: "issuu.com", description: "Recognises the user's device and what Issuu documents have been read.", }, { keyName: "iutk", platform: "Issuu", category: "Functional", domain: "issuu.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um das Ger\u00E4t des Benutzers und die gelesenen Dokumente zu erkennen.", }, { keyName: "sessionPageNumbers", platform: "Issuu", category: "Functional", domain: "issuu.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um eine eindeutige ID f\u00FCr die Sitzung festzulegen.", }, { keyName: "sessionStartTime", platform: "Issuu", category: "Functional", domain: "issuu.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um festzustellen, wann ein Besucher die verschiedenen Unterseiten zuletzt besucht hat.", }, { keyName: "qca", platform: "Issuu", category: "Functional", domain: "issuu.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Informationen \u00FCber den Website-Besuch zu sammeln.", }, { keyName: "tk_ai", platform: "Jetpack", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores a randomly generated, anonymous ID. It is only used in the admin area and is used for general analytics tracking.", }, { keyName: "ckies_functional", platform: "Jimdo", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Opt-out for functional cookies", }, { keyName: "ckies_necessary", platform: "Jimdo", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Confirms that other necessary cookies get set", }, { keyName: "ckies_performance", platform: "Jimdo", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Opt-out for performance cookies", }, { keyName: "ckies_marketing", platform: "Jimdo", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Opt-out for marketing\/third party\/consent based cookies", }, { keyName: "ClickAndChange", platform: "Jimdo", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Session Cookie for Creator CMS", }, { keyName: "utma", platform: "Jimdo", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This is used for the analytics function.", }, { keyName: "utmb", platform: "Jimdo", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This is used for the analytics function.", }, { keyName: "utmt", platform: "Jimdo", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This is used for the analytics function.", }, { keyName: "utmc", platform: "Jimdo", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This is used for the analytics function.", }, { keyName: "utmz", platform: "Jimdo", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This is used for the analytics function.", }, { keyName: "atlassianxsrftoken", platform: "Jira Service Desk", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Ensures that during a user's session, browser requests sent to a Jira server originated from that Jira server.", }, { keyName: "jiraissuenavigatortype", platform: "Jira Service Desk", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This is used to track which type of search view was last used.", }, { keyName: "AJSconglomeratecookie", platform: "Jira Service Desk", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This is used to track which general tabs were last used or expansion elements were last opened or closed.", }, { keyName: "JSESSIONID", platform: "Jira Service Desk", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This cookie is created by the application server and used for session tracking purposes.", }, { keyName: "seraphremembermecookie", platform: "Jira Service Desk", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von Jira gesetzt, wenn der Benutzer das Kontrollk\u00E4stchen Login auf diesem Computer speichern auf der Anmeldeseite aktiviert.", }, { keyName: "componentType", platform: "Joomla!", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "componentType is a session cookie, used for correct recording the type of the page (frontpage, single page, blog etc)", }, { keyName: "componentStyle", platform: "Joomla!", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "componentStyle is a session cookie, used for setting the proper template in compliance with visited type of the page", }, { keyName: "nrid", platform: "Joomla! Engagebox", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used to remember a user's choice about cookies on the website. Where users have previously indicated a preference, that user\u2019s preference will be stored in this cookie.", }, { keyName: "gat", platform: "Jumio", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This cookie is used to throttle the request rate and expires after 10 minutes.", }, { keyName: "kenshoo", platform: "KenShoo", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird nur gesetzt, wenn Sie diese Seite \u00FCber eine gesponserte Anzeige bei Google, Bing, Facebook oder LinkedIn gefunden haben. Sie sammeln in anonymisierter Form Informationen dar\u00FCber, welche Seiten Sie besuchen und welche Informationsanfragen Sie stellen.", }, { keyName: "CMSCsrfCookie", platform: "Kentico", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Store's a security token that the system uses to validate all form data submitted via POST requests. Helps protect against Cross site request forgery.", }, { keyName: "CMSCookieLevel", platform: "Kentico", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Specifies which cookies are allowed by the visitor.", }, { keyName: "CMSLandingPageLoaded", platform: "Kentico", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Indicates that the landing page has already been visited and the Landing page activity is not logged again for the current visitor. Expires after 20 minutes and the expiration period of the key is renewed every time the website is accessed again.", }, { keyName: "CMSPreferredCulture", platform: "Kentico", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores the visitor's preferred content culture.", }, { keyName: "CMSUserPage", platform: "Kentico", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores the IDs (DocumentID, NodeID) of the last visited page. Used for logging landing and exit page web analytics and activities.", }, { keyName: "CurrentContact", platform: "Kentico", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores the GUID of the contact related to the current site visitor. Used to track activities on the website.", }, { keyName: "VisitorStatus", platform: "Kentico", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Indicates if the visitor is new or returning. Used for tracking the visitors statistic in Web analytics.", }, { keyName: "ASPXFORMSAUTH", platform: "Kentico CMS", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This is used to store the users' encrypted authentication ticket.", }, { keyName: "ASPNETSessionId", platform: "Kentico CMS", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This is used to store the users session ID.", }, { keyName: "CMSCookieLevel", platform: "Kentico CMS", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This is used to determine which cookies are allowed by the visitor.", }, { keyName: "CMSCsrfCookie", platform: "Kentico CMS", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This is used to store a security token, with which the data submitted through forms are validated.", }, { keyName: "CMSPreferredCulture", platform: "Kentico CMS", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die bevorzugten Inhalte des Besuchers zu speichern.", }, { keyName: "AUTH_SESSION_ID", platform: "Keycloak", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "ID of current authentication session.", }, { keyName: "KC_RESTART", platform: "Keycloak", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Internal cookie from Keycloak.", }, { keyName: "KC_START", platform: "Keycloak", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Internal cookie from Keycloak.", }, { keyName: "KEYCLOAK_IDENTITY", platform: "Keycloak", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "ID of the current user.", }, { keyName: "KEYCLOAK_LOCALE", platform: "Keycloak", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Language of the interface.", }, { keyName: "KEYCLOAK_REMEMBER_ME", platform: "Keycloak", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Internal cookie from Keycloak.", }, { keyName: "KEYCLOAK_SESSION", platform: "Keycloak", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "ID of the current browser session", }, { keyName: "Kiyohnl", platform: "Kiyoh", category: "Functional", domain: "kiyoh.nl", description: "Cookies are associated with the use of Kiyoh to collect and display customer reviews", }, { keyName: "rememberemail", platform: "Klarna", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Speichert die E-Mail-Adresse des Kunden, um einen unkomplizierten Einkauf in allen angeschlossenen Filialen zu erm\u00F6glichen. Diese Informationen werden nur auf dem Endger\u00E4t des Kunden des Kunden gespeichert.", }, { keyName: "rememberpostalcode", platform: "Klarna", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Speichert die Postleitzahl des Kunden, um einen unkomplizierten Einkauf in allen angeschlossenen Filialen zu erm\u00F6glichen. Diese Informationen werden nur auf dem Ger\u00E4t des Kunden des Kunden gespeichert.", }, { keyName: "rememberphone", platform: "Klarna", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Speichert die Telefonnummer des Kunden, um einen unkomplizierten Einkauf in allen angeschlossenen Filialen zu erm\u00F6glichen. Diese Informationen werden nur auf dem Ger\u00E4t des Kunden des Kunden gespeichert.", }, { keyName: "rememberenabled", platform: "Klarna", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Legt fest, ob die Funktion \"Angemeldet bleiben\" auf diesem Ger\u00E4t aktiviert ist oder nicht. \"Remember Me\" ist eine Funktion, mit der der Kunde mit nur einem Klick in allen verbundenen Gesch\u00E4ften einkaufen kann.", }, { keyName: "checkoutmerchanturl", platform: "Klarna", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Speichert die R\u00FCckgabe-URL eines H\u00E4ndlers f\u00FCr eine spezielle Bestellung. Wird verwendet, damit Benutzer nach dem \u00C4ndern der Best\u00E4tigungsseite zur Best\u00E4tigungsseite des H\u00E4ndlers zur\u00FCckkehren.", }, { keyName: "kdid", platform: "Klarna", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Speichert eine bestimmte ID (UUID) auf diesem Ger\u00E4t zu Ger\u00E4t, um ein einfaches Einkaufen bei allen Eink\u00E4ufen in allen verbundenen Gesch\u00E4ften zu erm\u00F6glichen.", }, { keyName: "__kla_id", platform: "Klaviyo", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "When Klaviyo\u2019s JavaScript is enabled, the __kla_id cookie can track and identify site visitors through an auto-generated ID. This cookie can temporarily hold personally identifiable information. Once a visitor is identified, the cookie can pass their data into Klaviyo.", }, { keyName: "KTSTCSUBMITLIMIT", platform: "Klick-Tipp", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Unbekannte Funktionalit\u00E4t.", }, { keyName: "KTSTCSUBMITCROSSCLICKED", platform: "Klick-Tipp", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Unbekannte Funktionalit\u00E4t.", }, { keyName: "SDLKJWIUDKIJS", platform: "Kognitiv", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um Daten an Kognitiv zu \u00FCbermitteln. Im Falle einer Zimmerbuchung ist die Erhebung der Daten unerl\u00E4sslich, da diese f\u00FCr die Abwicklung der Buchung und die Erbringung der gebuchten Leistung f\u00FCr das Hotel notwendig sind.", }, { keyName: "luxTrackingOptIn", platform: "LUX Marketing Automation", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird von LUX verwendet, um festzustellen, ob der Benutzer seine Zustimmung gegeben hat.", }, { keyName: "luxId", platform: "LUX Marketing Automation", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird von LUX verwendet, um den Benutzer zu identifizieren.", }, { keyName: "luxDisableEmail4Link", platform: "LUX Marketing Automation", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird von LUX verwendet, um festzustellen, ob Email4Link deaktiviert ist.", }, { keyName: "laravel_session", platform: "Laravel", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Internally laravel uses laravel_session to identify a session instance for a user", }, { keyName: "_lfa", platform: "Leadfeeder", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Leadfeeder cookie collects the behavioral data of all website visitors. This includes; pages viewed, visitor source and time spent on the site", }, { keyName: "lfa", platform: "Leadfeeder", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um die IP-Adresse von Ger\u00E4ten zu identifizieren, die die Website besuchen. Das Cookie sammelt Informationen wie IP-Adressen, auf der Website verbrachte Zeit und Seitenaufrufe f\u00FCr die Besuche. Diese gesammelten Informationen werden f\u00FCr das Retargeting mehrerer Benutzer verwendet, die von derselben IP-Adresse ausgehen.", }, { keyName: "snowplowOutQueueleadinfocl1post2", platform: "Leadfeeder", category: "Functional", domain: "leadinfo.com", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr das Retargeting mehrerer Benutzer verwendet, die von denselben IP-Adressen aus rooten.", }, { keyName: "snowplowOutQueueleadinfocl1post2expires", platform: "Leadfeeder", category: "Functional", domain: "leadinfo.com", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr das Retargeting mehrerer Benutzer verwendet, die von denselben IP-Adressen aus rooten.", }, { keyName: "_li_id", platform: "Leadinfo", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "These cookies enable us to get insights about the business use of our website, based on IP addresses of the website visitors.", }, { keyName: "_li_ses", platform: "Leadinfo", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "These cookies enable us to get insights about the business use of our website, based on IP addresses of the website visitors.", }, { keyName: "leadysession", platform: "Leady", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert einen eindeutigen Identifikator.", }, { keyName: "gat28741193", platform: "LightWidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dient der Drosselung der Anfragerate. Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn Sie der anonymen Analyse zustimmen.", }, { keyName: "gid", platform: "LightWidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Registriert eine eindeutige ID, die verwendet wird, um Analysedaten dar\u00FCber zu erstellen, wie der Besucher unsere Website nutzt. Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn Sie der anonymen Analyse zustimmen.", }, { keyName: "cfduid", platform: "LightWidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird von Content Delivery Network (CDN) verwendet, um vertrauensw\u00FCrdigen Webverkehr zu identifizieren. Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn Sie unsere Website besuchen oder unsere Widgets auf Ihrer Website verwenden.", }, { keyName: "lightwidgetcookiesconsent", platform: "LightWidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert den Status der Cookie-Zustimmung des Benutzers. Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn Sie unserer Cookie-Richtlinie zustimmen.", }, { keyName: "lightwidgetlogged", platform: "LightWidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die aktuell eingeloggte Benutzersitzung und erm\u00F6glicht den Zugang zu sicheren Bereichen unserer Website. Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn Sie sich auf unserer Website anmelden.", }, { keyName: "woocommercecarthash", platform: "LightWidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um den Einkaufswagen des Besuchers zu \u00FCberpr\u00FCfen. Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn Sie Ihr Widget aktualisieren.", }, { keyName: "woocommerceitemscart", platform: "LightWidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um die Anzahl der Artikel im Einkaufswagen des Besuchers zu verfolgen. Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn Sie Ihr Widget aktualisieren.", }, { keyName: "woocommercesession", platform: "LightWidget", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie enth\u00E4lt einen eindeutigen Code f\u00FCr jeden Kunden, so dass es wei\u00DF, wo die Warenkorbdaten in der Datenbank f\u00FCr jeden Kunden zu finden sind. In diesem Cookie werden keine pers\u00F6nlichen Informationen gespeichert. Dieses Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn Sie Ihr Widget aktualisieren.", }, { keyName: "lidc", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "Used by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of embedded services.", }, { keyName: "bcookie", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "Used by LinkedIn to track the use of embedded services.", }, { keyName: "bscookie", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "Used by LinkedIn to track the use of embedded services.", }, { keyName: "trkCode", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is used by LinkedIn to support the functionality of adding a panel invite labeled 'Follow Us'", }, { keyName: "trkInfo", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is used by LinkedIn to support the functionality of adding a panel invite labeled 'Follow Us'", }, { keyName: "li_oatml", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "Collects information about how visitors use our site.", }, { keyName: "liap", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "Cookie used for Sign-in with Linkedin and\/or to allow for the Linkedin follow feature.", }, { keyName: "lissc", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "spectroscopyId", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "These cookies are set by LinkedIn for advertising purposes, including: tracking visitors so that more relevant ads can be presented, allowing users to use the 'Apply with LinkedIn' or the 'Sign-in with LinkedIn' functions, collecting information about how visitors use the site, etc.", }, { keyName: "UserMatchHistory", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "These cookies are set by LinkedIn for advertising purposes, including: tracking visitors so that more relevant ads can be presented, allowing users to use the 'Apply with LinkedIn' or the 'Sign-in with LinkedIn' functions, collecting information about how visitors use the site, etc.", }, { keyName: "lang", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Functional", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to remember a user's language setting", }, { keyName: "li_gc", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Functional", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to store guest consent to the use of cookies for non-essential purposes", }, { keyName: "li_rm", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Functional", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "Used as part of the LinkedIn Remember Me feature and is set when a user clicks Remember Me on the device to make it easier for him or her to sign in to that device", }, { keyName: "AnalyticsSyncHistory", platform: "LinkedIn", category: "Functional", domain: "linkedin.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to store information about the time a sync with the lms_analytics cookie took place for users in the Designated Countries", }, { keyName: "UserMatchHistory", platform: "LinkedIn Ads", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr die Synchronisierung der LinkedIn Ads ID verwendet", }, { keyName: " oatml", platform: "LinkedIn Ads", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com", description: "Wird verwendet, um LinkedIn-Mitglieder au\u00DFerhalb von LinkedIn f\u00FCr Werbung und Analysen au\u00DFerhalb der designierten L\u00E4nder und f\u00FCr eine begrenzte Zeit f\u00FCr Werbung in den designierten L\u00E4ndern zu identifizieren", }, { keyName: "lmsads", platform: "LinkedIn Ads", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com", description: "Wird verwendet, um LinkedIn-Mitglieder au\u00DFerhalb von LinkedIn in den vorgesehenen L\u00E4ndern f\u00FCr Werbung zu identifizieren", }, { keyName: "fat", platform: "LinkedIn Ads", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com", description: "Indirekte Mitgliederkennung f\u00FCr Mitglieder f\u00FCr Conversion- tracking, Retargeting, Analysen", }, { keyName: "sugr", platform: "LinkedIn Ads", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com", description: "Wird verwendet, um die Identit\u00E4t eines Benutzers au\u00DFerhalb der designierten L\u00E4nder probabilistisch abzugleichen", }, { keyName: "guid", platform: "LinkedIn Ads", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com", description: "Wird verwendet, um ein LinkedIn-Mitglied f\u00FCr Werbung \u00FCber Google-Anzeigen zu identifizieren", }, { keyName: "brwsr", platform: "LinkedIn Ads", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com", description: "Dies ist ein Affiliate-Marketing- cookie", }, { keyName: "ABSELB", platform: "LinkedIn Ads", category: "Marketing", domain: "linkedin.com", description: "Dies ist ein Load-Balancer- cookie", }, { keyName: "LinkedInInsight", platform: "LinkedIn Insight Tag", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Mit dieser Technologie k\u00F6nnen personalisierte Anzeigen auf LinkedIn f\u00FCr Besucher unserer Website geschaltet werden.", }, { keyName: "LPVID", platform: "LivePerson", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird als Besucher-ID verwendet, wie in der Conversational Cloud identifiziert.", }, { keyName: "LPVisitorID", platform: "LivePerson", category: "Functional", domain: "lo.v.liveperson.net", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um die in LivePerson identifizierte Besucher-ID zu speichern.", }, { keyName: "LPSessionID", platform: "LivePerson", category: "Functional", domain: "lo.v.liveperson.net", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um eine Live-Chat-Funktion anzubieten. Es speichert den Sitzungsstatus des Besuchers sowohl der derzeit aktiven Sitzung als auch der letzten Sitzung.", }, { keyName: "euconsent", platform: "LiveRamp", category: "Marketing", domain: "faktor.io", description: "Cookie compliance check", }, { keyName: "pxrc", platform: "LiveRamp", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies dient der Optimierung der Werberelevanz.", }, { keyName: "rlas3", platform: "LiveRamp", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um zielgerichtete Werbung anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "lz_last_visit", platform: "LiveZilla GmbH", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Last Visit (Timestamp), used to determine when the website visitor browsed the website the last time.", }, { keyName: "lz_userid", platform: "LiveZilla GmbH", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Sets up a unique ID which is used to generate statistical data about the website visitor's usage of the website.", }, { keyName: "lz_visits", platform: "LiveZilla GmbH", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Number of visits, is used to identify how often the website visitor already visited the website.", }, { keyName: "__lc_cid", platform: "Livechat", category: "Functional", domain: "livechatinc.com", description: "Necessary for the functionality of the website's chat-box function.", }, { keyName: "__lc_cst", platform: "Livechat", category: "Functional", domain: "livechatinc.com", description: "Necessary for the functionality of the website's chat-box function.", }, { keyName: "__lc2_cid", platform: "Livechat", category: "Functional", domain: "livechatinc.com", description: "Stores a unique ID string for each chat-box session. This allows the website-support to see previous issues and reconnect with the previous supporter.", }, { keyName: "__lc2_cst", platform: "Livechat", category: "Functional", domain: "livechatinc.com", description: "Stores a unique ID string for each chat-box session. This allows the website-support to see previous issues and reconnect with the previous supporter.", }, { keyName: "__livechat", platform: "Livechat", category: "Functional", domain: "livechatinc.com", description: "Used to hide the user's personal customisation of LiveChat.", }, { keyName: "lidid", platform: "Liveintent", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Daten \u00FCber das Verhalten und die Interaktion der Besucher zu sammeln. Mit dieser Werbung wird die Relevanz auf der Website mehr relevant gemacht.", }, { keyName: "_cc_aud", platform: "Lotame", category: "Marketing", domain: "crwdcntrl.net", description: "Collects anonymous statistical data related to the user's website visits, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded. The purpose is to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising. ", }, { keyName: "_cc_cc", platform: "Lotame", category: "Marketing", domain: "crwdcntrl.net", description: "Collects anonymous statistical data related to the user's website visits, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded. The purpose is to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising. ", }, { keyName: "_cc_id", platform: "Lotame", category: "Marketing", domain: "crwdcntrl.net", description: "Collects anonymous statistical data related to the user's website visits, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded. The purpose is to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising.", }, { keyName: "_cc_dc", platform: "Lotame", category: "Marketing", domain: "crwdcntrl.net", description: "Collects anonymous statistical data related to the user's website visits, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded. The purpose is to segment the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising.", }, { keyName: "aud", platform: "Lotame Solutions", category: "Functional", domain: "crwdcntrl.net", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Benutzer zu segmentieren, damit Medien- und Marketingagenturen ihre Zielgruppen strukturieren und verstehen k\u00F6nnen, um ma\u00DFgeschneiderte Online-Werbung zu erm\u00F6glichen.", }, { keyName: "N\/A", platform: "MOAT", category: "Analytics", domain: "moatads.com (3rd party)", description: "Javascript tag used to measure and monitor ad visibilty\/viewability and brand safety standards.", }, { keyName: "form_key", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "A security measure that appends a random string to all form submissions to protect the data from Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF).", }, { keyName: "mage-cache-sessid", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "The value of this cookie triggers the cleanup of local cache storage. When the cookie is removed by the backend application, the Admin cleans up local storage, and sets the cookie value to true.", }, { keyName: "mage-cache-storage", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Local storage of visitor-specific content that enables ecommerce functions.", }, { keyName: "mage-cache-storage-section-invalidation", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Forces local storage of specific content sections that should be invalidated.", }, { keyName: "mage-messages", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Tracks error messages and other notifications that are shown to the user, such as the cookie consent message, and various error messages. The message is deleted from the cookie after it is shown to the shopper.", }, { keyName: "mage-translation-file-version", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Tracks the version of translations in local storage. Used when Translation Strategy is configured as Dictionary (Translation on Storefront side).", }, { keyName: "mage-translation-storage", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores translated content when requested by the shopper. Used when Translation Strategy is configured as Dictionary (Translation on Storefront side).", }, { keyName: "product_data_storage", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores configuration for product data related to Recently Viewed \/ Compared Products.", }, { keyName: "recently_compared_product", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores product IDs of recently compared products.", }, { keyName: "recently_compared_product_previous", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores product IDs of previously compared products for easy navigation.", }, { keyName: "recently_viewed_product", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores product IDs of recently viewed products for easy navigation.", }, { keyName: "recently_viewed_product_previous", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores product IDs of recently previously viewed products for easy navigation.", }, { keyName: "user_allowed_save_cookie", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Indicates if a customer is allowed to use cookies.", }, { keyName: "external_no_cache", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "A flag that indicates if caching is disabled.", }, { keyName: "persistent_shopping_cart", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores the key (ID) of persistent cart to make it possible to restore the cart for an anonymous shopper.", }, { keyName: "stf", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Records the time messages are sent by the SendFriend (Email a Friend) module.", }, { keyName: "pollN", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "A poll ID that indicates if a vote has occurred.", }, { keyName: "frontend", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Session ID", }, { keyName: "guest-view", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Allows guests to edit their orders.", }, { keyName: "mage-banners-cache-storage", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores banner content locally to improve performance.", }, { keyName: "searchReport-log", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Magento, used to log information about searching", }, { keyName: "private_content_version", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Appends a random, unique number and time to pages with customer content to prevent them from being cached on the server.", }, { keyName: "X-Magento-Vary", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "X-Magento-Vary cookie is used by Magento 2 system to highlight that version of a page requested by a user has been changed. It allows having different versions of the same page stored in cache e.g. Varnish.", }, { keyName: "section_data_ids", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores customer-specific information related to shopper-initiated actions such as display wish list, checkout information, etc.", }, { keyName: "private_content_version", platform: "Magento", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Appends a random, unique number and time to pages with customer content to prevent them from being cached on the server.", }, { keyName: "mailmunch_second_pageview", platform: "MailMunch", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used for tracking by the Mailmunch mailing list software", }, { keyName: "_mailmunch_visitor_id", platform: "MailMunch", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set by MailMunch which is email collection and email marketing platform.", }, { keyName: "PHPSESSID", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "PHP cookie , das mit eingebetteten Inhalten dieser Domain verkn\u00FCpft ist.", }, { keyName: "cfduid", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses CloudFlare- cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt und wird verwendet, um die Seitenladezeiten zu beschleunigen. Laut CloudFlare wird es verwendet, um Sicherheitsbeschr\u00E4nkungen basierend auf der IP-Adresse, von der der Besucher kommt, zu \u00FCberschreiben. Es enth\u00E4lt keine Informationen zur Benutzeridentifikation.", }, { keyName: "connectsid", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt und dient dazu, dem Benutzer die idealen Gr\u00F6\u00DFen auf der Website anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "XSRFTOKEN", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt, um die Site-Sicherheit bei der Verhinderung von Cross-Site-Request-Forgery-Angriffen zu unterst\u00FCtzen.", }, { keyName: "6bdfac53cbfb648b7ebe7a1fe1b93f4d", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt und blockiert gef\u00E4lschte Leads und betr\u00FCgerische Anmeldungen.", }, { keyName: "trafficsource", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt und hilft beim Setzen der cookies f\u00FCr die Besucher der Website.", }, { keyName: "mailerliterenewtoken", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt und dient dem Autorisierungsprozess.", }, { keyName: "qkpdvawaut", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird f\u00FCr das Partnerprogramm von MailerLite verwendet.", }, { keyName: "laravelsession", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt und dient dazu, eine Sitzungsinstanz f\u00FCr den Benutzer zu identifizieren.", }, { keyName: "ajs3Acookies", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie sammelt Daten \u00FCber Besucher. Diese Informationen werden verwendet, um Besucher in Segmente einzuteilen, um die Website-Werbung effizienter zu machen.", }, { keyName: "ajs3Atest", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie sammelt Daten \u00FCber Besucher. Diese Informationen werden verwendet, um Besucher in Segmente einzuteilen, um die Website-Werbung effizienter zu machen.", }, { keyName: "tld", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um Besucher auf mehreren Websites zu verfolgen, um basierend auf den Pr\u00E4ferenzen des Besuchers relevante Werbung zu pr\u00E4sentieren.", }, { keyName: "PHPSESSID", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "PHP cookie , das mit eingebetteten Inhalten dieser Domain verkn\u00FCpft ist.", }, { keyName: "cfduid", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses CloudFlare- cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt und wird verwendet, um die Seitenladezeiten zu beschleunigen. Laut CloudFlare wird es verwendet, um Sicherheitsbeschr\u00E4nkungen basierend auf der IP-Adresse, von der der Besucher kommt, zu \u00FCberschreiben. Es enth\u00E4lt keine Informationen zur Benutzeridentifikation.", }, { keyName: "connectsid", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt und dient dazu, dem Benutzer die idealen Gr\u00F6\u00DFen auf der Website anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "XSRFTOKEN", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt, um die Site-Sicherheit bei der Verhinderung von Cross-Site-Request-Forgery-Angriffen zu unterst\u00FCtzen.", }, { keyName: "6bdfac53cbfb648b7ebe7a1fe1b93f4d", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt und blockiert gef\u00E4lschte Leads und betr\u00FCgerische Anmeldungen.", }, { keyName: "trafficsource", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt und hilft beim Setzen der cookies f\u00FCr die Besucher der Website.", }, { keyName: "mailerliterenewtoken", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt und dient dem Autorisierungsprozess.", }, { keyName: "qkpdvawaut", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird f\u00FCr das Partnerprogramm von MailerLite verwendet.", }, { keyName: "laravelsession", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von MailerLite gesetzt und dient dazu, eine Sitzungsinstanz f\u00FCr den Benutzer zu identifizieren.", }, { keyName: "ajs3Acookies", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie sammelt Daten \u00FCber Besucher. Diese Informationen werden verwendet, um Besucher in Segmente einzuteilen, um die Website-Werbung effizienter zu machen.", }, { keyName: "ajs3Atest", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie sammelt Daten \u00FCber Besucher. Diese Informationen werden verwendet, um Besucher in Segmente einzuteilen, um die Website-Werbung effizienter zu machen.", }, { keyName: "tld", platform: "MailerLite", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um Besucher auf mehreren Websites zu verfolgen, um basierend auf den Pr\u00E4ferenzen des Besuchers relevante Werbung zu pr\u00E4sentieren.", }, { keyName: "ppcbbenablecontentmapbox", platform: "Mapbox", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Unbekannte Funktionalit\u00E4t.", }, { keyName: "ppcbbenablecontentmapbox", platform: "Mapbox", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Unbekannte Funktionalit\u00E4t.", }, { keyName: "mktotrk", platform: "Marketo", category: "Marketing", domain: "marketo.com", description: "Auf diese Weise kann eine Website das Besucherverhalten verfolgen und einen Besucher mit dem Empf\u00E4nger einer E-Mail-Marketingkampagne verkn\u00FCpfen, um die Kampagneneffektivit\u00E4t zu messen.", }, { keyName: "_pk_id", platform: "Matomo", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used to store a few details about the user such as the unique visitor ID", }, { keyName: "_pk_ref", platform: "Matomo", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used to store the attribution information, the referrer initially used to visit the website", }, { keyName: "_pk_ses", platform: "Matomo", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Short lived cookies used to temporarily store data for the visit", }, { keyName: "_pk_cvar", platform: "Matomo", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Short lived cookies used to temporarily store data for the visit", }, { keyName: "_pk_hsr", platform: "Matomo", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Short lived cookies used to temporarily store data for the visit", }, { keyName: "_pk_testcookie", platform: "Matomo", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Cookie is created and should be then directly deleted (used to check whether the visitor\u2019s browser supports cookies)", }, { keyName: "mtm_consent", platform: "Matomo", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Cookie is created with no expiry date to forever remember that consent was given by the user.", }, { keyName: "cookieconsent_variant", platform: "Maxlead", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Stores the variant of shown cookie banner", }, { keyName: "cookieconsent_system", platform: "Maxlead", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Cookie consent system cookie for saving user's cookie opt-in\/out choices.", }, { keyName: "cookieconsent_level", platform: "Maxlead", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Cookie consent system cookie for storing the level of cookie consent.", }, { keyName: "cookieconsent_seen", platform: "Maxlead", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Used to support the GDPR \/ AVG compliant cookie consent system", }, { keyName: "mt_misc", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Marketing", domain: "mathtag.com", description: "MediaMath uses this cookie to hold attributes about the browser for fraud prevention and other technical optimizations.", }, { keyName: "mt_mop", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Marketing", domain: "mathtag.com", description: "MediaMath uses this cookie to synchronize the visitor ID with a limited number of trusted exchanges and data partners", }, { keyName: "uuidc", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Marketing", domain: "mathtag.com", description: "Collects data on the user's visits to the website, such as what pages have been loaded. The registered data is used for targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "uuid", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Identifikationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "uuidc", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Identifikationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "misc", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Optimierungszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "mop", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Synchronisationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "HRL8", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Identifikationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "mop", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Synchronisationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "mopu3s", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Synchronisationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "OL8U", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Identifikationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: " uuid", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Identifikationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "uuidc", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Identifikationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "misc", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Optimierungszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: " mop", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Synchronisationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "HRL8", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Identifikationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: " mop", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Synchronisationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "mopu3s", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Synchronisationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "OL8U", platform: "MediaMath", category: "Marketing", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Identifikationszwecken verwendet", }, { keyName: "uuid", platform: "Mediamath", category: "Marketing", domain: "mathtag.com", description: "Collects data on the user's visits to the website, such as what pages have been loaded. The registered data is used for targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "N\/A", platform: "Meetrics", category: "Analytics", domain: "meetrics.net (3rd party)", description: "Javascript tag used to measure and monitor ad visibilty\/viewability and brand safety standards.", }, { keyName: "_clck", platform: "Microsoft", category: "Analytics", domain: "clarity.ms", description: " This cookie is installed by Microsoft Clarity to store information of how visitors use a website and help in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visited in an anonymous form.", }, { keyName: "_clsk", platform: "Microsoft", category: "Analytics", domain: "clarity.ms", description: "This cookie is installed by Microsoft Clarity to store information of how visitors use a website and help in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visited in an anonymous form.", }, { keyName: "ASP.NET_SessionId", platform: "Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "General purpose platform session cookie, used by sites written with Miscrosoft .NET based technologies. Usually used to maintain an anonymised user session by the server.", }, { keyName: "ASP.NET_SessionId_Fallback", platform: "Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Fallback session cookie to support older browsers that haven't implemented the Secure flag, in modern evergreen browsers this cookie is never set as it haven't got the Secure flag.", }, { keyName: ".AspNetCore.Antiforgery.", platform: "Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Anti-forgery cookie is a security mechanism to defend against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.", }, { keyName: "__RequestVerificationToken", platform: "Microsoft", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This is an anti-forgery cookie set by web applications built using ASP.NET MVC technologies. It is designed to stop unauthorised posting of content to a website, known as Cross-Site Request Forgery.", }, { keyName: "ai_session", platform: "Microsoft Azure App Insights", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This is a unique anonymous session identifier cookie.", }, { keyName: "ai_user", platform: "Microsoft Azure App Insights", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "This is a unique user identifier cookie enabling counting of the number of users accessing the application over time.", }, { keyName: "AADNonce.forms", platform: "Microsoft Dynamics", category: "Functional", domain: "forms.office.comm", description: "Unique identifier of one authentication session to prevent replay.", }, { keyName: "DcLcid", platform: "Microsoft Dynamics", category: "Functional", domain: "forms.office.comm", description: "Saves language preference.", }, { keyName: "MIDASPIXEL", platform: "Midas-network", category: "Functional", domain: "cdn.midas-network.com", description: "-", }, { keyName: "cfduid", platform: "Midas-network", category: "Functional", domain: "midas-network.com", description: "Wird vom Content-Werbenetzwerk Cloudflare verwendet, um vertrauensw\u00FCrdigen Webverkehr zu identifizieren.", }, { keyName: "Pastease.passive.activated", platform: "Mopinion.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "The visitor is selected via this Mopinion cookie and the visitor sees the form.", }, { keyName: "Pastease.passive.chance", platform: "Mopinion.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This Mopinion cookie determines the chance that the visitor will see the form.", }, { keyName: "user", platform: "Mouseflow", category: "Functional", domain: "https:\/\/mouseflow.com\/", description: "Dieses Cookie bestimmt, ob ein Benutzer die Website zum ersten Mal besucht oder zur\u00FCckkehrt. Dies erfolgt \u00FCber einen Ja \/ Nein-Schalter - es werden keine weiteren Informationen \u00FCber den Benutzer gespeichert.", }, { keyName: "_###", platform: "Mouseflow", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Das Cookie enth\u00E4lt Informationen zum aktuellen Besuch der Website, jedoch keine Informationen, die den Besucher identifizieren k\u00F6nnen. Das Cookie wird gel\u00F6scht, wenn die Sitzung endet, d. h. wenn der Benutzer die Website verl\u00E4sst.", }, { keyName: "hashuid", platform: "NEORY", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Enth\u00E4lt eine eindeutige Cookie-ID zur Identifizierung des Browsers oder der App", }, { keyName: "INGRESSCOOKIE", platform: "NGINX Ingresss", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Registers which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience.", }, { keyName: "nid", platform: "Navegg", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Cookies , die f\u00FCr die benutzerdefinierte Bereitstellung von Medien verwendet werden.", }, { keyName: "ab", platform: "Neustar", category: "Marketing", domain: "agkn.com", description: "This cookie is used by the website\u2019s operator in context with multi-variate testing. This is a tool used to combine or change content on the website. This allows the website to find the best variation\/edition of the site.", }, { keyName: "JSESSIONID", platform: "New Relic", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von New Relic gesetzt und wird verwendet, um eine Sitzungskennung zu speichern, damit New Relic die Sitzungszahlen f\u00FCr eine Anwendung \u00FCberwachen kann.", }, { keyName: "sibcuid", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den webbasierten Support-Chat f\u00FCr die Kommunikation mit Benutzern anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "gid", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hiermit werden Informationen \u00FCber die Art und Weise gespeichert, wie Besucher die Website nutzen, und es wird ein analytischer Bericht \u00FCber die Funktionsweise der Website erstellt. Die zusammengestellten Daten, einschlie\u00DFlich der Anzahl der Besucher, ihrer Quelle und der Webseiten, werden anonym behandelt.", }, { keyName: "localization", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den webbasierten Support-Chat f\u00FCr die Kommunikation mit Benutzern anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "country", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den webbasierten Support-Chat f\u00FCr die Kommunikation mit Benutzern anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "pricingversion", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den webbasierten Support-Chat f\u00FCr die Kommunikation mit Benutzern anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "tmpllang", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den webbasierten Support-Chat f\u00FCr die Kommunikation mit Benutzern anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "cfduid", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Benutzer zu unterscheiden.", }, { keyName: "OptanonAlertBoxClosed", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den webbasierten Support-Chat f\u00FCr die Kommunikation mit Benutzern anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "intercomf8xnxnsj", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den webbasierten Support-Chat f\u00FCr die Kommunikation mit Benutzern anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "gcl", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den webbasierten Support-Chat f\u00FCr die Kommunikation mit Benutzern anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "OptanonConsent", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den webbasierten Support-Chat f\u00FCr die Kommunikation mit Benutzern anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "keenanonymous", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den webbasierten Support-Chat f\u00FCr die Kommunikation mit Benutzern anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "PHPSESSID", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "https:\/\/nitropack.io\/", description: "Identifiziert eindeutig Ihre Benutzersitzung auf der Website. Dieses Cookie enth\u00E4lt keine pers\u00F6nlichen Informationen, sondern dient als Identifikator f\u00FCr Sie im System.", }, { keyName: "navigationcookie", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Legt fest, ob die Navigation im Dashboard Ihrer nitropack.io-Website ein- oder ausgeklappt ist.", }, { keyName: "agreedoptional", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Gibt an, ob Sie der Verwendung von optionalen Werbe- und Insights-Cookies zugestimmt haben.", }, { keyName: "partner", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Gibt an, ob Sie einem Empfehlungslink gefolgt sind.", }, { keyName: "intercomapp", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Cookie zur Identifizierung anonymer Besucher.", }, { keyName: "intercomsessionapp", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Bezeichner f\u00FCr jede eindeutige Browser-Sitzung.", }, { keyName: "gid", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Anonymes Tracking-Cookie von Google Analytics.", }, { keyName: "gatgtagXXXXXX", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Google Analytics Tracking-Cookie. Wird verwendet, um die Surfgewohnheiten der Besucher, den Fluss, die Quelle und andere Informationen zu analysieren.", }, { keyName: "fbp", platform: "Newsletter2Go", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Cookie, das beim Conversion-Tracking von Facebook hilft.", }, { keyName: "OptanonConsent", platform: "OneTrust", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set by the cookie compliance solution from OneTrust. It stores information about the categories of cookies the site uses and whether visitors have given or withdrawn consent for the use of each category. This enables site owners to prevent cookies in each category from being set in the user\u2019s browser, when consent is not given. The cookie has a normal lifespan of one year, so that returning visitors to the site will have their preferences remembered. It contains no information that can identify the site visitor.", }, { keyName: "borlabscookie", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Saves the settings of the visitors selected in the Borlabs Cookie cookie box.", }, { keyName: "gat", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Google cookie for website analysis. Generates statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.", }, { keyName: "gid", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Google cookie for website analysis. Generates statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.", }, { keyName: "hjClosedSurveyInvites", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "hjDonePolls", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "hjMinimizedPolls", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "hjDoneTestersWidgets", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "hjIncludedInSample", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "hjShownFeedbackMessage", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "hjid", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "hjRecordingLastActivity", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "hjRecordingLastActor", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "hjTLDTest", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "TjutsCalcale", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "HjTLDTest", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "tribhjUserAthest", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "TJThutes", platform: "Online Solutions Group", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hotjar ist ein Tool zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens der Hotjar Ltd. Wir verwenden Hotjar, um zu verstehen, wie Nutzer mit unserer Website interagieren.", }, { keyName: "osmsession", platform: "OpenStreetMap", category: "Functional", domain: "www.openstreetmap.org", description: "Wird zum Entsperren von OpenStreetMap-Inhalten verwendet.", }, { keyName: "osmtotptoken", platform: "OpenStreetMap", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird zum Entsperren von OpenStreetMap-Inhalten verwendet.", }, { keyName: "osmlocation", platform: "OpenStreetMap", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird zum Entsperren von OpenStreetMap-Inhalten verwendet.", }, { keyName: "ses", platform: "OpenStreetMap", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "", }, { keyName: "OAID", platform: "OpenX", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used by the ad server software to manage which ads are placed on our website, and to capture clicks on those ads. Information is collected in anonymous form, and we do not use this data to deliver specific content, advertising or otherwise, to your browser.", }, { keyName: "optimizelyEndUserId", platform: "Optimizely", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores a visitor's unique Optimizely identifier. It's a combination of a timestamp and random number. No other information about you or your visitors is stored inside.", }, { keyName: "optimizelyRedirectData", platform: "Optimizely", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "After Optimizely has executed a redirect experiment, stores various data from the original page so that Optimizely still has access to it on the new page.", }, { keyName: "optimizelyDomainTestCookie", platform: "Optimizely", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "When Optimizely loads a URL, the snippet places the cookie to get the current domain, for the purpose of whether cross-domain syncing is possible. If successful, the cookie is immediately removed. ", }, { keyName: "optimizelyOptOut", platform: "Optimizely", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores a boolean indicating whether the visitor has opted out of participating in Optimizely-powered experimentation.", }, { keyName: "optiMonkClient", platform: "Optimonk", category: "Functional", domain: "optimonk.com", description: "Hier werden Informationen dar\u00FCber gespeichert, wie Besucher mit den Kampagnen \/ Popups von OptiMonk und ihrem Website-Verhalten interagieren.", }, { keyName: "optiMonkSession", platform: "Optimonk", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Hiermit wird die genaue Startzeit gespeichert, zu der der Benutzer eine Sitzung auf der Website gestartet hat.", }, { keyName: "_omappvs", platform: "Optinmonster", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Cookie is used to identify returning visitors", }, { keyName: "_omappvp", platform: "Optinmonster", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Cookie is used to identify returning visitors", }, { keyName: "JSESSIONID", platform: "Oracle", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "JSESSIONID is a platform session cookie and is used by sites with JavaServer Pages (JSP). The cookie is used to maintain an anonymous user session by the server.", }, { keyName: "ORA_WWV_APP_", platform: "Oracle", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Security cookie for applications.", }, { keyName: "app_ts", platform: "Ortec", category: "Marketing", domain: "adscience.nl", description: "Used by adscience.nl to display remarketing campaigns.", }, { keyName: "viewer", platform: "Ortec", category: "Marketing", domain: "adscience.nl", description: "Used by adscience.nl to measure visitor numbers and information and use it to optimize marketing campaigns.", }, { keyName: "spx_ts", platform: "Ortec", category: "Marketing", domain: "adscience.nl", description: "These cookies ensure that relevant advertisements are displayed on external websites.", }, { keyName: "adx_ts", platform: "Ortec", category: "Marketing", domain: "adscience.nl", description: "These cookies ensure that relevant advertisements are displayed on external websites.", }, { keyName: "id_ts", platform: "Ortec", category: "Marketing", domain: "adscience.nl", description: "These cookies ensure that relevant advertisements are displayed on external websites.", }, { keyName: "cookieconsent_status", platform: "Osano", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used to remember if you have consented to the use of cookies on this website.", }, { keyName: "cookieconsent_page", platform: "Osano", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Page where the user complies to the cookie consent", }, { keyName: "cookieJartestCookie", platform: "Outbrain", category: "Marketing", domain: "outbrain.com", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "obuid", platform: "Outbrain", category: "Marketing", domain: "outbrain.com", description: "Holds the anonymous user's ID. Used for tracking user actions, such as clicks on the recommendations", }, { keyName: "apnxs", platform: "Outbrain", category: "Marketing", domain: "outbrain.com", description: "This cookie is set by Outbrain and it is used to analyse technical data about the website", }, { keyName: "criteo", platform: "Outbrain", category: "Marketing", domain: "outbrain.com", description: "This cookie is set by Outbrain and it is used to analyse technical data about the website", }, { keyName: "mdfrc", platform: "Outbrain", category: "Marketing", domain: "outbrain.com", description: "This cookie is set by Outbrain and it is used to analyse technical data about the website", }, { keyName: "adrl", platform: "Outbrain", category: "Marketing", domain: "outbrain.com", description: "This cookie is set by Outbrain and it is used to analyse technical data about the website", }, { keyName: "ttd", platform: "Outbrain", category: "Marketing", domain: "outbrain.com", description: "This cookie is set by Outbrain and it is used to analyse technical data about the website", }, { keyName: "bdswch", platform: "Outbrain", category: "Marketing", domain: "outbrain.com", description: "Used to present the visitor with relevant content and advertisement - The service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "outbraincidfetch", platform: "Outbrain", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie bestimmt, wie der Benutzer auf die Website zugegriffen hat. Dies wird verwendet, um die Effizienz des Marketings zu messen.", }, { keyName: "outbraincidfetch", platform: "Outbrain Amplify", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie bestimmt, wie der Benutzer auf die Website zugegriffen hat. Diese Informationen werden vom Websitebetreiber verwendet, um die Effizienz seines Marketings zu messen.", }, { keyName: "Cheq", platform: "Outbrain Conversion Tracking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Betrugserkennung", }, { keyName: " rec-{}", platform: "Outbrain Conversion Tracking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die Dokumente, die wir empfehlen, so dass wir nicht die gleiche Empfehlung auf der gleichen Seite anzeigen.", }, { keyName: " re-{}", platform: "Outbrain Conversion Tracking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert Informationen \u00FCber verweisende Dokumente - geschrieben von Redirect on click.", }, { keyName: "obuid", platform: "Outbrain Conversion Tracking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Enth\u00E4lt die ID des anonymen Benutzers. Wird zum Verfolgen von Benutzeraktionen verwendet, z. B. Klicks auf die Empfehlungen.", }, { keyName: "auid", platform: "Outbrain Conversion Tracking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Enth\u00E4lt die Werbe-ID des Benutzers in mobilen Ger\u00E4ten. Wird zur Verfolgung von Benutzeraktionen verwendet, z. B. Klicks auf die Empfehlungen.", }, { keyName: "Scorecardresearchcom", platform: "Outbrain Conversion Tracking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "ComScore ist ein Anbieter von Web-Marktforschung, Analytik und Messungen. ScorecardResearch f\u00FChrt Forschungen durch, indem es Daten \u00FCber das Surfen im Internet sammelt und diese Daten dann verwendet, um zu zeigen, wie Menschen das Internet nutzen, was sie daran m\u00F6gen und was nicht. Die verwendeten Umfragen und Web-Tags erheben keine pers\u00F6nlichen Daten.", }, { keyName: "DoubleVerify", platform: "Outbrain Conversion Tracking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Werbeverifizierung.", }, { keyName: "IntegralAdScience", platform: "Outbrain Conversion Tracking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Werbeverifizierung.", }, { keyName: "MoatOracle", platform: "Outbrain Conversion Tracking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Werbeverifizierung.", }, { keyName: "PHPSESSID", platform: "PHP.net", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain (1st party)", description: "Cookie generated by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. It is normally a random generated number, how it is used can be specific to the site, but a good example is maintaining a logged-in status for a user between pages.", }, { keyName: "visitor", platform: "Pardot", category: "Functional", domain: "pardot", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den Website-Besucher zu verfolgen.", }, { keyName: "opt", platform: "Pardot", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um zu \u00FCberpr\u00FCfen, ob der Benutzer das tracking erlaubt hat.", }, { keyName: "lpv", platform: "Pardot", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies soll verhindern, dass der Dienst mehrere Seitenaufrufe auf einem einzelnen Asset \u00FCber eine 30-min\u00FCtige Sitzung hinweg tracking .", }, { keyName: "tPHG-PS", platform: "Partnerize", category: "Marketing", domain: "prf.hn", description: "Partnerize\u2019s tracking cookie, deployed either upon a user\u2019s clicking of a link on a partner website, or upon the loading of a customer's image to a partner website.", }, { keyName: "tPHG", platform: "Partnerize", category: "Functional", domain: "partnerize.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, wenn ein Benutzer auf einen Link einer Partner-Website klickt oder wenn ein Kundenbild auf eine Partner-Website geladen wird.", }, { keyName: "akavpauppsd", platform: "PayPal", category: "Essentiell", domain: "paypal.com", description: "Das cookie wird f\u00FCr sichere Transaktionen ben\u00F6tigt.", }, { keyName: " cookiecheck", platform: "PayPal", category: "Essentiell", domain: "paypal.com", description: "Bestimmt, ob der Besucher das cookie -Zustimmungsfeld akzeptiert hat.", }, { keyName: " enforcepolicy", platform: "PayPal", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Dies ist ein von PayPal gesetztes cookie . PayPal verwendet cookies , um seine Benutzer wiederzuerkennen und die Zeit zu verk\u00FCrzen, die Benutzer ben\u00F6tigen, um sich bei ihrem PayPal-Konto anzumelden.", }, { keyName: "LANG", platform: "PayPal", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird gesetzt, um die Sprache von PayPal anzupassen.", }, { keyName: "nsid", platform: "PayPal", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von PayPal bereitgestellt und unterst\u00FCtzt die Zahlungsdienste.", }, { keyName: "tsrce", platform: "PayPal", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von PayPal bereitgestellt und unterst\u00FCtzt die Zahlungsdienste.", }, { keyName: "cdn", platform: "PayPal", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird von PayPal bereitgestellt und unterst\u00FCtzt die Zahlungsdienste.", }, { keyName: "paydirektSession", platform: "Paydirekt", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Es wird verwendet, um zu erkennen, ob eine Sitzung gestartet wurde.", }, { keyName: "paydirektCookieAllowed", platform: "Paydirekt", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um zu erkennen, ob paydirekts Cookies akzeptiert wurden.", }, { keyName: "paydirektCookieAllowedPWS", platform: "Paydirekt", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um zu erkennen, ob paydirekts Cookies akzeptiert wurden.", }, { keyName: "giropaySelectedBankIdCookie", platform: "Paydirekt", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Mit Hilfe dieses Cookies kann paydirekt feststellen, ob ein Benutzer seine Bankauswahl f\u00FCr zuk\u00FCnftige Zahlungen gespeichert hat.", }, { keyName: "guestPaymentInfo", platform: "Paydirekt", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Mit Hilfe dieses Cookies kann paydirekt sicherstellen, dass Informationsdialoge nur einmal pro Benutzer angezeigt werden.", }, { keyName: "userlaneuser", platform: "Paydirekt", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Enth\u00E4lt eine Identifikationsnummer zum Zuweisen der Benutzerf\u00FChrung \u00FCber \"Userlane\".", }, { keyName: "dis", platform: "Paydirekt", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Mit Hilfe dieses Cookies kann paydirekt den verwendeten Browser identifizieren.", }, { keyName: "accountWebRememberMe", platform: "Paydirekt", category: "Essentiell", domain: "", description: "Mit Hilfe dieses Cookies kann paydirekt feststellen, ob ein Benutzer, der beim Einloggen in das K\u00E4uferportal eine 2-Faktor-Authentifizierung durchf\u00FChren muss, den aktuellen Browser als vertrauensw\u00FCrdig gespeichert hat.", }, { keyName: "pa_rubicon_ts", platform: "Perfect Audience", category: "Marketing", domain: "prfct.co", description: "This cookie is set by Perfect Audience and is used for advertising purposes based on user behavior data.", }, { keyName: "pa_google_ts", platform: "Perfect Audience", category: "Marketing", domain: "prfct.co", description: "This cookie is set by Perfect Audience and is used for advertising purposes based on user behavior data.", }, { keyName: "pa_twitter_ts", platform: "Perfect Audience", category: "Marketing", domain: "prfct.co", description: "This cookie is set by Perfect Audience and is used for advertising purposes based on user behavior data.", }, { keyName: "pa_yahoo_ts", platform: "Perfect Audience", category: "Marketing", domain: "prfct.co", description: "This cookie is set by Perfect Audience and is used for advertising purposes based on user behavior data.", }, { keyName: "pa_openx_ts", platform: "Perfect Audience", category: "Marketing", domain: "prfct.co", description: "This cookie is set by Perfect Audience and is used for advertising purposes based on user behavior data.", }, { keyName: "pa_uid", platform: "Perfect Audience", category: "Marketing", domain: "prfct.co", description: "This cookie is set by Perfect Audience and is used for advertising purposes based on user behavior data.", }, { keyName: "picreel_tracker__visited", platform: "Picreel", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used for statistical purposes when counting the number of pages, the user visited", }, { keyName: "picreel_tracker__first_visit", platform: "Picreel", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used for statistical purposes, keeping the date of the first visit", }, { keyName: "picreel_tracker__page_views", platform: "Picreel", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "picreel_new_price", platform: "Picreel", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "visitor", platform: "Pinpoll", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies dient der Benutzererkennung.", }, { keyName: "dnt", platform: "Pinpoll", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies dient der Nachverfolgung, ob der Nutzer dem Setzen von cookies zugestimmt hat.", }, { keyName: "_pinterest_cm", platform: "Pinterest", category: "Functional", domain: "pinterest.com", description: "Pinterest cookie ensures that you can share our website pages via Pinterest by means of the 'share' button", }, { keyName: "_pinterest_sess", platform: "Pinterest", category: "Functional", domain: "pinterest.com", description: "session cookie (expires after your session) which collects anonymous data about a user's visit to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the site and which pages have been loaded in order to personalise and improve the Pinterest service.", }, { keyName: "_pin_unauth", platform: "Pinterest", category: "Marketing", domain: "pinterest.com", description: "Registers a unique ID that identifies and recognizes the user. Is used for targeted advertising.", }, { keyName: "_pinterest_ct_ua", platform: "Pinterest", category: "Marketing", domain: "pinterest.com", description: "This cookieis a third party cookie which groups actions for users who cannot be identified by Pinterest.", }, { keyName: "sessionFunnelEventLogged", platform: "Pinterest", category: "Marketing", domain: "pinterest.com", description: "A generic technical cookie used for storing user session identifier in web applications", }, { keyName: "_routing_id", platform: "Pinterest", category: "Marketing", domain: "pinterest.com", description: "Allows users to share pictures via Pinterest \/ the Pin It button. Pinterest can collect statistical information about usage of their service.", }, { keyName: "stg_traffic_source_priority", platform: "Piwik", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores the type of traffic source that explains how the visitor reached your website.", }, { keyName: "stg_last_interaction", platform: "Piwik", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Determines whether the last visitor's session is still in progress or a new session has started.", }, { keyName: "stg_returning_visitor", platform: "Piwik", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Determines if the visitor has already been to your website \u2014 they are returning visitors.", }, { keyName: "stg_externalReferrer", platform: "Piwik", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores an URL of a website that referred a visitor to your website.", }, { keyName: "fl_inst", platform: "Platform161", category: "Marketing", domain: "creative-serving.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to check if Flash plugin is enabled in browser of user.", }, { keyName: "pvc2", platform: "Platform161", category: "Marketing", domain: "creative-serving.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information related to ad impressions.", }, { keyName: "pcc2", platform: "Platform161", category: "Marketing", domain: "creative-serving.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information related to ad impressions.", }, { keyName: "trc", platform: "Platform161", category: "Marketing", domain: "creative-serving.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information related to ad impressions.", }, { keyName: "tuuid", platform: "Platform161", category: "Marketing", domain: "creative-serving.com (3rd party)", description: "Unique value to identify individual users.", }, { keyName: "ad2", platform: "Platform161", category: "Marketing", domain: "creative-serving.com (3rd party)", description: "Contains information related to ad impressions.", }, { keyName: "verovisit", platform: "Playbuzz", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Diese Cookies werden gesetzt, sobald ein Playbuzz Plugin in die Website eingebettet ist. Sie erm\u00F6glichen die korrekte Funktionalit\u00E4t von Playbuzz Plugins wie z.B. Quiz \u0026 Tests.", }, { keyName: "vero", platform: "Playbuzz", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Diese Cookies werden gesetzt, sobald ein Playbuzz Plugin in die Website eingebettet ist. Sie erm\u00F6glichen die korrekte Funktionalit\u00E4t von Playbuzz Plugins wie z.B. Quiz \u0026 Tests.", }, { keyName: "veroc1", platform: "Playbuzz", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Diese Cookies werden gesetzt, sobald ein Playbuzz Plugin in die Website eingebettet ist. Sie erm\u00F6glichen die korrekte Funktionalit\u00E4t von Playbuzz Plugins wie z.B. Quiz \u0026 Tests.", }, { keyName: "veroc2", platform: "Playbuzz", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Diese Cookies werden gesetzt, sobald ein Playbuzz Plugin in die Website eingebettet ist. Sie erm\u00F6glichen die korrekte Funktionalit\u00E4t von Playbuzz Plugins wie z.B. Quiz \u0026 Tests.", }, { keyName: "veroc3", platform: "Playbuzz", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Diese Cookies werden gesetzt, sobald ein Playbuzz Plugin in die Website eingebettet ist. Sie erm\u00F6glichen die korrekte Funktionalit\u00E4t von Playbuzz Plugins wie z.B. Quiz \u0026 Tests.", }, { keyName: "veroc4", platform: "Playbuzz", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Diese Cookies werden gesetzt, sobald ein Playbuzz Plugin in die Website eingebettet ist. Sie erm\u00F6glichen die korrekte Funktionalit\u00E4t von Playbuzz Plugins wie z.B. Quiz \u0026 Tests.", }, { keyName: "analytics", platform: "Playbuzz", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Diese Cookies werden gesetzt, sobald ein Playbuzz Plugin in die Website eingebettet ist. Sie erm\u00F6glichen die korrekte Funktionalit\u00E4t von Playbuzz Plugins wie z.B. Quiz \u0026 Tests.", }, { keyName: "pblikehandler", platform: "Playbuzz", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Diese Cookies werden gesetzt, sobald ein Playbuzz Plugin in die Website eingebettet ist. Sie erm\u00F6glichen die korrekte Funktionalit\u00E4t von Playbuzz Plugins wie z.B. Quiz \u0026 Tests.", }, { keyName: "testSaveCookie", platform: "Playbuzz", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Diese Cookies werden gesetzt, sobald ein Playbuzz Plugin in die Website eingebettet ist. Sie erm\u00F6glichen die korrekte Funktionalit\u00E4t von Playbuzz Plugins wie z.B. Quiz \u0026 Tests.", }, { keyName: "utm", platform: "Playbuzz", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Diese Cookies werden gesetzt, sobald ein Playbuzz Plugin in die Website eingebettet ist. Sie erm\u00F6glichen die korrekte Funktionalit\u00E4t von Playbuzz Plugins wie z.B. Quiz \u0026 Tests.", }, { keyName: "tracking", platform: "Playbuzz", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Diese Cookies werden gesetzt, sobald ein Playbuzz Plugin in die Website eingebettet ist. Sie erm\u00F6glichen die korrekte Funktionalit\u00E4t von Playbuzz Plugins wie z.B. Quiz \u0026 Tests.", }, { keyName: "Pookie", platform: "Plista", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie stellt dem Benutzer eine zuf\u00E4llige Kennung (Cookie-ID) zur Verf\u00FCgung, die es erm\u00F6glicht, das Surfverhalten des Benutzers \u00FCber das Surfverhalten des Benutzers im Internet in einem pseudonymen Nutzungsprofil zusammenzufassen", }, { keyName: "Ploptout", platform: "Plista", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird nur gesetzt, wenn der Benutzer die Opt-out-Funktion auf unserer Website nutzt, um keine nutzungsbasierte Werbung mehr von uns zu erhalten.", }, { keyName: "rt11", platform: "Plista", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "In diesem Cookie werden die IDs der Retargeting-Kampagnen des Benutzers der Retargeting-Kampagnen des Benutzers aufgezeichnet.", }, { keyName: "PetsPreview", platform: "Plista", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird nur gesetzt, wenn es f\u00FCr spezielle Funktionen erforderlich ist, die vom Publisher oder vom Werbetreibenden ben\u00F6tigt werden. Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um die Anzeige einer Anzeige f\u00FCr eine Demoanwendung zu erzwingen, die mithilfe dieses Cookies erzwungen wird.", }, { keyName: "pll_language", platform: "Polylang", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Saves the chosen language.", }, { keyName: "pl_user_id", platform: "PowerLinks", category: "Marketing", domain: "powerlinks.com", description: "This cookie registers data on the visitor. The information is used to optimize advertisement relevance.", }, { keyName: "dsps:", platform: "PowerLinks Media Limited", category: "Marketing", domain: "px.powerlinks.com", description: "Service to display targeted advertising to visitors.", }, { keyName: "SESSION", platform: "Proven Expert", category: "Functional", domain: "provenexpert.com", description: "Zusammengefasste Informationen \u00FCber Besuche auf weiteren Websites. Diese Informationen sind auf der Website zu finden und die Relevanz der Anzeige wird optimiert.", }, { keyName: "pelocale", platform: "Proven Expert", category: "Functional", domain: "provenexpert.com", description: "Zusammengefasste Informationen \u00FCber Besuche auf weiteren Websites. Diese Informationen sind auf der Website zu finden und die Relevanz der Anzeige wird optimiert.", }, { keyName: "recoEngineSession", platform: "Prudsys", category: "Functional", domain: "prudsys.de", description: "Dies dient der Personalisierung von Produktempfehlungen.", }, { keyName: "PUBMDCID", platform: "PubMatic", category: "Marketing", domain: "pubmatic.com", description: "Registers a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "PugT", platform: "PubMatic", category: "Marketing", domain: "pubmatic.com", description: "Registers a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "KRTBCOOKIE_", platform: "PubMatic", category: "Marketing", domain: "pubmatic.com", description: "Registers a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "_dbefe", platform: "Pulsepoint", category: "Marketing", domain: "contextweb.com (3rd party)", description: "Collects information on user preferences and\/or interaction with web-campaign content - This is used on CRM-campaign-platform used by website owners for promoting events or products.", }, { keyName: "cref", platform: "Quantcast", category: "Marketing", domain: "quantserve.com", description: "Contains data on user navigation, interaction and time spent on the website and its sub-pages \u2013 This data is used to optimise the relevance of advertisements and for statistical purposes.", }, { keyName: "mc", platform: "Quantcast", category: "Marketing", domain: "quantserve.com", description: "Tracking of users and measure and improve performance and supports personalisation", }, { keyName: "d", platform: "Quantcast", category: "Marketing", domain: "quantserve.com", description: "Tracking of users and measure and improve performance and supports personalisation", }, { keyName: "__qca", platform: "Quantcast", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set by Quantcast, who present targeted advertising. Stores browser and HTTP request information.", }, { keyName: "pxrc", platform: "Rapleaf", category: "Marketing", domain: "rlcdn.com", description: "This cookie registers non-personal data on the visitor. The information is used to optimize advertisement relevance.", }, { keyName: "rlas3", platform: "Rapleaf", category: "Marketing", domain: "rlcdn.com", description: "Collects anonymous data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "CraftSessionId", platform: "Ravelin Mobile SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr die Sitzungspflege verwendet.", }, { keyName: "identity", platform: "Ravelin Mobile SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Autorisierungszwecken verwendet.", }, { keyName: "CRAFTCSRFTOKEN", platform: "Ravelin Mobile SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird aus Sicherheitsgr\u00FCnden verwendet.", }, { keyName: "username", platform: "Ravelin Mobile SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Authentifizierungszwecken verwendet.", }, { keyName: "hssc", platform: "Realytics", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird genutzt, um Offline-Marketingma\u00DFnahmen zu messen.", }, { keyName: "hssrc", platform: "Realytics", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird genutzt, um Offline-Marketingma\u00DFnahmen zu messen.", }, { keyName: "hstc", platform: "Realytics", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird genutzt, um Offline-Marketingma\u00DFnahmen zu messen.", }, { keyName: "-***_realytics", platform: "Realytics", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird genutzt, um Offline-Marketingma\u00DFnahmen zu messen.", }, { keyName: "edgebucket", platform: "Reddit", category: "Marketing", domain: "reddit.com", description: "Used by Reddit to deliver advertising", }, { keyName: "initref", platform: "Reddit", category: "Marketing", domain: "reddit.com", description: "Used by Reddit to deliver advertising", }, { keyName: "nscTXXX", platform: "Resolution Media smartTracking", category: "Functional", domain: "nonstoppartner.net", description: "Dies ist ein Tracking-Cookie und wird gesetzt, wenn ein Klick- oder Post-View-Kontakt mit einem Werbetr\u00E4ger erfolgt.", }, { keyName: "nscQXXX", platform: "Resolution Media smartTracking", category: "Functional", domain: "nonstoppartner.net", description: "Dieses Cookie wird nur mit dem Wert \"V\" f\u00FCr den Post-View-Kontakt mit einem Werbetr\u00E4ger gesetzt und identifiziert den Kontakt als solchen. Die Laufzeit betr\u00E4gt je nach Kunde in der Regel nur 1-7 Tage.", }, { keyName: "PHPSESSID", platform: "Riddle", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Identify a user during an acive session. Necessary to operate the service.", }, { keyName: "simplecookie", platform: "Riddle", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Store the cookie consent for the site visitor based on the interaction with the consent banner.", }, { keyName: "ses1b8e3", platform: "Riddle", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Self-hosted version of the Matomo Analytics service. Anonymized IP adress, time and date of the visit, URL of the current and previously viewed page, clicks and downloads, page speed, approximate geographical location, browser version and browsler language of the site visitor", }, { keyName: "hssc", platform: "Ritzau", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "-", }, { keyName: "hssrc", platform: "Ritzau", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "-", }, { keyName: "hstc", platform: "Ritzau", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Collects statistics about the user's visits to the website such as the number of visits, the average time on the website and which pages have been read. The purpose is to segment the website users by factors such as demographics and geography to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target audiences in order to customize online advertising.", }, { keyName: "fbp", platform: "Ritzau", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Used by Facebook to provide various advertising services, including real-time bidding from third-party advertisers.", }, { keyName: "gcl", platform: "Ritzau", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Used by Google Adsense to experiment with the effectiveness of their ads. These take place on all websites that use Google Adsense.", }, { keyName: "matchadform", platform: "Roku", category: "Marketing", domain: "w55c.net", description: "Presents the user with relevant content and advertisement. The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "wfivefivec", platform: "Roku", category: "Marketing", domain: "w55c.net", description: "Collects data on the user's visits to the website, such as what pages have been loaded. The registered data is used for targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "zsessionid", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Used with cross applications global session management.", }, { keyName: "JSESSIONID", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Used with J2EE session management.", }, { keyName: "OptierRQUUID", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "User for troubleshooting and analysis.", }, { keyName: "loginMethodCookieKey", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Determine login method if partial enterprise SSO is enabled. The cookie improves suability for the end in case the wrong login-method is approached", }, { keyName: "deeplinkCookieKey", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Support deep link to pages with SSO", }, { keyName: "Fontstyle", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Support of user settings and disability support", }, { keyName: "BIGipServerP", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Web Server Session management", }, { keyName: "AssertingPartyCookieKey", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Used to keep SAML asserting party name.", }, { keyName: "cookieset", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Used for Media Service.", }, { keyName: "bizxCompanyId", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Used to remember the company ID that a user used to login with. So when they go back to the Login page, the page doesn\u2019t need to ask for the company ID anymore.", }, { keyName: "BIGipServerP", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Web Server Session management", }, { keyName: "BIGipServerP8080", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Application Server Session Management", }, { keyName: "DEEPURL", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Support deep link to pages with SSO", }, { keyName: "JSESSIONID", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Used with J2EE session management.", }, { keyName: "SKIPLMSMAINTNOTIFY", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Maintenance Management", }, { keyName: "SITE", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "External site id", }, { keyName: "PSACPNTTYPEIDPSACPNTIDPSACPNTREVDATEPSACPNTREVNUMBERPSASTUDCPNTIDPSASTUDCPNTMOD", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Data provided for external content . Component Type Id Component id Component revision date Component Revision number The Content object student component id The Content object student component module id.", }, { keyName: "PSASTUDIDPSACURRENTSTUDIDPSASTUDNAMEPSAWEBROOT", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Data provided for external content . The login student id The current student id The user name who launched the course The content root directory", }, { keyName: "loginModeCookie", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Login mode", }, { keyName: "TENANTAUTHCOOKIE", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Akamai authentication cookie for iContent hosted", }, { keyName: "I3LOGIN", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Login", }, { keyName: "ASPNETSessionId", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Session context", }, { keyName: "BIGipServerPserver", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Load Balancer node", }, { keyName: "TICKET", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Stop Replay Attacks", }, { keyName: "JSESSIONID", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Used for hybrid webview calls.", }, { keyName: "BigIPServer", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Used for BigIP to route traffic.", }, { keyName: "SessionId", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Application Server Session management. Standard ASP.NET cookie", }, { keyName: "ASPXROLES", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Role assignment for the Session. Standard ASP.NET cookie used to cache role names.", }, { keyName: "QASF", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Standard Form Authentication Ticket cookie.", }, { keyName: "LASTACCOUNTSFQA", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Stores the last loggedin account name", }, { keyName: "REDIRECTCOOKIE", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Used to make sure sessionId is always new when user logs in to app", }, { keyName: "CURRENTBIZXUSERINFO", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Stores the current Bizx User Name", }, { keyName: "bizxHomeURL", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "To store the Bizx Home URL", }, { keyName: "SecurityCSRFCookie", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Security measure", }, { keyName: "SessionauthenticationCookie", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Session based authentication", }, { keyName: "JobboardmarketplacebannerCookie", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Remember disclaimer display", }, { keyName: "GoogleAnalyticstrackingutmz", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Google Analytics tracking", }, { keyName: "rmk0", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "The user's encrypted e-mail address, if known.", }, { keyName: "rmk1", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "The encrypted ID of the user if one exists.", }, { keyName: "rmk4", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Whether or not to pre-fill the Subscribe box with the user's e-mail address, in order to avoid the user having to re-enter their e-mail address.", }, { keyName: "rmk12", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "A number that indicates if the user has acknowledged the cookies policy banner. If the cookie is not set, then the banner may be presented. If they cookie is set and its value is 1, the banner may be suppressed.", }, { keyName: "LoadBalancerCookieDocumentedRMKLoadBalancerCookiesanddiffersineachDC", platform: "SAP SuccessFactors", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Cookie for session stickiness so a user doesn't bounce from one instance to another - issued by F5 typically", }, { keyName: "TestIfCookieP", platform: "SMART AdServer", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies sind Marketing-Cookies. Sie k\u00F6nnen verwendet werden, um Ihre Interessen zu profilieren und Ihnen auf anderen Websites relevante Werbung anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "pid", platform: "SMART AdServer", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies sind Marketing-Cookies. Sie k\u00F6nnen verwendet werden, um Ihre Interessen zu profilieren und Ihnen auf anderen Websites relevante Werbung anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "csync", platform: "SMART AdServer", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies sind Marketing-Cookies. Sie k\u00F6nnen verwendet werden, um Ihre Interessen zu profilieren und Ihnen auf anderen Websites relevante Werbung anzuzeigen.", }, { keyName: "_ljtrtb_", platform: "SOVRN", category: "Marketing", domain: "lijit.com", description: "These cookies are used temporarily when multiple partners pass us their ID simultaneously. To avoid technical conflicts that arise from accessing the ljtrtb cookie for multiple partners at the same time, we store each partner\u2019s ID in a separate cookie and then consolidate these IDs into the ljtrtb cookie when it\u2019s available.", }, { keyName: "ljtrtb", platform: "SOVRN", category: "Marketing", domain: "lijit.com", description: "Enables us to help our advertising partners make decisions about displaying an advertisement to you. We store the ID that each partner uses to identify you and pass that information to the partner when a website requests an advertisement from us.", }, { keyName: "session", platform: "STRATO", category: "Functional", domain: "strato.de", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr eine FAQ-Portal-Sitzung verwendet", }, { keyName: "ksbsession", platform: "STRATO", category: "Functional", domain: "strato.de", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr eine Kundenanmeldesitzung verwendet", }, { keyName: "phpmyadminhost", platform: "STRATO", category: "Functional", domain: "strato.de", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr die PhpMyadmin-Anmeldung ben\u00F6tigt", }, { keyName: "stratoprosession", platform: "STRATO", category: "Functional", domain: "strato.de", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr ein Sitzungscookie-Portal verwendet", }, { keyName: "dsgvocookie", platform: "STRATO", category: "Functional", domain: "strato.de", description: "Anonymisierte Zustimmung, wenn die Nachverfolgung zul\u00E4ssig ist", }, { keyName: "authserversession", platform: "STRATO", category: "Functional", domain: "strato.de", description: "Wird f\u00FCr die Authentifizierung im Server-Login ben\u00F6tigt", }, { keyName: "DPX", platform: "STRATO", category: "Functional", domain: "strato.de", description: "Erkennen und verhindern Sie DDos-Angriffe auf Server, die Inhalte im Kunden-Login wiedergeben", }, { keyName: "Langlocale", platform: "STRATO", category: "Functional", domain: "strato.de", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr die manuelle Sprachauswahl verwendet", }, { keyName: "cookiecookie", platform: "STRATO", category: "Functional", domain: "strato.de", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Cookie-Einstellungen zu speichern", }, { keyName: "visidincapsomenumber", platform: "STRATO", category: "Functional", domain: "strato.de", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr den DDoS-Schutz verwendet", }, { keyName: "incapses259somenumber", platform: "STRATO", category: "Functional", domain: "strato.de", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr den DDoS-Schutz verwendet", }, { keyName: "_kuid_", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Marketing", domain: "krxd.net (3rd party)", description: "Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "renderCtx", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to deliver requested pages and content based on a user's navigation.", }, { keyName: "pctrk", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Analytics", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to count page views by unauthenticated users against license usage.", }, { keyName: "force-stream", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to properly route server requests within Salesforce infrastructure for sticky sessions.", }, { keyName: "sfdc-stream", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to properly route server requests within Salesforce infrastructure for sticky sessions.", }, { keyName: "BrowserId_sec", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to log secure browser sessions\/visits for internal-only product analytics.", }, { keyName: "force-proxy-stream", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to ensure client requests hit the same proxy hosts and are more likely to retrieve content from cache.", }, { keyName: "BrowserId", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to log browser sessions\/visits for internal-only product analytics.", }, { keyName: "QCQQ", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to detect the official login page for Forced Login POST detection.", }, { keyName: "sid_Client", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to validate orgid and userid on the client side.", }, { keyName: "idccsrf", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used for SSO authentication as CSRF protection.", }, { keyName: "rsid", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used for an admin user to 'log in as' one of their org user.", }, { keyName: "rsid2", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used for an admin user to 'log in as' one of their org portal user.", }, { keyName: "RRetURL", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used for 'log in as' to return to original page.", }, { keyName: "RRetURL2", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used for portal 'log in as' to return to original page.", }, { keyName: "alohaEpt", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to log page load EPT (Experience Page Time) for Visualforce (Classic UI) pages.", }, { keyName: "clientSrc", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to validate the IP from where a user logs in.", }, { keyName: "oinfo", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Marketing", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to track the State, Edition and orgID of a customer's org.", }, { keyName: "autocomplete", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to determine whether the browser remembers a user\u2019s login username.", }, { keyName: "inst", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to optimize routing to the user's instance.", }, { keyName: "expid_", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Marketing", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to render pages based on specified brand.", }, { keyName: "disco", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Marketing", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to verify the last Salesforce org that was accessed on the same browser for session discovery.", }, { keyName: "oid", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to redirect a user to the correct Salesforce org and assist the user for the next login.", }, { keyName: "CookieConsentPolicy", platform: "Salesforce", category: "Functional", domain: "salesforce.com", description: "Used to apply end-user cookie consent preferences set by our client-side utility.", }, { keyName: "dwanonymous", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "dwsid", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "sid", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "dwsecuretoken", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "dwcustomer", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "dnt", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "dwac", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "dwpersonalization", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "dwsourcecode", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "anact", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "store", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "effectivetime", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "cfduid", platform: "Salesforce Commerce Cloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to customers' websites and minimize blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on customers' end user devices to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security settings on a per-client basis. This is required to support Cloudflare's security features. See Cloudflare's documentation for details on this third-party cookie.", }, { keyName: "smclient", platform: "Salesmanago", category: "Functional", domain: "salesmanago.com", description: "Dies wird zu Analyse-Zwecken genutzt", }, { keyName: "smuuid", platform: "Salesmanago", category: "Functional", domain: "salesmanago.com", description: "Dies wird zu Analyse-Zwecken genutzt", }, { keyName: "SERVERID", platform: "Salesmanago", category: "Functional", domain: "salesmanago.com", description: "Mit diesem Cookie wird der Nutzer wiedererkannt", }, { keyName: "smform", platform: "Salesmanago", category: "Functional", domain: "salesmanago.com", description: "Dies wird zu Analyse-Zwecken genutzt", }, { keyName: "Smg", platform: "Salesmanago", category: "Functional", domain: "salesmanago.com", description: "Dies wird zu Analyse-Zwecken genutzt", }, { keyName: "Smgoid", platform: "Salesmanago", category: "Functional", domain: "salesmanago.com", description: "Dies wird zu Analyse-Zwecken genutzt", }, { keyName: "sbt", platform: "Selligent", category: "Functional", domain: "selligent.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Kontakte zu verfolgen und Berichte dar\u00FCber bereitzustellen.", }, { keyName: "sbt", platform: "Selligent", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um Besucher zu verfolgen.", }, { keyName: "sbt", platform: "Selligent", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die Profilinformationen zu verfolgen.", }, { keyName: "SEUNCY", platform: "Semasio", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies ist ein Marketing-Cookie. Es kann verwendet werden, um Ihre Interessen zu profilieren und Ihnen relevante Werbung auf anderen Websites zu zeigen.", }, { keyName: "__stid", platform: "ShareThis", category: "Analytics", domain: "sharethis.com", description: "The __stid cookie is set as part of the ShareThis service and monitors user-activity, e.g. Web pages viewed, navigation from page to page, time spent on each page etc.", }, { keyName: "stid", platform: "ShareThis", category: "Functional", domain: "sharethis.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den Benutzer mit Themen von Interesse zu verkn\u00FCpfen, basierend auf dem Inhalt, den der Benutzer beim Surfen besucht, konsumiert und teilt.", }, { keyName: "unam", platform: "ShareThis", category: "Functional", domain: "sharethis.com", description: "Wird verwendet, um die Anzahl der Benutzer zu quantifizieren, die bestimmte Inhalte freigeben, und wie viele Webseiten als Ergebnis dieser Aktion besucht werden.", }, { keyName: "uset", platform: "ShareThis", category: "Functional", domain: "sharethis.com", description: "Wird von ShareThis Service f\u00FCr Analysen verwendet.", }, { keyName: "vwouuid", platform: "ShareThis", category: "Functional", domain: "sharethis.com", description: "Wird von ShareThis Service f\u00FCr Analysen verwendet.", }, { keyName: "contentlyinsightsuser", platform: "ShareThis", category: "Functional", domain: "sharethis.com", description: "Mit Sharethis k\u00F6nnen Benutzer Beitr\u00E4ge auf mehreren Social Media-Plattformen teilen.", }, { keyName: "stx_user_id", platform: "Sharethrough", category: "Marketing", domain: "sharethrough.com", description: "Delivering targeted and relevant content", }, { keyName: "koitk", platform: "Sharpspring", category: "Marketing", domain: ".marketingautomation.services", description: "Collects data on visitors behavior and interaction - This is used to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.", }, { keyName: "__ss_referrer", platform: "Sharpspring", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie contains information about where the visitor came from, called the source for the visit.", }, { keyName: "__ss_tk", platform: "Sharpspring", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This is Sharspring\u2019s token cookie which enables user tracking. It ensures that the visit to website is connected to the user independent of the session and the source.", }, { keyName: "__ss", platform: "Sharpspring", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is storing the session ID for your visit. It is used in combination with _ss_tk to group website visits in reports for a single user.", }, { keyName: "_ab", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with access to admin.", }, { keyName: "_secure_session_id", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with navigation through a storefront.", }, { keyName: "Cart", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with shopping cart.", }, { keyName: "cart_sig", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with shopping cart.", }, { keyName: "cart_ts", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with checkout.", }, { keyName: "checkout_token", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with checkout.", }, { keyName: "Secret", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with checkout.", }, { keyName: "Secure_customer_sig", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with customer login.", }, { keyName: "storefront_digest", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with customer login.", }, { keyName: "_shopify_u", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used to facilitate updating customer account information.", }, { keyName: "_tracking_consent", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Tracking preferences.", }, { keyName: "_landing_page", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Track landing pages.", }, { keyName: "_orig_referrer", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Track landing pages.", }, { keyName: "_s", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Shopify analytics.", }, { keyName: "_shopify_fs", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Shopify analytics.", }, { keyName: "_shopify_s", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Shopify analytics.", }, { keyName: "_shopify_sa_p", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Shopify analytics relating to marketing \u0026 referrals.", }, { keyName: "_shopify_sa_t", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Shopify analytics relating to marketing \u0026 referrals.", }, { keyName: "_shopify_uniq", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Shopify analytics.", }, { keyName: "_shopify_visit", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Shopify analytics.", }, { keyName: "_shopify_y", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Shopify analytics.", }, { keyName: "_y", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Shopify analytics.", }, { keyName: "tracked_start_checkout", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Shopify analytics relating to checkout.", }, { keyName: "ki_r", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Shopify analytics.", }, { keyName: "ki_t", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Shopify analytics.", }, { keyName: "_Brochure_session", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Analytics", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with browsing through site.", }, { keyName: "shopify_pay_redirect", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with checkout.", }, { keyName: "cart_currency", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Set after a checkout is completed to ensure that new carts are in the same currency as the last checkout.", }, { keyName: "dynamic_checkout_shown_on_cart", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with checkout.", }, { keyName: "keep_alive", platform: "Shopify.com", category: "Functional", domain: "shopify.com", description: "Used in connection with buyer localization.", }, { keyName: "nmstat", platform: "Siteimprove", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used to help record the visitor's use of the website. It is used to collect statistics about site usage such as when the visitor last visited the site. This information is then used to improve the user experience on the website. This Siteimprove Analytics cookie contains a randomly generated ID used to recognize the browser when a visitor reads a page. The cookie contains no personal information and is used only for web analytics. It is also used to track the sequence of pages a visitor looks at during a visit to the site. This information can be used to reduce user journeys, and enable visitors to find relevant information quicker.", }, { keyName: "SRRIDBOOKING", platform: "Skirentalresorts", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Skirental Widget von skirentalresorts.", }, { keyName: "gat", platform: "Skirentalresorts", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Skirental Widget von skirentalresorts.", }, { keyName: "gid", platform: "Skirentalresorts", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Skirental Widget von skirentalresorts.", }, { keyName: "JSESSIONID", platform: "Skirentalresorts", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Skirental Widget von skirentalresorts.", }, { keyName: "SRRCOOKIE", platform: "Skirentalresorts", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Skirental Widget von skirentalresorts.", }, { keyName: "SRRIDBOOKING", platform: "Skirentalresorts", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Skirental Widget von skirentalresorts.", }, { keyName: "SRRSESSION", platform: "Skirentalresorts", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Skirental Widget von skirentalresorts.", }, { keyName: "_sn_a", platform: "Sleeknote", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This is the cookie used for visitor analytics tracking. It sets a visitor ID so that the visitor can be identified across sessions. This enables all visitor related analytics data to be shown on the analytics pages in your Dashboard. Note that if a visitor is opted out of this cookie, you will still be able to see how many views and conversions your campaigns had, just not any visitor-related data like referrer, location, and so on.", }, { keyName: "_sn_m", platform: "Sleeknote", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: " This cookie contains information used for marketing related targeting options. Targeting options like the referrer, UTM, or geo-location. Note that if this cookie is opted out, the marketing targeting options will not work, and the campaign will default to not show.", }, { keyName: "_sn_n", platform: "Sleeknote", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This is the necessary cookie set by Sleeknote, as it contains technical information so that the campaigns can show properly and tracking works properly.", }, { keyName: "TestIfCookieP", platform: "Smartadserver", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "SmartAdServer is a remote ad serving system. Sites and Advertisers are using the system to manage the delivery of their online advertising campaigns. They can collect anonymous statistical data on their visitors to follow the delivery of their campaign and to increase their performance.", }, { keyName: "pid", platform: "Smartadserver", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "SmartAdServer is a remote ad serving system. Sites and Advertisers are using the system to manage the delivery of their online advertising campaigns. They can collect anonymous statistical data on their visitors to follow the delivery of their campaign and to increase their performance.", }, { keyName: "csync", platform: "Smartadserver", category: "Marketing", domain: "smartadserverMarketing.com", description: "Optimises ad display based on the user's movement combined and various advertiser bids for displaying user ads.", }, { keyName: "dspuuid", platform: "Smartclip Holding", category: "Functional", domain: "smartclip.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Daten \u00FCber Besucher von mehreren Besuchen und auf mehreren Websites zu registrieren. Es wird verwendet, um die Wirksamkeit von Werbung auf Websites zu messen.", }, { keyName: "psyn", platform: "Smartclip Holding", category: "Functional", domain: "smartclip.com", description: "Dieses Cookie begrenzt die H\u00E4ufigkeit, mit der ein Besucher denselben Werbeinhalt sieht. Es wurde auch verwendet, um die Relevanz der Videowerbung f\u00FCr den jeweiligen Besucher sicherzustellen.", }, { keyName: "uuid", platform: "Smartclip Holding", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie wird verwendet, um die Werberelevanz zu optimieren, indem Besucherdaten von verschiedenen Websites gesammelt werden.", }, { keyName: "SnapABugHistory", platform: "SnapEngage", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is associated with live chat software from SnapEngage. It identifies a visitor to enable a history of engagement to be recorded.", }, { keyName: "SnapABugUserAlias", platform: "SnapEngage", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores a unique ID string for each chat-box session. This allows the website-support to see previous issues and reconnect with the previous supporter.", }, { keyName: "SnapABugVisit", platform: "SnapEngage", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is associated with live chat software from SnapEngage. It identifies a new user session.", }, { keyName: "SnapABugRef", platform: "SnapEngage", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is associated with live chat software from SnapEngage. It records the landing page and origin of a visitor.", }, { keyName: "sc_at", platform: "Snapchat", category: "Marketing", domain: "forbusiness.snapchat.com", description: "Used to identify a visitor across multiple domains.", }, { keyName: "_scid", platform: "Snapchat", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used to help identify a visitor.", }, { keyName: "_gat_pro", platform: "Snapwidget", category: "Functional", domain: "snapwidget.com", description: "Allows Snapwidget to offer anonymous analytics about how the visitors are using your widgets", }, { keyName: "ses", platform: "SnowPlow", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies ist ein Session Cookie f\u00FCr das Sammeln von Nutzerdaten durch die Kundenseite der Webseite.", }, { keyName: "sp", platform: "Snowplow", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores a server-side collector generated unique identifier for a user that is sent with all subsequent tracking event events. Can be used as a first party cookie is the collector is on the same domain as the site.", }, { keyName: "_sp_id.", platform: "Snowplow", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores user information that is created when a user first visits a site and updated on subsequent visits. It is used to identify users and track the users activity across a domain. This cookie stores a unique identifier for each user, a unique identifier for the users current session, the number of visits a user has made to the site, the timestamp of the users first visit, the timestamp of their previous visit and the timestamp of their current visit.", }, { keyName: "_sp_ses.", platform: "Snowplow", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used to identify if the user is in an active session on a site or if this is a new session for a user (i.e. cookie doesn\u2019t exist or has expired).", }, { keyName: "rememberemail", platform: "Sofort\u00FCberweisung", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die E-Mail-Adresse des Kunden, um einen unkomplizierten Kauf in allen verbundenen Filialen zu erm\u00F6glichen. Diese Informationen werden nur auf dem Endger\u00E4t des Kunden gespeichert.", }, { keyName: "rememberpostalcode", platform: "Sofort\u00FCberweisung", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die Postleitzahl des Kunden, um einen unkomplizierten Kauf in allen verbundenen Filialen zu erm\u00F6glichen. Diese Informationen werden nur auf dem Ger\u00E4t des Kunden des Kunden gespeichert.", }, { keyName: "rememberphone", platform: "Sofort\u00FCberweisung", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die Telefonnummer des Kunden, um einen unkomplizierten Kauf in allen verbundenen Filialen zu erm\u00F6glichen. Diese Informationen werden nur auf dem Ger\u00E4t des Kunden des Kunden gespeichert.", }, { keyName: "rememberenabled", platform: "Sofort\u00FCberweisung", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Legt fest, ob die Funktion \"Angemeldet bleiben\" auf diesem Ger\u00E4t aktiviert ist oder nicht. \"Remember Me\" ist eine Funktion, mit der der Kunde mit nur einem Klick in allen verbundenen Gesch\u00E4ften einkaufen kann.", }, { keyName: "kdid", platform: "Sofort\u00FCberweisung", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert eine bestimmte ID (UUID) auf diesem Ger\u00E4t, um ein einfaches Einkaufen bei allen Eink\u00E4ufen in allen verbundenen Gesch\u00E4ften zu erm\u00F6glichen.", }, { keyName: "checkoutmerchanturl", platform: "Sofort\u00FCberweisung", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Speichert die R\u00FCckgabe-URL eines H\u00E4ndlers f\u00FCr eine Sonderbestellung. Wird verwendet, damit Benutzer nach dem \u00C4ndern der Best\u00E4tigungsseite des H\u00E4ndlers zur Best\u00E4tigungsseite zur\u00FCckkehren.", }, { keyName: "__uin_bw", platform: "Sonobi", category: "Marketing", domain: ".go.sonobi.com (3rd party)", description: "Collects information on visitor behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used on the website, in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement.", }, { keyName: "__uir_bw", platform: "Sonobi", category: "Marketing", domain: ".go.sonobi.com (3rd party)", description: "Collects data on visitors' behaviour and interaction - This is used to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.", }, { keyName: "__uis", platform: "Sonobi", category: "Marketing", domain: ".go.sonobi.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.", }, { keyName: "HAPLB5S", platform: "Sonobi", category: "Marketing", domain: ".go.sonobi.com (3rd party)", description: "Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.", }, { keyName: "__uin_mm", platform: "Sonobi", category: "Marketing", domain: "sonobi.com", description: "These cookies are used to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.", }, { keyName: "__uir_mm", platform: "Sonobi", category: "Marketing", domain: "sonobi.com", description: "These cookies are used to deliver adverts more relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.", }, { keyName: "__sqra", platform: "Sooqr", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Tracks the user's interaction with the website's search-bar-function. This data can be used to present the user with relevant products or services.", }, { keyName: "__sqrb", platform: "Sooqr", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Tracks the user's interaction with the website's search-bar-function. This data can be used to present the user with relevant products or services.", }, { keyName: "__sqrc", platform: "Sooqr", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Tracks the user's interaction with the website's search-bar-function. This data can be used to present the user with relevant products or services.", }, { keyName: "anonymous", platform: "Soundcloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses Cookie erm\u00F6glicht die Integration von Dateien oder anderen Inhalten in Websites und speichert eine Benutzer-ID.", }, { keyName: "qca", platform: "Soundcloud", category: "Functional", domain: "quantcast.com", description: "Dieses Cookie ist ein Drittanbieter-Cookie von Quantcast und sammelt Daten, z. B. wie oft Sie die Website besuchen oder wie lange Sie auf der Website bleiben. Die gesammelten Informationen werden dann an SoundCloud weitergeleitet.", }, { keyName: "Sclocale", platform: "Soundcloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Das Cookie speichert die von Ihnen voreingestellte Spracheinstellung.", }, { keyName: "soundcloudsession", platform: "Soundcloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wir konnten keine spezifischen Informationen zu diesem Cookie finden.", }, { keyName: "sessionauthkey", platform: "Soundcloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Mit Hilfe des Cookies k\u00F6nnen Sitzungsinformationen (also Userverhalten) gespeichert und eine Client-Anfrage authentifiziert werden.", }, { keyName: "fbp", platform: "Soundcloud", category: "Functional", domain: "facebook.com", description: "Dieses Cookie dient zum Speichern und Verfolgen von Besuchen auf verschiedenen Websites.", }, { keyName: "gid", platform: "Soundcloud", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird zum Z\u00E4hlen und Verfolgen von Seitenaufrufen gesetzt.", }, { keyName: "sovidosession", platform: "Sovido", category: "Functional", domain: "sovido.de", description: "Dieses cookie enth\u00E4lt Informationen \u00FCber den Anmeldestatus des Benutzers auf der Sovido-Plattform.", }, { keyName: "luxuid", platform: "SpeedCurve", category: "Functional", domain: "speedcurve.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Webleistungsdaten der Sitzung zu speichern.", }, { keyName: "audience", platform: "SpotX", category: "Marketing", domain: "spotxchange.com", description: "Sync audience data between buyers and sellers.", }, { keyName: "audience", platform: "SpotX", category: "Functional", domain: "spotx.com", description: "Dieses cookie sammelt anonyme Daten im Zusammenhang mit den Besuchen der Website des Besuchers.", }, { keyName: "sp_t", platform: "Spotify", category: "Functional", domain: "spotify.com", description: "Required to ensure the functionality of the integrated Spotify plugin. This does not result in any cross-site functionality.", }, { keyName: "sp_landing", platform: "Spotify", category: "Functional", domain: "spotify.com", description: "Required to ensure the functionality of the integrated Spotify plugin. This does not result in any cross-site functionality.", }, { keyName: "cfduid", platform: "Squarelovin", category: "Functional", domain: "squarelovin.com", description: "Dieses cookie wird vom Content-Network Cloudflare verwendet, um vertrauensw\u00FCrdigen Webverkehr zu identifizieren.", }, { keyName: "str", platform: "Squarelovin", category: "Functional", domain: "squarelovin.com", description: "Dies dient der Darstellung von nutzergenerierten Instagram-Inhalten.", }, { keyName: "sqzl_abs", platform: "Squeezely", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "A cookie used by Squeezely", }, { keyName: "sqzl_consent", platform: "Squeezely", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain", }, { keyName: "sqzl_session_id", platform: "Squeezely", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "A cookie used by Squeezely", }, { keyName: "sqzl_vw", platform: "Squeezely", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "A cookie used by Squeezely", }, { keyName: "sqzllocal", platform: "Squeezely", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This is a cookie from the service Squeezely. It helps us with registering which pages you have visited and with sending you personalized ads", }, { keyName: "__stripe_mid", platform: "Stripe", category: "Functional", domain: "stripe.com", description: "Fraud prevention and detection", }, { keyName: "__stripe_sid", platform: "Stripe", category: "Functional", domain: "stripe.com", description: "Fraud prevention and detection", }, { keyName: "m", platform: "Stripe", category: "Functional", domain: "m.stripe.com", description: "Set by payment provider stripe.com to process payments", }, { keyName: "uuid", platform: "Stylight", category: "Functional", domain: "stylight.com", description: "This cookie is used to optimize the advertisements shown by tracking the users behaviour on various websites.", }, { keyName: "slid", platform: "Stylight", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "-", }, { keyName: "t_gid", platform: "Taboola", category: "Marketing", domain: "taboola.com", description: "This cookie gives a user who interacts with Taboola Widget a User ID allowing us to target advertisements and content to this specific user ID.", }, { keyName: "taboolasession", platform: "Taboola", category: "Functional", domain: "trc.taboola.com", description: "Erstellt eine tempor\u00E4re Sitzungs-ID, um die Anzeige doppelter Empfehlungen auf der Seite zu vermeiden.", }, { keyName: "taboolaselect", platform: "Taboola", category: "Functional", domain: "taboola.com", description: "Verwaltet eine Aufzeichnung dar\u00FCber, ob der Benutzer eine Aktion in der Funktion \u201ETaboola Select\u201C durchgef\u00FChrt hat.", }, { keyName: "taboolauser", platform: "Taboola", category: "Functional", domain: "taboola.com", description: "Zeigt an, dass der Benutzer auf ein Element geklickt hat, das von den Diensten von Taboola empfohlen wurde. Dies wird f\u00FCr Berichts- und Analysezwecke verwendet.", }, { keyName: "gid", platform: "Taboola", category: "Functional", domain: "taboola.com", description: "Weist eine eindeutige Benutzer-ID zu, die es Taboola erm\u00F6glicht, diesem Benutzer bestimmte Werbungen und Inhalte zu empfehlen.", }, { keyName: "trccookiestorage", platform: "Taboola", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Weist eine eindeutige Benutzer-ID zu, die f\u00FCr Zuordnungs- und Berichtszwecke verwendet wird.", }, { keyName: "sess", platform: "Taboola", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird auf Websites von taboola-Herausgeberkunden verwendet, die die Taboola-Newsroom-Dienste nutzen. Es verwaltet eine Sitzungsreferenz \u00FCber den Besuch des Benutzers auf dieser bestimmten Website.", }, { keyName: "ppg", platform: "Taboola", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird auf Websites unserer Publisher-Kunden verwendet, die die Taboola Newsroom-Dienste nutzen. Dieses cookie wird verwendet, um die verweisende Website zu identifizieren (dh die Website, die der Benutzer besucht hat, bevor er auf die Website dieses Herausgebers gelangt ist).", }, { keyName: "abLdr", platform: "Taboola", category: "Functional", domain: "taboola.com", description: "Unterst\u00FCtzt routinem\u00E4\u00DFige technische und Leistungsverbesserungen f\u00FCr die browserbasierten Dienste von Taboola.", }, { keyName: "abMbl", platform: "Taboola", category: "Functional", domain: "taboola.com", description: "Unterst\u00FCtzt routinem\u00E4\u00DFige technische und Leistungsverbesserungen f\u00FCr die mobilen SDK-Dienste von Taboola.", }, { keyName: "clickparam", platform: "Taboola", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Wird auf Websites von taboola-Herausgeberkunden verwendet, die die Taboola-Newsroom-Dienste nutzen. Er misst die Leistung der angeklickten Homepage-Artikel des Publishers.", }, { keyName: "TapAd_DID", platform: "Tapad", category: "Marketing", domain: "tapad.com", description: "Used to determine what type of devices (smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs etc.) is used by a user.", }, { keyName: "TapAd_TS", platform: "Tapad", category: "Marketing", domain: "tapad.com", description: "Used to determine what type of devices (smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs etc.) is used by a user.", }, { keyName: "TapAd_3WAY_SYNCS", platform: "Tapad", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "TapAdDID", platform: "Tapad", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.", }, { keyName: "TapAdTTDSYNC", platform: "Tapad", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This cookie carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website.", }, { keyName: "TapAd", platform: "Tapad", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "-", }, { keyName: "TawkConnectionTime", platform: "Tawk.to Chat", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used to determine the connection duration of tawk sessions.", }, { keyName: "tawkUUID", platform: "Tawk.to Chat", category: "Analytics", domain: "va.tawk.to", description: "This cookie is used to collect information about how the visitor handles the live chat function on the website.", }, { keyName: "TawkCookie", platform: "Tawk.to Chat", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Main Tawk.to cookie.", }, { keyName: "__tawkuuid", platform: "Tawk.to Chat", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Tawk.to cookie used to distinguish users.", }, { keyName: "tt_viewer", platform: "Teads", category: "Marketing", domain: "teads.com", description: "Teads uses a \u201Ctt_viewer\u201D cookie to help personalize the video ads you see on our partner websites.", }, { keyName: "Campaign", platform: "Teads", category: "Functional", domain: "teads.com", description: "Stellt sicher, dass bestimmte mit der Cookie-ID verkn\u00FCpfte Anzeigen nicht angezeigt werden.", }, { keyName: "Insertion", platform: "Teads", category: "Functional", domain: "teads.com", description: "Stellt sicher, dass bestimmte mit der Cookie-ID verkn\u00FCpfte Anzeigen nicht angezeigt werden.", }, { keyName: "Campaign", platform: "Teads", category: "Functional", domain: "teads.com", description: "Stellt sicher, dass bestimmte mit der Cookie-ID verkn\u00FCpfte Anzeigen nicht angezeigt werden.", }, { keyName: "Insertion", platform: "Teads", category: "Functional", domain: "teads.com", description: "Stellt sicher, dass bestimmte mit der Cookie-ID verkn\u00FCpfte Anzeigen nicht angezeigt werden.", }, { keyName: "viewer", platform: "Teads", category: "Functional", domain: "teads.com", description: "Stellt sicher, dass bestimmte mit der Cookie-ID verkn\u00FCpfte Anzeigen nicht angezeigt werden.", }, { keyName: "exelate", platform: "Teads", category: "Functional", domain: "teads.com", description: "Wird verwendet, um Anfragen zu drosseln.", }, { keyName: "bluekai", platform: "Teads", category: "Functional", domain: "teads.com", description: "Wird verwendet, um Anfragen zu drosseln.", }, { keyName: "Insertion", platform: "Teads", category: "Functional", domain: "teads.com", description: "Verfolgt das Nutzungsverhalten eines Benutzers im Internet \u00FCber eine Cookie-ID zur Anzeige von interessenbezogener Werbung.", }, { keyName: "line", platform: "Teads", category: "Functional", domain: "teads.com", description: "Verfolgt das Nutzungsverhalten eines Benutzers im Internet \u00FCber eine Cookie-ID zur Anzeige von interessenbezogener Werbung.", }, { keyName: "cappingTag\u2019splacement", platform: "Teads", category: "Functional", domain: "teads.com", description: "Frequenzobergrenze, um zu steuern, wie oft Werbung angezeigt wird.", }, { keyName: "cappingTag\u2019splacement", platform: "Teads", category: "Functional", domain: "teads.com", description: "Frequenzobergrenze, um zu steuern, wie oft Werbung angezeigt wird.", }, { keyName: "optout", platform: "Teads", category: "Functional", domain: "teads.com", description: "Wird f\u00FCr die Opt-Out-Funktion verwendet.", }, { keyName: "TDCPM", platform: "The Tradedesk", category: "Marketing", domain: "adsrvr.org", description: "Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "TDID", platform: "The Tradedesk", category: "Marketing", domain: "adsrvr.org", description: "Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.", }, { keyName: "TDCPM", platform: "TradeDesk", category: "Functional", domain: "adsrvr.org", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um redundante Matching-Aufrufe zu verhindern.", }, { keyName: "TDID", platform: "TradeDesk", category: "Functional", domain: "adsrvr.org", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um Webbrowserprofile im Laufe der Zeit auf verschiedenen Websites zu erkennen.", }, { keyName: "TradedoublerGUID", platform: "TradeDoubler", category: "Functional", domain: "tradedoubler.com", description: "Dies ist ein Profiling-Cookie", }, { keyName: "tluid", platform: "TripleLift", category: "Functional", domain: "3lift.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um den Besucher zu identifizieren und die Anzeigenrelevanz zu optimieren.", }, { keyName: "sync", platform: "TripleLift", category: "Functional", domain: "3lift.com", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um zu verfolgen, welche Unternehmen k\u00FCrzlich synchronisiert wurden, um eine wiederholte Synchronisierung mit denselben Unternehmen zu vermeiden.", }, { keyName: "__auc", platform: "Trustpilot", category: "Analytics", domain: ".trustpilot.com", description: "Used to track and report information to the Alexa analytics", }, { keyName: "ajs_user_id", platform: "Trustpilot", category: "Analytics", domain: ".trustpilot.com", description: " This cookie helps track visitor usage, events, target marketing, and can also measure application performance and stability.", }, { keyName: "ajs_anonymous_id", platform: "Trustpilot", category: "Analytics", domain: ".trustpilot.com", description: "Used for Analytics and help count how many people visit a certain site by tracking if you have visited before", }, { keyName: "ajs_group_id", platform: "Trustpilot", category: "Analytics", domain: ".trustpilot.com", description: "Track visitor usage and events within the website", }, { keyName: "__asc", platform: "Trustpilot", category: "Analytics", domain: ".trustpilot.com", description: "A cookie set by Trustpilot if you click the read more widget", }, { keyName: "amplitude_id", platform: "Trustpilot", category: "Marketing", domain: "trustpilot.com", description: "These cookies are used by the TrustPilot service to identify you and enable you to leave reviews of our products and services.", }, { keyName: "csrf-canary", platform: "Trustpilot", category: "Functional", domain: "trustpilot.com", description: "These cookies are used by the TrustPilot service to identify you and enable you to leave reviews of our products and services. ", }, { keyName: "session", platform: "Twentythree", category: "Functional", domain: "twentythree.net", description: "Dies wird f\u00FCr den Verkehrsausgleich verwendet.", }, { keyName: "uuidsite", platform: "Twentythree", category: "Functional", domain: "twentythree.net", description: "Diese Cookies sind eindeutige Kennungen f\u00FCr den aktuellen Besucher, die zur Authentifizierung verwendet werden.", }, { keyName: "visualswfreferer", platform: "Twentythree", category: "Functional", domain: "twentythree.net", description: "Hiermit wird die Website-Adresse gespeichert, die den Datenverkehr an den Videoplayer weitergeleitet hat.", }, { keyName: "sessionreferer", platform: "Twentythree", category: "Functional", domain: "twentythree.net", description: "Hiermit wird die Website-Adresse gespeichert, die den Datenverkehr an den Videoplayer weitergeleitet hat.", }, { keyName: "guest_id", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: "twitter.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is set by Twitter to identify and track the website visitor. Registers if a users is signed in the Twitter platform and collects information about ad preferences. ", }, { keyName: "personalization_id", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: "twitter.com (3rd party)", description: "Unique value with which users can be identified by Twitter. Collected information is used to be personalize Twitter services, including Twitter trends, stories, ads and suggestions.", }, { keyName: "ct0", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: "twitter.com (3rd party)", description: "These cookies enable us to track visitor activity from our Twitter ads on our website, and also to allow users to share content from our websites. They cookies do not provide us with any confidential information relating to your account.", }, { keyName: "gt", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: "twitter.com (3rd party)", description: "Twitter uses these cookies to support plugin integration with our website. If you use the Tweet plugin and log into your Twitter account, Twitter will set some of these cookies to remember that you are logged in. Twitter will also use cookies for their own analytics purposes.", }, { keyName: "_twitter_sess", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: "twitter.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie is set due to Twitter integration and sharing capabilities for the social media.", }, { keyName: "ads_prefs", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "These cookies enable us to track visitor activity from our Twitter ads on our website, and also to allow users to share content from our websites. They cookies do not provide us with any confidential information relating to your account.", }, { keyName: "auth_token", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "These cookies enable us to track visitor activity from our Twitter ads on our website, and also to allow users to share content from our websites. They cookies do not provide us with any confidential information relating to your account.", }, { keyName: "csrf_same_site", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "These cookies enable us to track visitor activity from our Twitter ads on our website, and also to allow users to share content from our websites. They cookies do not provide us with any confidential information relating to your account.", }, { keyName: "csrf_same_site_set", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "These cookies enable us to track visitor activity from our Twitter ads on our website, and also to allow users to share content from our websites. They cookies do not provide us with any confidential information relating to your account.", }, { keyName: "dnt", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "These are third party Twitter cookies. These cookies enable users, if they wish, to login to their Twitter account share content from our websites with their friends. These cookies do not allow us access to your accounts or provide us with any confidential information relating to your accounts. These cookies also allow a news feed of tweets to appear on the website.", }, { keyName: "eu_cn", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "These are third party Twitter cookies. These cookies enable users, if they wish, to login to their Twitter account share content from our websites with their friends. These cookies do not allow us access to your accounts or provide us with any confidential information relating to your accounts. These cookies also allow a news feed of tweets to appear on the website.", }, { keyName: "external_referer", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "Our Website uses Twitter buttons to allow our visitors to follow our promotional Twitter feeds, and sometimes embed feeds on our Website.", }, { keyName: "kdt", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "These are third party Twitter cookies. These cookies enable users, if they wish, to login to their Twitter account share content from our websites with their friends. These cookies do not allow us access to your accounts or provide us with any confidential information relating to your accounts. These cookies also allow a news feed of tweets to appear on the website.", }, { keyName: "remember_checked_on", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "These cookies enable us to track visitor activity from our Twitter ads on our website, and also to allow users to share content from our websites. These cookies do not provide us with any confidential information relating to your account.", }, { keyName: "rweb_optin", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "These cookies enable us to track visitor activity from our Twitter ads on our website, and also to allow users to share content from our websites. These cookies do not provide us with any confidential information relating to your account.", }, { keyName: "syndication_guest_id", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "Used to collect information about users browsing behaviour for marketing purposes including digital display and social media advertising.", }, { keyName: "twid", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "These cookies enable us to track visitor activity from our Twitter ads on our website, and also to allow users to share content from our websites. They cookies do not provide us with any confidential information relating to your account.", }, { keyName: "tfw_exp", platform: "Twitter", category: "Marketing", domain: ".twitter.com", description: "These cookies enable us to track visitor activity from our Twitter ads on our website, and also to allow users to share content from our websites. They cookies do not provide us with any confidential information relating to your account.", }, { keyName: "unruly_m", platform: "Unrulymedia.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "vuid", platform: "Vimeo", category: "Analytics", domain: "vimeo.com", description: "This first party cookie created by Vimeo is used to assign a Vimeo Analytics unique id.", }, { keyName: "Player", platform: "Vimeo", category: "Functional", domain: "vimeo.com", description: "This first party cookie created by Vimeo is used to remember user\u2019s player mode preferences.", }, { keyName: "continuous_play_v3", platform: "Vimeo", category: "Functional", domain: "vimeo.com", description: "Used to keep track of whether continuous play is on or not for a user", }, { keyName: "_vwo_uuid_v2", platform: "Visual Website Optimizer", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used to track visitor movements anonymously.", }, { keyName: "_vis_opt_s", platform: "Visual Website Optimizer", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie detects if you are new or returning to a particular test.", }, { keyName: "_vis_opt_test_cookie", platform: "Visual Website Optimizer", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This is a temporary session cookie generated to detect if the cookies are enabled on the user browser or not.", }, { keyName: "_vis_opt_exp_", platform: "Visual Website Optimizer", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is generated when a goal is created.", }, { keyName: "um2", platform: "Visx.net", category: "Marketing", domain: "visx.net", description: "Sets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "_mb", platform: "Vuble", category: "Marketing", domain: "vuble.tv", description: "Used in context with video-advertisement. The cookie limits the number of times a visitor is shown the same advertisement-content. The cookie is also used to ensure relevance of the video-advertisement to the specific visitor.", }, { keyName: "wordpress_google_apps_login", platform: "WP-Glogin", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used for secure log in to the web site with a Google account.", }, { keyName: "wp-wpml_current_language", platform: "WPML", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used to track the language preference fo the user", }, { keyName: "_wepublishGa", platform: "WePublish", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "ID used to identify users", }, { keyName: "_wepublishGa_gid", platform: "WePublish", category: "Analytics", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "ID used to identify users for 24 hours after last activity 24 hours", }, { keyName: "cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary", platform: "WebToffee", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category 'Necessary'.", }, { keyName: "cookielawinfo-checkbox-non-necessary", platform: "WebToffee", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category 'Non Necessary'.", }, { keyName: "viewed_cookie_policy", platform: "WebToffee", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data.", }, { keyName: "cookielawinfo-checkbox-marketing", platform: "WebToffee", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The purpose of this cookie is to check whether or not the user has given the consent to the usage of cookies under the category 'Marketing'.", }, { keyName: "cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics", platform: "WebToffee", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The purpose of this cookie is to check whether or not the user has given the consent to the usage of cookies under the category 'Analytics'.", }, { keyName: "cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance", platform: "WebToffee", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The purpose of this cookie is to check whether or not the user has given the consent to the usage of cookies under the category 'Performance'.", }, { keyName: "cookielawinfo-checkbox-others", platform: "WebToffee", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category 'Other'.", }, { keyName: "AFFICHE_W", platform: "Weborama", category: "Analytics", domain: "weborama.fr", description: "Used by the advertising platform Weborama to determine the visitor\u2019s interests based on pages visits, content clicked and other actions on the website.", }, { keyName: "wa_ul", platform: "WhatsApp", category: "Functional", domain: "whatsapp.com", description: "Used to access the service it provides.", }, { keyName: "wa_lang_pref", platform: "WhatsApp", category: "Functional", domain: "whatsapp.com", description: "Used by WhatsApp to save language preferences", }, { keyName: "SSR-caching", platform: "Wix.com", category: "Functional", domain: "wix.com", description: "Indicates how a site was rendered", }, { keyName: "smSession", platform: "Wix.com", category: "Functional", domain: "wix.com", description: "Identifies logged in site members", }, { keyName: "svSession", platform: "Wix.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "wix.com", description: "Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor\u2019s sessions on a site", }, { keyName: "ForceFlashSite", platform: "Wix.com", category: "Functional", domain: "wix.com", description: "When viewing a mobile site (old mobile under m.domain.com) it will force the server to display the non-mobile version and avoid redirecting to the mobile site", }, { keyName: "hs", platform: "Wix.com", category: "Functional", domain: "wix.com", description: "Security", }, { keyName: "bSession", platform: "Wix.com", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used for system effectiveness measurement", }, { keyName: "TS01", platform: "Wix.com", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used for security and anti-fraud reasons", }, { keyName: "fedops.logger.sessionId", platform: "Wix.com", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used for stability\/effectiveness measurement", }, { keyName: "wixLanguage", platform: "Wix.com", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Used on multilingual websites to save user language preference", }, { keyName: "woocommerce_cart_hash", platform: "WooCommerce", category: "Functional", domain: "woocommerce.com", description: "Helps WooCommerce determine when cart contents\/data changes.", }, { keyName: "woocommerce_items_in_cart", platform: "WooCommerce", category: "Functional", domain: "woocommerce.com", description: "Helps WooCommerce determine when cart contents\/data changes.", }, { keyName: "wp_woocommerce_session_", platform: "WooCommerce", category: "Functional", domain: "woocommerce.com", description: "Contains a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database for each customer.", }, { keyName: "woocommerce_recently_viewed", platform: "WooCommerce", category: "Functional", domain: "woocommerce.com", description: "Powers the Recent Viewed Products widget", }, { keyName: "wordpress_test_cookie", platform: "Wordpress", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Cookie set by WordPress to check if the cookies are enabled on the browser to provide appropriate user experience to the users", }, { keyName: "anj", platform: "Xandr", category: "Marketing", domain: "adnxs.com", description: "The anj cookie contains data denoting whether a cookie ID is synced with our partners. ID syncing enables our partners to use their data from outside the Platform on the Platform. ", }, { keyName: "uuid2", platform: "Xandr", category: "Marketing", domain: "adnxs.com", description: "This cookie contains a unique randomly-generated value that enables the Platform to distinguish browsers and devices.", }, { keyName: "A3", platform: "Yahoo", category: "Marketing", domain: "yahoo.com", description: "Ads targeting cookie for Yahoo", }, { keyName: "APID", platform: "Yahoo", category: "Marketing", domain: "advertising.com", description: "Collects information on visitor behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used on the website, in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement.", }, { keyName: "APIDTS", platform: "Yahoo", category: "Marketing", domain: "yahoo.com", description: "This is a Yahoo! Cookie used in the targeting of relevant adverts and content on the Yahoo! platform.", }, { keyName: "IDSYNC", platform: "Yahoo", category: "Marketing", domain: "yahoo.com", description: "Identifies if the cookie-data needs to be updated in the visitor's browser - This is determined through third-party ad-serving-companies.", }, { keyName: "yith_wcwl_session_", platform: "Yithemes.com", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin uses cookies in order to correctly store user wishlists", }, { keyName: "GPS", platform: "Youtube", category: "Marketing", domain: "youtube.com (3rd party)", description: "Registers a unique ID on mobile devices to enable tracking based on geographical GPS location.", }, { keyName: "VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE", platform: "Youtube", category: "Marketing", domain: "youtube.com (3rd party)", description: "Tries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos.", }, { keyName: "PREF", platform: "Youtube", category: "Functional", domain: "youtube.com (3rd party)", description: "This cookie stores your preferences and other information, in particular preferred language, how many search results you wish to be shown on your page, and whether or not you wish to have Google\u2019s SafeSearch filter turned on.", }, { keyName: "YSC", platform: "Youtube", category: "Functional", domain: "youtube.com (3rd party)", description: "Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen.", }, { keyName: "zc_consent", platform: "ZOHO", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Determines whether the user has accepted the cookie consent box.", }, { keyName: "ZCAMPAIGN_CSRF_TOKEN", platform: "ZOHO", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.", }, { keyName: "zc_show", platform: "ZOHO", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Collects data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on the website - This information is used make content and advertisement more relevant to the specific visitor.", }, { keyName: "zc_cu_exp", platform: "ZOHO", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Contains the expiration date for the cookie with its name.", }, { keyName: "zc_loc", platform: "ZOHO", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Collects information on user preferences and\/or interaction with web-campaign content - This is used on CRM-campaign-platform used by website owners for promoting events or products.", }, { keyName: "zc", platform: "Zeotap", category: "Marketing", domain: "zeotap.com", description: "Registers data on visitors from multiple visits and on multiple websites. This information is used to measure the efficiency of advertisement on websites.", }, { keyName: "__zlcmid", platform: "Zopim", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Live chat widget on Slack contact page (ZopIM)", }, { keyName: "uu", platform: "adscale.de", category: "Marketing", domain: "adscale.de", description: "Used to target ads by registering the user's movements across websites.", }, { keyName: "betweendigital.com", platform: "betweendigital.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "ut", description: "Collects data on visitors' behaviour and interaction - This is used to optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.", }, { keyName: "ss", platform: "betweendigital.com", category: "Functional", domain: "betweendigital.com", description: "Necessary for the functionality of the website's chat-box function.", }, { keyName: "tuuid_lu", platform: "bidswitch.net", category: "Marketing", domain: "bidswitch.net", description: "Contains a unique visitor ID, which allows Bidswitch.com to track the visitor across multiple websites. This allows Bidswitch to optimize advertisement relevance and ensure that the visitor does not see the same ads multiple times.", }, { keyName: "ratgeberCo2online", platform: "co2online", category: "Functional", domain: "co2online.de", description: "Dieses Session- cookie sorgt daf\u00FCr, dass beim Wechsel der Online-Berater von einer Seite zur n\u00E4chsten Besucher erkannt und alle w\u00E4hrend dieses Besuchs eingegebenen Daten zwischengespeichert werden.", }, { keyName: "S1", platform: "comScore", category: "Analytics", domain: "nl.sitestat.com (3rd party)", description: "Comscore: statistical and analytical data", }, { keyName: "C1", platform: "comScore", category: "Analytics", domain: "nl.sitestat.com (3rd party)", description: "Comscore: statistical and analytical data", }, { keyName: "JSESSIONIDatlassianxsrftoken", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: " jira.commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "AWSALBCORS", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "impex.eu-central-1.aws.commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "OptanonAlertBoxClosedXSRFTOKENgtmxxxxxxxxeupubconsentOptanonConsent", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "cfduid,__cfruid", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "ok.commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "AWSALB", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "impex.us-east-2.aws.commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "optimizelyOptOutcookietestcookietestsid", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "techblog.commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "jsuid", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "status.commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "gid", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "mc.commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "optimizelyDomainTestCookieoptimizelyEndUserId", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "techblog.commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "driftcampaignrefresh", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "ok.commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "drifttaidhjFirstSeendriftaidhjIncludedInPageviewSamplexxxxgathjIncludedInSessionSamplehjAbsoluteSessionInProgress,__hsscgclxxxxhjidgat-,__hstc,__hssrc", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "hubspotutk#############,_parselyvisitorparselyuuidplllanguageparselysession", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "uid", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "techblog.commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "uid", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "ok.commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "drifttaiddriftaidhjTLDTestcookiesdtest", platform: "commercetools", category: "Functional", domain: "commercetools.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "dpm", platform: "demdex.net", category: "Marketing", domain: "demdex.net", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "DMSessionID", platform: "dotdigital", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Identifizieren Sie die Produkte und Dienste f\u00FCr die Personalisierung.", }, { keyName: "recordID", platform: "dotdigital", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Verfolgt und identifiziert einen Besucher als Engagement Cloud-Kontakt, w\u00E4hrend er die Seiten einer Website durchsucht. Diese Daten k\u00F6nnen dann f\u00FCr eine bessere Segmentierung und gezielte Ansprache von Kontakten verwendet werden.", }, { keyName: "sessionID", platform: "dotdigital", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Verfolgt und identifiziert einen Besucher als Engagement Cloud-Kontakt, w\u00E4hrend er die Seiten einer Website durchsucht. Diese Daten k\u00F6nnen dann f\u00FCr eine bessere Segmentierung und gezielte Ansprache von Kontakten verwendet werden.", }, { keyName: "TRS", platform: "easy.tracking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "This is used for partnership tracking.", }, { keyName: "TRSCJ", platform: "easy.tracking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Fallback-Cookie mit den rudiment\u00E4ren Touchpoint-Daten zur Verfolgung von Partnerschaften.", }, { keyName: "trsoptout", platform: "easy.tracking", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Beim Klicken auf den Tracking-Opt-out Link wird ein spezielles Cookie geschrieben, wodurch das Tracking im aktuellen Webbrowser des Endger\u00E4ts deaktiviert wird.", }, { keyName: "Emosjcsid", platform: "econda ARP", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "Emosjcvid", platform: "econda ARP", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "emosvisitor", platform: "econda ARP", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "emosjckamp", platform: "econda ARP", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "emossession", platform: "econda ARP", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "Emosjcsid", platform: "econda Cross Sell", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "Emosjcvid", platform: "econda Cross Sell", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "emosvisitor", platform: "econda Cross Sell", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "emosjckamp", platform: "econda Cross Sell", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "emossession", platform: "econda Cross Sell", category: "Marketing", domain: "econda.com", description: "Dieser Cookie erm\u00F6glicht es, Ihre Nutzung der Website mittels Econda zu analysieren. Dient der Unterscheidung einzelner Besucher.", }, { keyName: "coid", platform: "etracker", category: "Functional", domain: "etracker.com", description: "Dies ist ein Tracking Cookie.", }, { keyName: "etcnt", platform: "etracker", category: "Functional", domain: "etracker.com", description: "Dies ist ein Tracking Cookie.", }, { keyName: "GS3", platform: "etracker", category: "Functional", domain: "etracker.com", description: "Dies ist ein Tracking Cookie.", }, { keyName: "ASPNETSessionId", platform: "hogast", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Ein numerischer Code wird (zuf\u00E4llig) generiert, der die Sitzung des Benutzers identifiziert.", }, { keyName: "CookieBanner", platform: "hogast", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie verbirgt das CookieBanner.", }, { keyName: "PageHistory", platform: "hogast", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie enth\u00E4lt die Sitzung des Besuchers.", }, { keyName: "gatga0", platform: "hogast", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie begrenzt die gesendeten Anfragen.", }, { keyName: "gatga1", platform: "hogast", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dieses cookie begrenzt die gesendeten Anfragen.", }, { keyName: "iadvizevuid", platform: "iAdvize", category: "Functional", domain: "halc.iadvize.com", description: "", }, { keyName: "ASPNETSessionId", platform: "iPaper", category: "Functional", domain: "ipaper.io", description: "Dies wird verwendet, um die Funktion des Systems sicherzustellen.", }, { keyName: "jpxumaster", platform: "justpremium.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "justpremium.com", description: "Used to present the visitor with relevant content and advertisement - The service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "jpxumatched", platform: "justpremium.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "justpremium.com", description: "Used to present the visitor with relevant content and advertisement - The service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.", }, { keyName: "ASPNETSessionId", platform: "kulea", category: "Functional", domain: "kulea.ma", description: "Bewahrt den Sitzungsstatus des Besuchers \u00FCber Seitenanfragen hinweg.", }, { keyName: "CookieConsent", platform: "kulea", category: "Functional", domain: "kulea.ma", description: "Speichert den Status der Cookie-Zustimmung des Benutzers f\u00FCr die aktuelle Dom\u00E4ne.", }, { keyName: "gat", platform: "kulea", category: "Functional", domain: "kulea.ma", description: "Wird von Google Analytics verwendet, um die Anfragerate zu drosseln.", }, { keyName: "gid", platform: "kulea", category: "Functional", domain: "kulea.ma", description: "", }, { keyName: "lidid", platform: "liadm.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "liadm.com", description: "Collects data on visitors' behaviour and interaction - This is used to make advertisement on the website more relevant. The cookie also allows the website to detect any referrals from other websites.", }, { keyName: "mobilappvideochat", platform: "mobilApp Face2Face", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Cookie, der die Darstellung des Widgets (gro\u00DF oder klein) speichert.", }, { keyName: "ssdc", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "sdc", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "csrftoken", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "XSRFTOKEN", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "PHPSESSID", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "SESS", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "SSESS", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "mrssts", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "mrcc", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "apps", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "socialback", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "mycom", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "cid", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "cidc", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "sess", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "sessuid", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "sesssid", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "sesscrc", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "sesslocationblink", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "sesslocation", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "sessarea", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Essentielle cookies.", }, { keyName: "amclang", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "has", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "ps4", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "splash", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "curlanguage", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "mrcurrentpath", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "mrreferer", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "instance", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "currentworld", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "flashversion", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "socappiframe", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "apid", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "2017read", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "gmt", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "ukey", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "LANG", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "atuvc", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "atuvs", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "zlcmid", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Funktionalit\u00E4ts cookies.", }, { keyName: "VID", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookie", }, { keyName: "utma", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "utmb", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "utmc", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "utmz", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "utmt", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "utmtrollUpReport", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "gid", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "utmtsiteReport", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "gat", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "gatsiteReport", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "gatsiteReportUa", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "gali", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "gtm3127420", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "gtm43079329", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "isad", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "uid", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "visorc42397399", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "optimizelyEndUserId", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Leistungs cookies.", }, { keyName: "mr1lad", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Targeting- cookies.", }, { keyName: "mrcu", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Targeting- cookies.", }, { keyName: "22619802007986", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Targeting- cookies.", }, { keyName: "22620092008924", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Targeting- cookies.", }, { keyName: "22620182006242", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Targeting- cookies.", }, { keyName: "22620192000091", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Targeting- cookies.", }, { keyName: "100", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Targeting- cookies.", }, { keyName: "22620232006015", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Targeting- cookies.", }, { keyName: "mr1lext", platform: "myTarget SDK", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Targeting- cookies.", }, { keyName: "Nop.customer", platform: "nopCommerce", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Customer cookie. Used to identifier guest customers.", }, { keyName: "NopCommerce.RecentlyViewedProducts", platform: "nopCommerce", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Recently viewed products cookie. Stores a list of the recently viewed products", }, { keyName: "NOPCOMMERCE.AUTH", platform: "nopCommerce", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Forms authentication cookie. Used for authenticating registered customers.", }, { keyName: "i", platform: "openx.net", category: "Marketing", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "Registers user data, such as IP address, geographical location, websites visited and on which advertisements the user has clicked, with the aim of optimizing the display of advertisements based on user relocation on websites that use the same advertising network.", }, { keyName: "rek_content", platform: "rekmob.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "rekmob.com", description: "Pending", }, { keyName: "X-AB", platform: "sc-static.net", category: "Functional", domain: "Advertiser's website domain", description: "This cookie is used by the website\u2019s operator in context with multi-variate testing. This is a tool used to combine or change content on the website. This allows the website to find the best variation\/edition of the site.", }, { keyName: "st_csd", platform: "seedtag.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "seedtag.com", description: "Date of the last cookie-syn", }, { keyName: "st_cs", platform: "seedtag.com", category: "Marketing", domain: "seedtag.com", description: "Unique identifiers of DSPs", }, { keyName: "SEUNCY", platform: "semasio.net", category: "Marketing", domain: "semasio.net", description: "Registers a unique ID that identifies the user\u2019s device for return visits.", }, { keyName: "s24uid", platform: "shopping24", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Abrechnungszwecken und zur Verhinderung von Klickbetrug verwendet.", }, { keyName: "session", platform: "shopping25", category: "Functional", domain: "", description: "Dies wird zu Abrechnungszwecken und zur Verhinderung von Klickbetrug verwendet.", }, { keyName: "deuxesseuxid", platform: "twiago", category: "Functional", domain: "twiago.com", description: "Legt eine eindeutige ID f\u00FCr den Besucher fest, die es Drittanbietern erm\u00F6glicht, den Besucher mit relevanter Werbung anzusprechen. Dieser Pairing-Dienst wird von Werbe-Hubs von Drittanbietern bereitgestellt, die Werbetreibenden Echtzeitgebote erm\u00F6glichen.", }, { keyName: "BSWtracker", platform: "vmg.host", category: "Marketing", domain: "vmg.host", description: "Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that the visitor is shown the same advertisement.", }, ] // create toolList array const toolList = [ { name: "Google Analytics", description: { de: "Beschreibung von ga...", en: "Description of ga...", } }, { name: "Youtube", description: { de: "Beschreibung von youtube...", en: "Description of youtube...", } }, { name: "Vimeo", description: { de: "Beschreibung von vimeo...", en: "Description of vimeo...", } }, ] // @formatter:on // Filter cookies list to only show used cookies const filteredCookieList = cookieList.filter(item => selectedTools.includes(item.platform)) // config blocks by category and language const marketingBlocksDE = []; // tools have marketing cookies const analyticsBlocksDE = []; // tools don't have marketing cookies but have analytics cookies const functionalBlocksDE = []; // tools have functional cookies only const marketingBlocksEN = []; const analyticsBlocksEN = []; const functionalBlocksEN = []; // group cookies by platform (tool) const cookieListGroupedByTools = groupBy(filteredCookieList, "platform"); // save tools by categories for switching categories on/off const toolsWithCategory = [] // create tool blocks Object.entries(cookieListGroupedByTools).forEach(([toolTitle, cookies]) => { if (cookies.some(c => c.category === "Marketing")) { // tool has marketing cookies marketingBlocksDE.push(...createBlocks(cookies, "Marketing", "de")) marketingBlocksEN.push(...createBlocks(cookies, "Marketing", "en")) toolsWithCategory.push({tool: toolTitle, category: "marketing"}) } else if (cookies.some(c => c.category === "Analytics")) { // tool has no marketing cookies but analytics cookies analyticsBlocksDE.push(...createBlocks(cookies, "Analytics", "de")) analyticsBlocksEN.push(...createBlocks(cookies, "Analytics", "en")) toolsWithCategory.push({tool: toolTitle, category: "analytics"}) } else { // tool has functional cookies only functionalBlocksDE.push(...createBlocks(cookies, "Functional", "de")) functionalBlocksEN.push(...createBlocks(cookies, "Functional", "en")) toolsWithCategory.push({tool: toolTitle, category: "functional"}) } }); // create category blocks marketingBlocksDE.length > 0 && marketingBlocksDE.unshift(createCategoryBlock("Marketing", "Marketing-Cookies werden zum Zwecke der Optimierung, Analyse und Personalisierung von Werbekampagnen eingesetzt.")) marketingBlocksEN.length > 0 && marketingBlocksEN.unshift(createCategoryBlock("Marketing", "Marketing cookies are used for the purpose of optimization, analysis and personalization of advertising campaigns.")) analyticsBlocksDE.length > 0 && analyticsBlocksDE.unshift(createCategoryBlock("Analytics", "Solche Cookies dienen dazu, das Nutzerverhalten auf der Webseite zu analysieren und Statistiken zu erstellen.")) analyticsBlocksEN.length > 0 && analyticsBlocksEN.unshift(createCategoryBlock("Analytics", "Such cookies are used to analyze user behavior on the website and to generate statistics.")) functionalBlocksDE.length > 0 && functionalBlocksDE.unshift(createCategoryBlock("Funktional", "Funktionale Cookies werden benötigt, um bestimmte Aktionen oder Funktionen auf der Site ausführen zu können (z.B. Videos, Warenkorbfunktionen etc.)")) functionalBlocksEN.length > 0 && functionalBlocksEN.unshift(createCategoryBlock("Functional", "Functional cookies are needed to perform certain actions or functions on the site (e.g. videos, shopping cart functions, etc.).")) function getToolsByCategories(categories) { const res = toolsWithCategory.filter(tool => categories.includes(tool.category)).map(t => t.tool) return res }; /*! * iframemanager v1.0 * Author Orest Bida * Released under the MIT License */ (function () { "use strict"; var module = { iframes: {}, preconnects: [], preloads: [], iframeObserver: null, currLang: null, services: null, serviceNames: null, _getVideoProp: function (_div) { return { _id: _div.dataset.id, _title: _div.dataset.title, thumbnail: _div.dataset["thumbnail"], params: _div.dataset["params"], thumbnailPreload: _div.hasAttribute("data-thumbnailpreload"), div: _div, backgroundDiv: null, hasIframe: false, hasNotice: false, showNotice: true, }; }, /** * Lazy load all thumbnails of the iframes relative to specified service * @param {String} service_name * @param {String} thumbnail_url */ _lazyLoadThumnails: function (service_name, thumbnail_url) { var videos = this.iframes[service_name]; var length = videos.length; if ("IntersectionObserver" in window) { var thumbnailObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function (entries) { entries.forEach(function (entry) { if (entry.isIntersecting) { // true index of the video in the array relative to current service var _index = entry.target.dataset.index; module._loadThumbnail(thumbnail_url, videos[_index]); thumbnailObserver.unobserve(entry.target); } }); }); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { thumbnailObserver.observe(videos[i].div); } } else { // Fallback for old browsers for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { module._loadThumbnail(thumbnail_url, videos[i]); } } }, /** * 1. Set cookie (if not alredy set) * 2. show iframes (relative to the specified service) * @param {String} service_name */ acceptService: function (service_name) { if (service_name === "all") { var length = this.serviceNames.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var service_name = this.serviceNames[i]; _acceptService(service_name, this.services[service_name]); } } else { if (this.serviceNames.indexOf(service_name) > -1) { _acceptService(service_name, this.services[service_name]); } } function _acceptService(service_name, service) { if (!module._getCookie(service["cookie"]["name"])) { module._setCookie(service["cookie"]); } module._hideAllNotices(service_name, service); } }, /** * 1. set cookie * 2. hide all notices * 3. how iframes (relative to the specified service) * @param {String} service_name */ rejectService: function (service_name) { if (service_name === "all") { this.iframeObserver = null; var length = this.serviceNames.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var service_name = this.serviceNames[i]; _rejectService(service_name, this.services[service_name]); } } else { if (this.serviceNames.indexOf(service_name) > -1) { _rejectService(service_name, this.services[service_name]); } } function _rejectService(service_name, service) { if (module._getCookie(service["cookie"]["name"])) { module._eraseCookie(service["cookie"]); } module._showAllNotices(service_name, service); } }, /** * Set image as background * @param {String} url * @param {Object} video */ _loadThumbnail: function (url, video) { // Set custom thumbnail if provided if (typeof video.thumbnail === "string") { video.thumbnailPreload && this._thumbnailPreload(video.thumbnail); video.thumbnail !== "" && _loadBackgroundImage(video.thumbnail); } else { if (typeof url === "function") { url(video._id, function (src) { module._preconnect(src); video.thumbnailPreload && this._thumbnailPreload(src); _loadBackgroundImage(src); }); } else if (typeof url === "string") { var src = url.replace("{data-id}", video._id); this._preconnect(src); video.thumbnailPreload && this._thumbnailPreload(src); _loadBackgroundImage(src); } } function _loadBackgroundImage(src) { video.backgroundDiv.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + src + "')"; var img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { video.backgroundDiv.classList.add("loaded"); }; img.src = src; } }, /** * Create iframe and append it into the specified div * @param {Object} video * @param {Object} service */ _createIframe: function (video, service) { // Create iframe only if doesn't alredy have one if (video.hasIframe) return; video.iframe = this._createNode("iframe"); var iframeParams = video.params || (service["iframe"] && service["iframe"]["params"]); // Replace data-id with valid resource id var src = service["embedUrl"].replace("{data-id}", video._id); video.iframe["loading"] = "lazy"; video._title && (video.iframe.title = video._title); // Add allow attribute to iframe if (service["iframe"] && service["iframe"]["allow"]) { video.iframe.allow = service["iframe"]["allow"]; } // Add parameters to src if (iframeParams) { if (iframeParams.substring(0, 3) === "ap:") { src += iframeParams.substring(3); } else { src += "?" + iframeParams; } } if(video._id.includes("google.com/maps") || video._id.includes("openstreetmap.org")) { video.iframe.src = src } else { video.iframe.src = encodeURI(src); } // When iframe is loaded => hide background image video.iframe.onload = function () { video.div.classList.add("c-h-b"); video.iframe.onload = undefined; service["iframe"] && typeof service["iframe"]["onload"] === "function" && service["iframe"]["onload"](video._id, this); }; video.hasIframe = true; video.div.appendChild(video.iframe); }, /** * Remove iframe HTMLElement from div * @param {Object} video */ _removeIframe: function (video) { video.iframe.parentNode.removeChild(video.iframe); video.hasIframe = false; }, /** * Remove necessary classes to hide notice * @param {Object} video */ _hideNotice: function (video) { if (video.showNotice) { video.div.classList.add("c-h-n"); video.showNotice = false; } }, /** * Add necessary classes to show notice * @param {Object} video */ _showNotice: function (video) { if (!video.showNotice) { video.div.classList.remove("c-h-n", "c-h-b"); video.showNotice = true; } }, /** * Get cookie by name * @param {String} a cookie name * @returns {String} cookie value */ _getCookie: function (a) { return (a = document.cookie.match("(^|;)\\s*" + a + "\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)")) ? a.pop() : ""; }, /** * Set cookie based on given object * @param {Object} cookie */ _setCookie: function (cookie) { var date = new Date(); var path = cookie["path"] || "/"; var expiration = cookie["expiration"] || 182; var sameSite = cookie["sameSite"] || "Lax"; var domain = cookie["domain"] || location.hostname; date.setTime(date.getTime() + 1000 * (expiration * 24 * 60 * 60)); var expires = " expires=" + date.toUTCString(); var cookieStr = cookie.name + "=1;" + expires + "; Path=" + path + ";"; cookieStr += " SameSite=" + sameSite + ";"; // assures cookie works with localhost (=> don't specify domain if on localhost) if (domain.indexOf(".") > -1) { cookieStr += " Domain=" + domain + ";"; } if (location.protocol === "https:") { cookieStr += " Secure;"; } document.cookie = cookieStr; }, /** * Delete cookie by name & path * @param {Array} cookies * @param {String} custom_path */ _eraseCookie: function (cookie) { var path = cookie["path"] || "/"; var domain = cookie["domain"] || location.hostname; var expires = "Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;"; document.cookie = cookie["name"] + "=; Path=" + path + "; Domain=" + domain + "; " + expires; }, /** * Get all prop. keys defined inside object * @param {Object} obj */ _getKeys: function (obj) { if (typeof obj === "object") { var keys = [], i = 0; for (keys[i++] in obj) { } return keys; } }, /** * Add link rel="preconnect" * @param {String} url */ _preconnect: function (url) { var url = url.split("://"); var protocol = url[0]; // if valid protocol if (protocol == "http" || protocol == "https") { var domain = (url[1] && url[1].split("/")[0]) || false; // if not current domain if (domain && domain !== location.hostname) { if (this.preconnects.indexOf(domain) === -1) { var l = this._createNode("link"); l.rel = "preconnect"; l.href = protocol + "://" + domain; document.head.appendChild(l); this.preconnects.push(domain); } } } }, /** * Add link rel="preload" * @param {String} url */ _thumbnailPreload: function (url) { if (url && this.preloads.indexOf(url) === -1) { var l = this._createNode("link"); l.rel = "preload"; l.as = "image"; l.href = url; document.head.appendChild(l); this.preloads.push(url); } }, /** * Create and return HTMLElement based on specified type * @param {String} type * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createNode: function (type) { return document.createElement(type); }, /** * Create all notices relative to the specified service * @param {String} service_name * @param {Object} service * @param {Boolean} hidden */ _createAllNotices: function (service_name, service, hidden) { // get number of iframes of current service var iframes = this.iframes[service_name]; var n_iframes = iframes.length; // for each iframe for (var i = 0; i < n_iframes; i++) { (function (i) { var video = iframes[i]; if (!video.hasNotice) { var loadBtnText = service["languages"][module.currLang]["loadBtn"]; var noticeText = service["languages"][module.currLang]["notice"]; var loadAllBtnText = service["languages"][module.currLang]["loadAllBtn"]; var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var notice = module._createNode("div"); var span = module._createNode("span"); var innerDiv = module._createNode("p"); var load_button = module._createNode("button"); var load_all_button = module._createNode("button"); var notice_text = module._createNode("span"); var ytVideoBackground = module._createNode("div"); var loaderBg = module._createNode("div"); var ytVideoBackgroundInner = module._createNode("div"); var notice_text_container = module._createNode("div"); var buttons = module._createNode("div"); load_button.type = load_all_button.type = "button"; notice_text.className = "cc-text"; load_button.type = load_all_button.type = "button"; notice_text.className = "cc-text"; ytVideoBackgroundInner.className = "c-bg-i"; video.backgroundDiv = ytVideoBackgroundInner; loaderBg.className = "c-ld"; if (typeof video.thumbnail !== "string" || video.thumbnail !== "") { ytVideoBackground.className = "c-bg"; } var iframeTitle = video._title; var fragment_2 = document.createDocumentFragment(); if (iframeTitle) { var title_span = module._createNode("span"); title_span.className = "c-tl"; title_span.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", iframeTitle); fragment_2.appendChild(title_span); } load_button.textContent = loadBtnText; load_all_button.textContent = loadAllBtnText; notice_text.appendChild(fragment_2); notice && notice_text.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", noticeText || ""); span.appendChild(notice_text); notice_text_container.className = "c-t-cn"; span.className = "c-n-t"; innerDiv.className = "c-n-c"; notice.className = "c-nt"; buttons.className = "c-n-a"; load_button.className = "c-l-b"; load_all_button.className = "c-la-b"; buttons.appendChild(load_button); buttons.appendChild(load_all_button); notice_text_container.appendChild(span); notice_text_container.appendChild(buttons); innerDiv.appendChild(notice_text_container); notice.appendChild(innerDiv); function showVideo() { module._hideNotice(video); module._createIframe(video, service); } load_button.addEventListener("click", function () { showVideo(); }); load_all_button.addEventListener("click", function () { showVideo(); module.acceptService(service_name); }); ytVideoBackground.appendChild(ytVideoBackgroundInner); fragment.appendChild(notice); (service["thumbnailUrl"] || video.thumbnail) && fragment.appendChild(ytVideoBackground); fragment.appendChild(loaderBg); hidden && video.div.classList.add("c-h-n"); // Avoid reflow with fragment (only 1 appendChild) video.div.appendChild(fragment); video.hasNotice = true; } })(i); } }, /** * Hides all notices relative to the specified service * and creates iframe with the video * @param {String} service_name * @param {Object} service */ _hideAllNotices: function (service_name, service) { // get number of iframes of current service var videos = this.iframes[service_name]; var n_iframes = videos.length; if ("IntersectionObserver" in window) { this.iframeObserver = new IntersectionObserver(function (entries) { for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) { if (module.iframeObserver === null) { return; } if (entries[i].isIntersecting) { (function (_index) { setTimeout(function () { var index = entries[_index].target.dataset.index; module._createIframe(videos[index], service); module._hideNotice(videos[index]); }, _index * 50); module.iframeObserver.unobserve(entries[_index].target); })(i); } } }); for (var i = 0; i < n_iframes; i++) { if (!videos[i].hasIframe) { this.iframeObserver.observe(videos[i].div); } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < n_iframes; i++) { (function (index) { module._createIframe(videos[i], service); module._hideNotice(videos[index]); })(i); } } }, /** * Show all notices relative to the specified service * and hides iframe with the video * @param {String} service_name * @param {Object} service */ _showAllNotices: function (service_name, service) { // get number of iframes of current service var videos = this.iframes[service_name]; var n_iframes = videos.length; for (var i = 0; i < n_iframes; i++) { (function (index) { // if doesn't have iframe => create it if (!videos[i].showNotice) { if (videos[i].hasIframe) { module._removeIframe(videos[i]); } module._showNotice(videos[index]); } })(i); } }, /** * Validate language (make sure it exists) * @param {String} lang * @param {Object} all_languages * @returns {String} language */ _getValidatedLanguage: function (lang, all_languages) { if (all_languages.hasOwnProperty(lang)) { return lang; } else if (this._getKeys(all_languages).length > 0) { if (all_languages.hasOwnProperty(this.currLang)) { return this.currLang; } else { return this._getKeys(all_languages)[0]; } } }, /** * Get current client's browser language * @returns {String} browser language */ _getBrowserLang: function () { var browser_lang = navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage; browser_lang.length > 2 && (browser_lang = browser_lang[0] + browser_lang[1]); return browser_lang.toLowerCase(); }, run: function (_config) { /** * Object with all services config. */ var services = _config["services"]; this.services = services; /** * Array containing the names of all services */ var service_names = this._getKeys(services); this.serviceNames = service_names; /** * Number of services */ var n_services = service_names.length; // if there are no services => don't do anything if (n_services === 0) { return; } // Set curr lang this.currLang = _config["currLang"]; var languages = services[service_names[0]]["languages"]; if (_config["autoLang"] === true) { this.currLang = this._getValidatedLanguage( this._getBrowserLang(), languages ); } else { if (typeof _config["currLang"] === "string") { this.currLang = this._getValidatedLanguage( _config["currLang"], languages ); } } // for each service for (var i = 0; i < n_services; i++) { /** * Name of current service */ var service_name = service_names[i]; // add new empty array of videos (with current service name as property) this.iframes[service_name] = []; /** * iframes/divs in the dom that have data-service value as current service name */ var found_iframes = document.querySelectorAll( 'div[data-service="' + service_name + '"]' ); /** * number of iframes with current service */ var n_iframes = found_iframes.length; // if no iframes found => go to next service if (n_iframes === 0) { continue; } // add each iframe to array of iframes of the current service for (var j = 0; j < n_iframes; j++) { found_iframes[j].dataset.index = j; this.iframes[service_name].push(this._getVideoProp(found_iframes[j])); } var curr_service = services[service_name]; // check if cookie for current service is set var cookie_name = curr_service["cookie"]["name"]; // get current service's cookie value var cookie = this._getCookie(cookie_name); // if cookie is not set => show notice if (cookie) { this._createAllNotices(service_name, curr_service, true); this._hideAllNotices(service_name, curr_service); } else { this._createAllNotices(service_name, curr_service, false); } this._lazyLoadThumnails(service_name, curr_service["thumbnailUrl"]); } }, }; var fn_name = "iframemanager"; window[fn_name] = function () { window[fn_name] = undefined; return module; }; })(); /*! * CookieConsent v3.0.0-beta.1 * https://www.github.com/orestbida/cookieconsent * Author Orest Bida * Released under the MIT License */ (function () { "use strict"; /** * @param {HTMLElement} [root] - [optional] element where the cookieconsent will be appended * @returns {Object} cookieconsent object with API */ var CookieConsent = function (root) { /** * CHANGE THIS FLAG FALSE TO DISABLE console.log() */ var ENABLE_LOGS = true; var _config = { mode: "opt-in", // 'opt-in', 'opt-out' current_lang: "de", auto_language: "browser", autorun: true, // run as soon as loaded page_scripts: true, hide_from_bots: true, cookie_name: "cc_cookie", cookie_expiration: 182, // default: 6 months (in days) cookie_domain: window.location.hostname, // default: current domain cookie_path: "/", cookie_same_site: "Lax", use_rfc_cookie: false, autoclear_cookies: true, revision: 0, script_selector: "data-cookiecategory", isNonEuConsentAccepted: getIsNonEuConsentChecked() }; var /** * Object which holds the main methods/API (.show, .run, ...) */ _cookieconsent = {}, /** * Global user configuration object */ user_config, /** * Internal state variables */ saved_cookie_content = {}, cookie_data = null, /** * @type {Date} */ consent_date, /** * @type {Date} */ last_consent_update, /** * @type {string} */ consent_uuid, /** * @type {boolean} */ invalid_consent = true, consent_modal_exists = false, consent_modal_visible = false, settings_modal_visible = false, clicked_inside_modal = false, current_modal_focusable, all_table_headers, all_blocks, // Helper callback functions // (avoid calling "user_config['onAccept']" all the time) onAccept, onChange, onFirstAction, revision_enabled = false, valid_revision = true, revision_message = "", // State variables for the autoclearCookies function changed_settings = [], reload_page = false; /** * Accept type: * - "all" * - "necessary" * - "custom" * @type {string} */ var accept_type; /** * Contains all accepted categories * @type {string[]} */ var accepted_categories = []; /** * Contains all non-accepted (rejected) categories * @type {string[]} */ var rejected_categories = []; /** * Contains all categories enabled by default * @type {string[]} */ var default_enabled_categories = []; // Don't run plugin (to avoid indexing its text content) if bot detected var is_bot = false; /** * Save reference to the last focused element on the page * (used later to restore focus when both modals are closed) */ var last_elem_before_modal; var last_consent_modal_btn_focus; /** * Both of the arrays below have the same structure: * [0] => holds reference to the FIRST focusable element inside modal * [1] => holds reference to the LAST focusable element inside modal */ var consent_modal_focusable = []; var settings_modal_focusable = []; /** * Keep track of enabled/disabled categories * @type {boolean[]} */ var toggle_states = []; /** * Stores all available categories * @type {string[]} */ var all_categories = []; /** * Keep track of readonly toggles * @type {boolean[]} */ var readonly_categories = []; /** * Pointers to main dom elements (to avoid retrieving them later using document.getElementById) */ var /** @type {HTMLElement} */ html_dom = document.documentElement, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ main_container, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ all_modals_container, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ consent_modal, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ consent_modal_title, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ consent_modal_description, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ consent_primary_btn, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ consent_secondary_btn, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ consent_buttons, //#################### custom #################### /** @type {HTMLElement} */ consent_category_switches, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ consent_links, //#################### end custom #################### /** @type {HTMLElement} */ consent_modal_inner, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ settings_container, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ settings_inner, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ settings_title, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ settings_close_btn, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ settings_blocks, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ new_settings_blocks, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ settings_buttons, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ settings_save_btn, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ settings_accept_all_btn, /** @type {HTMLElement} */ settings_reject_all_btn; /** * Update config settings * @param {Object} user_config */ var _setConfig = function (_user_config) { /** * Make user configuration globally available */ user_config = _user_config; _log("CookieConsent [CONFIG]: received_config_settings ", user_config); if (typeof user_config["cookie_expiration"] === "number") _config.cookie_expiration = user_config["cookie_expiration"]; if (typeof user_config["cookie_necessary_only_expiration"] === "number") _config.cookie_necessary_only_expiration = user_config["cookie_necessary_only_expiration"]; if (typeof user_config["autorun"] === "boolean") _config.autorun = user_config["autorun"]; if (typeof user_config["cookie_domain"] === "string") _config.cookie_domain = user_config["cookie_domain"]; if (typeof user_config["cookie_same_site"] === "string") _config.cookie_same_site = user_config["cookie_same_site"]; if (typeof user_config["cookie_path"] === "string") _config.cookie_path = user_config["cookie_path"]; if (typeof user_config["cookie_name"] === "string") _config.cookie_name = user_config["cookie_name"]; if (typeof user_config["onAccept"] === "function") onAccept = user_config["onAccept"]; if (typeof user_config["onFirstAction"] === "function") onFirstAction = user_config["onFirstAction"]; if (typeof user_config["onChange"] === "function") onChange = user_config["onChange"]; if (user_config["mode"] === "opt-out") _config.mode = "opt-out"; if (typeof user_config["revision"] === "number") { user_config["revision"] > -1 && (_config.revision = user_config["revision"]); revision_enabled = true; } if (typeof user_config["autoclear_cookies"] === "boolean") _config.autoclear_cookies = user_config["autoclear_cookies"]; if (user_config["use_rfc_cookie"] === true) _config.use_rfc_cookie = true; if (user_config["hide_from_bots"] === true) { is_bot = navigator && ((navigator.userAgent && /bot|crawl|spider|slurp|teoma/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) || navigator.webdriver); } _config.page_scripts = user_config["page_scripts"] === true; _config.auto_language = getAutoLanguage() // _config.current_lang = getLanguage() // if ( // user_config["auto_language"] === "browser" || // user_config["auto_language"] === true // ) { // _config.auto_language = "browser"; // } else if (user_config["auto_language"] === "document") { // _config.auto_language = "document"; // } // _log( "CookieConsent [LANG]: auto_language strategy is '" + _config.auto_language + "'" ); // _config.current_lang = _resolveCurrentLang( user_config.languages, user_config["current_lang"] ); }; // /** // * Print consent date // */ // var _printConsentDateHTML = function(){ // if(!consent_date) return; // var consent_date_elements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-cc="consent-date"]'); // var last_consent_update_elements = document.querySelectorAll('[data-cc="last-consent-update"]'); // for(var i=0; i} */ function _getElements(data_role) { return (elem || document).querySelectorAll( 'a[data-cc="' + data_role + '"], button[data-cc="' + data_role + '"]' ); } /** * Helper function: accept and then hide modals * @param {PointerEvent} e source event * @param {string} [accept_type] */ function _acceptAction(e, accept_type) { e.preventDefault(); _cookieconsent.accept(accept_type); _cookieconsent.hideSettings(); _cookieconsent.hide(); } //_printConsentDateHTML(); }; /** * Get a valid language (at least 1 must be defined) * @param {string} lang - desired language * @param {Object} all_languages - all defined languages * @returns {string} validated language */ var _getValidatedLanguage = function (lang, all_languages) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(all_languages, lang)) { return lang; } else if (_getKeys(all_languages).length > 0) { if ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( all_languages, _config.current_lang ) ) { return _config.current_lang; } else { return _getKeys(all_languages)[0]; } } }; /** * Save reference to first and last focusable elements inside each modal * to prevent losing focus while navigating with TAB */ var _getModalFocusableData = function () { /** * Note: any of the below focusable elements, which has the attribute tabindex="-1" AND is either * the first or last element of the modal, won't receive focus during "open/close" modal */ var allowed_focusable_types = [ "[href]", "button", "input", "details", '[tabindex="0"]', ]; function _getAllFocusableElements(modal, _array) { var focus_later = false, focus_first = false; // ie might throw exception due to complex unsupported selector => a:not([tabindex="-1"]) try { var focusable_elems = modal.querySelectorAll( allowed_focusable_types.join(':not([tabindex="-1"]), ') ); var attr, len = focusable_elems.length, i = 0; while (i < len) { attr = focusable_elems[i].getAttribute("data-focus"); if (!focus_first && attr === "1") { focus_first = focusable_elems[i]; } else if (attr === "0") { focus_later = focusable_elems[i]; if ( !focus_first && focusable_elems[i + 1].getAttribute("data-focus") !== "0" ) { focus_first = focusable_elems[i + 1]; } } i++; } } catch (e) { return modal.querySelectorAll(allowed_focusable_types.join(", ")); } /** * Save first and last elements (used to lock/trap focus inside modal) */ _array[0] = focusable_elems[0]; _array[1] = focusable_elems[focusable_elems.length - 1]; _array[2] = focus_later; _array[3] = focus_first; } /** * Get settings modal'S all focusable elements * Save first and last elements (used to lock/trap focus inside modal) */ _getAllFocusableElements(settings_inner, settings_modal_focusable); /** * If consent modal exists, do the same */ if (consent_modal_exists) { _getAllFocusableElements(consent_modal, consent_modal_focusable); } }; var _createConsentModal = function (lang) { if (user_config["force_consent"] === true) _addClass(html_dom, "force--consent"); // Create modal if it doesn't exist if (!consent_modal) { consent_modal = _createNode("div"); var consent_modal_inner_inner = _createNode("div"); var overlay = _createNode("div"); consent_modal.id = "cm"; consent_modal_inner_inner.id = "c-inr-i"; overlay.id = "cm-ov"; consent_modal.setAttribute("role", "dialog"); consent_modal.setAttribute("aria-modal", "true"); consent_modal.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false"); consent_modal.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", "c-ttl"); consent_modal.setAttribute("aria-describedby", "c-txt"); // Append consent modal to main container all_modals_container.appendChild(consent_modal); all_modals_container.appendChild(overlay); /** * Make modal by default hidden to prevent weird page jumps/flashes (shown only once css is loaded) */ consent_modal.style.visibility = overlay.style.visibility = "hidden"; overlay.style.opacity = 0; } // Use insertAdjacentHTML instead of innerHTML var consent_modal_title_value = user_config.languages[lang]["consent_modal"]["title"]; // Add title (if valid) if (consent_modal_title_value) { if (!consent_modal_title) { consent_modal_title = _createNode("div"); consent_modal_title.id = "c-ttl"; consent_modal_title.setAttribute("role", "heading"); consent_modal_title.setAttribute("aria-level", "2"); consent_modal_inner_inner.appendChild(consent_modal_title); } consent_modal_title.innerHTML = consent_modal_title_value; } var description = user_config.languages[lang]["consent_modal"]["description"]; if (revision_enabled) { if (!valid_revision) { description = description.replace( "{{revision_message}}", revision_message || user_config.languages[lang]["consent_modal"][ "revision_message" ] || "" ); } else { description = description.replace("{{revision_message}}", ""); } } if (!consent_modal_description) { consent_modal_description = _createNode("div"); consent_modal_description.id = "c-txt"; consent_modal_inner_inner.appendChild(consent_modal_description); } // Set description content consent_modal_description.innerHTML = description; if (_config.isNonEuConsentAccepted) { consent_modal_description.innerHTML += user_config.languages[lang]["consent_modal"]["nonEuConsentDescription"]; } var primary_btn_data = user_config.languages[lang]["consent_modal"]["primary_btn"], // accept current selection secondary_btn_data = user_config.languages[lang]["consent_modal"]["secondary_btn"]; //#################### custom #################### // create array of categories which should be togglable const categoriesArray = Array.from(new Set(toolsWithCategory.map(t => t.category))); // Set category switches const necessarySwitch = `
` const functionalSwitch = `
` const analyticsSwitch = `
` const marketingSwitch = `
` consent_category_switches = _createNode('div') consent_category_switches.style.cssText = 'margin-top: 1rem; display:flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap;' consent_modal_inner_inner.appendChild(consent_category_switches) consent_category_switches.innerHTML += necessarySwitch if(categoriesArray.includes('functional')) { consent_category_switches.innerHTML += functionalSwitch } if(categoriesArray.includes('analytics')) { consent_category_switches.innerHTML += analyticsSwitch } if(categoriesArray.includes('marketing')) { consent_category_switches.innerHTML += marketingSwitch } //#################### end custom #################### // Add primary button if not falsy if (primary_btn_data) { if (!consent_primary_btn) { consent_primary_btn = _createNode("button"); consent_primary_btn.id = "c-p-bn"; consent_primary_btn.classList.add("cc-custom-btn", "cc-custom-bold") var _accept_type; if (primary_btn_data["role"] === "accept_all") _accept_type = "all"; _addEvent(consent_primary_btn, "click", function () { _cookieconsent.hide(); _log("CookieConsent [ACCEPT]: cookie_consent was accepted!"); _cookieconsent.accept(_accept_type); }); } consent_primary_btn.innerHTML = user_config.languages[lang]["consent_modal"]["primary_btn"]["text"]; if(_config.isNonEuConsentAccepted) { const btnDescriptionSpan = _createNode("p") btnDescriptionSpan.style.cssText = 'font-size: 0.7rem; font-weight: 400; text-align: center; opacity: 80%' btnDescriptionSpan.innerText = user_config.languages[lang]["consent_modal"]["primary_btn"]["info"] consent_primary_btn.appendChild(btnDescriptionSpan) } } // Add secondary button if not falsy if (secondary_btn_data) { if (!consent_secondary_btn) { consent_secondary_btn = _createNode("button"); consent_secondary_btn.id = "c-s-bn"; consent_secondary_btn.classList.add("cc-custom-btn"); consent_secondary_btn.dataset.cc = "accept-categories" } consent_secondary_btn.innerHTML = user_config.languages[lang]["consent_modal"]["secondary_btn"]["text"]; } // Swap buttons var gui_options_data = user_config["gui_options"]; if (!consent_modal_inner) { consent_modal_inner = _createNode("div"); consent_modal_inner.id = "c-inr"; consent_modal_inner.appendChild(consent_modal_inner_inner); } if (!consent_buttons) { consent_buttons = _createNode("div"); consent_buttons.id = "c-bns"; if ( gui_options_data && gui_options_data["consent_modal"] && gui_options_data["consent_modal"]["swap_buttons"] === true ) { secondary_btn_data && consent_buttons.appendChild(consent_secondary_btn); primary_btn_data && consent_buttons.appendChild(consent_primary_btn); consent_buttons.className = "swap"; } else { secondary_btn_data && consent_buttons.appendChild(consent_secondary_btn); primary_btn_data && consent_buttons.appendChild(consent_primary_btn); } (primary_btn_data || secondary_btn_data) && consent_modal_inner.appendChild(consent_buttons); consent_modal.appendChild(consent_modal_inner); } // Set links const name = "Legal Cockpit" const redirectUrl = "https:\/\/www.cockpit.legal\/consent\/" const linksTemplate = ` ` consent_links = _createNode("div") consent_links.innerHTML = linksTemplate consent_modal_inner.appendChild(consent_links) consent_modal_exists = true; }; var _createSettingsModal = function (lang) { /** * Create all consent_modal elements */ if (!settings_container) { settings_container = _createNode("div"); var settings_container_valign = _createNode("div"); var settings = _createNode("div"); var settings_container_inner = _createNode("div"); settings_inner = _createNode("div"); settings_title = _createNode("div"); var settings_header = _createNode("div"); settings_close_btn = _createNode("button"); var settings_close_btn_container = _createNode("div"); settings_blocks = _createNode("div"); var overlay = _createNode("div"); /** * Set ids */ settings_container.id = "s-cnt"; settings_container_valign.id = "c-vln"; settings_container_inner.id = "c-s-in"; settings.id = "cs"; settings_title.id = "s-ttl"; settings_inner.id = "s-inr"; settings_header.id = "s-hdr"; settings_blocks.id = "s-bl"; settings_close_btn.id = "s-c-bn"; overlay.id = "cs-ov"; settings_close_btn_container.id = "s-c-bnc"; settings_close_btn.className = "c-bn"; settings_container.setAttribute("role", "dialog"); settings_container.setAttribute("aria-modal", "true"); settings_container.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); settings_container.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", "s-ttl"); settings_title.setAttribute("role", "heading"); settings_container.style.visibility = overlay.style.visibility = "hidden"; overlay.style.opacity = 0; settings_close_btn_container.appendChild(settings_close_btn); // If 'esc' key is pressed inside settings_container div => hide settings _addEvent( settings_container_valign, "keydown", function (evt) { evt = evt || window.event; if (evt.keyCode === 27) { _cookieconsent.hideSettings(0); } }, true ); _addEvent(settings_close_btn, "click", function () { _cookieconsent.hideSettings(0); }); } else { new_settings_blocks = _createNode("div"); new_settings_blocks.id = "s-bl"; } // Add label to close button settings_close_btn.setAttribute( "aria-label", user_config.languages[lang]["settings_modal"]["close_btn_label"] || "Close" ); all_blocks = user_config.languages[lang]["settings_modal"]["blocks"]; all_table_headers = user_config.languages[lang]["settings_modal"]["cookie_table_headers"]; var n_blocks = all_blocks.length; // Set settings modal title settings_title.innerHTML = user_config.languages[lang]["settings_modal"]["title"]; // Create settings modal content (blocks) for (var i = 0; i < n_blocks; ++i) { var title_data = all_blocks[i]["title"], description_data = all_blocks[i]["description"], toggle_data = all_blocks[i]["toggle"], cookie_table_data = all_blocks[i]["cookie_table"], remove_cookie_tables = user_config["remove_cookie_tables"] === true, isExpandable = (description_data && "truthy") || (!remove_cookie_tables && cookie_table_data && "truthy"); // Create title var block_section = _createNode("div"); var block_table_container = _createNode("div"); // Create description if (description_data) { var block_desc = _createNode("div"); block_desc.className = "p"; block_desc.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", description_data); } var block_title_container = _createNode("div"); block_title_container.className = "title"; block_section.className = "c-bl"; block_table_container.className = "desc"; // Create toggle if specified (opt in/out) if (typeof toggle_data !== "undefined") { var accordion_id = "c-ac-" + i; // Create button (to collapse/expand block description) var block_title_btn = isExpandable ? _createNode("button") : _createNode("div"); var block_switch_label = _createNode("label"); var block_switch = _createNode("input"); var block_switch_span = _createNode("span"); var label_text_span = _createNode("span"); // These 2 spans will contain each 2 pseudo-elements to generate 'tick' and 'x' icons var block_switch_span_on_icon = _createNode("span"); var block_switch_span_off_icon = _createNode("span"); block_title_btn.className = isExpandable ? "b-tl exp" : "b-tl"; block_switch_label.className = "b-tg"; block_switch.className = "c-tgl"; block_switch_span_on_icon.className = "on-i"; block_switch_span_off_icon.className = "off-i"; block_switch_span.className = "c-tg"; label_text_span.className = "t-lb"; if (isExpandable) { block_title_btn.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"); block_title_btn.setAttribute("aria-controls", accordion_id); } block_switch.type = "checkbox"; block_switch_span.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); var cookie_category = toggle_data.value; block_switch.value = cookie_category; label_text_span.textContent = title_data; block_title_btn.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", title_data); block_title_container.appendChild(block_title_btn); block_switch_span.appendChild(block_switch_span_on_icon); block_switch_span.appendChild(block_switch_span_off_icon); /** * If consent is valid => retrieve category states from cookie * Otherwise use states defined in the user_config. object */ if (!invalid_consent) { if ( _inArray(saved_cookie_content["categories"], cookie_category) > -1 ) { block_switch.checked = true; !new_settings_blocks && toggle_states.push(true); } else { !new_settings_blocks && toggle_states.push(false); } } else if (toggle_data["enabled"]) { block_switch.checked = true; !new_settings_blocks && toggle_states.push(true); /** * Keep track of categories enabled by default (useful when mode=='opt-out') */ if (toggle_data["enabled"]) !new_settings_blocks && default_enabled_categories.push(cookie_category); } else { !new_settings_blocks && toggle_states.push(false); } !new_settings_blocks && all_categories.push(cookie_category); /** * Set toggle as readonly if true (disable checkbox) */ if (toggle_data["readonly"]) { block_switch.disabled = true; _addClass(block_switch_span, "c-ro"); !new_settings_blocks && readonly_categories.push(true); } else { !new_settings_blocks && readonly_categories.push(false); } _addClass(block_table_container, "b-acc"); _addClass(block_title_container, "b-bn"); _addClass(block_section, "b-ex"); block_table_container.id = accordion_id; block_table_container.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); block_switch_label.appendChild(block_switch); block_switch_label.appendChild(block_switch_span); block_switch_label.appendChild(label_text_span); block_title_container.appendChild(block_switch_label); /** * On button click handle the following :=> aria-expanded, aria-hidden and act class for current block */ isExpandable && (function (accordion, block_section, btn) { _addEvent( block_title_btn, "click", function () { if (!_hasClass(block_section, "act")) { _addClass(block_section, "act"); btn.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true"); accordion.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false"); } else { _removeClass(block_section, "act"); btn.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"); accordion.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); } }, false ); })(block_table_container, block_section, block_title_btn); } else { /** * If block is not a button (no toggle defined), * create a simple div instead */ if (title_data) { var block_title = _createNode("div"); block_title.className = "b-tl"; block_title.setAttribute("role", "heading"); block_title.setAttribute("aria-level", "3"); block_title.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", title_data); block_title_container.appendChild(block_title); } } title_data && block_section.appendChild(block_title_container); description_data && block_table_container.appendChild(block_desc); // if cookie table found, generate table for this block if (!remove_cookie_tables && typeof cookie_table_data !== "undefined") { var tr_tmp_fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); /** * Use custom table headers */ for (var p = 0; p < all_table_headers.length; ++p) { // create new header var th1 = _createNode("th"); var obj = all_table_headers[p]; th1.setAttribute("scope", "col"); // get custom header content if (obj) { var new_column_key = obj && _getKeys(obj)[0]; th1.textContent = all_table_headers[p][new_column_key]; tr_tmp_fragment.appendChild(th1); } } var tr_tmp = _createNode("tr"); tr_tmp.appendChild(tr_tmp_fragment); // create table header & append fragment var thead = _createNode("thead"); thead.appendChild(tr_tmp); // append header to table var block_table = _createNode("table"); block_table.appendChild(thead); var tbody_fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // create table content for (var n = 0; n < cookie_table_data.length; n++) { var tr = _createNode("tr"); for (var g = 0; g < all_table_headers.length; ++g) { // get custom header content obj = all_table_headers[g]; if (obj) { new_column_key = _getKeys(obj)[0]; var td_tmp = _createNode("td"); // Allow html inside table cells td_tmp.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", cookie_table_data[n][new_column_key] ); td_tmp.setAttribute("data-column", obj[new_column_key]); tr.appendChild(td_tmp); } } tbody_fragment.appendChild(tr); } // append tbody_fragment to tbody & append the latter into the table var tbody = _createNode("tbody"); tbody.appendChild(tbody_fragment); block_table.appendChild(tbody); block_table_container.appendChild(block_table); } /** * Append only if is either: * - togglable div with title * - a simple div with at least a title or description */ if ( (toggle_data && title_data) || (!toggle_data && (title_data || description_data)) ) { block_section.appendChild(block_table_container); if (new_settings_blocks) new_settings_blocks.appendChild(block_section); else settings_blocks.appendChild(block_section); } } // Create settings buttons if (!settings_buttons) { settings_buttons = _createNode("div"); settings_buttons.id = "s-bns"; } if (!settings_accept_all_btn) { settings_accept_all_btn = _createNode("button"); settings_accept_all_btn.id = "s-all-bn"; settings_accept_all_btn.className = "c-bn"; settings_buttons.appendChild(settings_accept_all_btn); _addEvent(settings_accept_all_btn, "click", function () { _cookieconsent.hideSettings(); _cookieconsent.hide(); _cookieconsent.accept("all"); }); } settings_accept_all_btn.innerHTML = user_config.languages[lang]["settings_modal"]["accept_all_btn"]; var reject_all_btn_text = user_config.languages[lang]["settings_modal"]["reject_all_btn"]; // Add third [optional] reject all button if provided if (reject_all_btn_text) { if (!settings_reject_all_btn) { settings_reject_all_btn = _createNode("button"); settings_reject_all_btn.id = "s-rall-bn"; settings_reject_all_btn.className = "c-bn"; _addEvent(settings_reject_all_btn, "click", function () { _cookieconsent.hideSettings(); _cookieconsent.hide(); _cookieconsent.accept([]); }); settings_inner.className = "bns-t"; settings_buttons.appendChild(settings_reject_all_btn); } settings_reject_all_btn.innerHTML = reject_all_btn_text; } if (!settings_save_btn) { settings_save_btn = _createNode("button"); settings_save_btn.id = "s-sv-bn"; settings_save_btn.className = "c-bn"; settings_buttons.appendChild(settings_save_btn); // Add save preferences button onClick event // Hide both settings modal and consent modal _addEvent(settings_save_btn, "click", function () { _cookieconsent.hideSettings(); _cookieconsent.hide(); _cookieconsent.accept(); }); } settings_save_btn.innerHTML = user_config.languages[lang]["settings_modal"]["save_settings_btn"]; if (new_settings_blocks) { // replace entire existing cookie category blocks with the new cookie categories new blocks (in a different language) settings_inner.replaceChild(new_settings_blocks, settings_blocks); settings_blocks = new_settings_blocks; return; } settings_header.appendChild(settings_title); settings_header.appendChild(settings_close_btn_container); settings_inner.appendChild(settings_header); settings_inner.appendChild(settings_blocks); settings_inner.appendChild(settings_buttons); settings_container_inner.appendChild(settings_inner); settings.appendChild(settings_container_inner); settings_container_valign.appendChild(settings); settings_container.appendChild(settings_container_valign); all_modals_container.appendChild(settings_container); all_modals_container.appendChild(overlay); }; /** * Generate cookie consent html markup */ var _createCookieConsentHTML = function () { // Create main container which holds both consent modal & settings modal main_container = _createNode("div"); main_container.id = "cc--main"; // Fix layout flash main_container.style.position = "fixed"; main_container.style.zIndex = "1000000"; main_container.innerHTML = '
'; all_modals_container = main_container.children[0]; // Get current language var lang = _config.current_lang; // Create consent modal if (consent_modal_exists) _createConsentModal(lang); // Always create settings modal _createSettingsModal(lang); // Finally append everything (main_container holds both modals) (root || document.body).appendChild(main_container); }; /** * Update/change modals language * @param {String} lang new language * @param {Boolean} [force] update language fields forcefully * @returns {Boolean} */ _cookieconsent.updateLanguage = function (lang, force) { if (typeof lang !== "string") return; /** * Validate language to avoid errors */ var new_validated_lang = _getValidatedLanguage( lang, user_config.languages ); /** * Set language only if it differs from current */ if (new_validated_lang !== _config.current_lang || force === true) { _config.current_lang = new_validated_lang; if (consent_modal_exists) { _createConsentModal(new_validated_lang); _addDataButtonListeners(consent_modal_inner); } _createSettingsModal(new_validated_lang); _log( "CookieConsent [LANGUAGE]: curr_lang: '" + new_validated_lang + "'" ); return true; } return false; }; /** * Delete all cookies which are unused (based on selected preferences) * * @param {boolean} [clearOnFirstAction] */ var _autoclearCookies = function (clearOnFirstAction) { // Get number of blocks var len = all_blocks.length; var count = -1; // reset reload state reload_page = false; // Retrieve all cookies var all_cookies_array = _getCookie("", "all"); // delete cookies on 'www.domain.com' and '.www.domain.com' (can also be without www) var domains = [_config.cookie_domain, "." + _config.cookie_domain]; // if domain has www, delete cookies also for 'domain.com' and '.domain.com' if (_config.cookie_domain.slice(0, 4) === "www.") { var non_www_domain = _config.cookie_domain.substr(4); // remove first 4 chars (www.) domains.push(non_www_domain); domains.push("." + non_www_domain); } // For each block for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { // Save current block (local scope & less accesses -> ~faster value retrieval) var curr_block = all_blocks[i]; // If current block has a toggle for opt in/out if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(curr_block, "toggle")) { // if current block has a cookie table, an off toggle, // and its preferences were just changed => delete cookies var category_just_disabled = _inArray(changed_settings, curr_block["toggle"]["value"]) > -1; if ( !toggle_states[++count] && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(curr_block, "cookie_table") && (clearOnFirstAction || category_just_disabled) ) { var curr_cookie_table = curr_block["cookie_table"]; // Get first property name var ckey = _getKeys(all_table_headers[0])[0]; // Get number of cookies defined in cookie_table var clen = curr_cookie_table.length; // set "reload_page" to true if reload=on_disable if (curr_block["toggle"]["reload"] === "on_disable") category_just_disabled && (reload_page = true); // for each row defined in the cookie table for (var j = 0; j < clen; j++) { // Get current row of table (corresponds to all cookie params) var curr_row = curr_cookie_table[j], found_cookies = []; var curr_cookie_name = curr_row[ckey]; var is_regex = curr_row["is_regex"] || false; var curr_cookie_domain = curr_row["domain"] || null; var curr_cookie_path = curr_row["path"] || false; // set domain to the specified domain curr_cookie_domain && (domains = [curr_cookie_domain, "." + curr_cookie_domain]); // If regex provided => filter cookie array if (is_regex) { for (var n = 0; n < all_cookies_array.length; n++) { if (all_cookies_array[n].match(curr_cookie_name)) { found_cookies.push(all_cookies_array[n]); } } } else { var found_index = _inArray(all_cookies_array, curr_cookie_name); if (found_index > -1) found_cookies.push(all_cookies_array[found_index]); } _log( "CookieConsent [AUTOCLEAR]: search cookie: '" + curr_cookie_name + "', found:", found_cookies ); // If cookie exists -> delete it if (found_cookies.length > 0) { _eraseCookies(found_cookies, curr_cookie_path, domains); curr_block["toggle"]["reload"] === "on_clear" && (reload_page = true); } } } } } }; /** * Set toggles/checkboxes based on accepted categories and save cookie * @param {string[]} accepted_categories - Array of categories to accept */ var _saveCookiePreferences = function (accepted_categories) { changed_settings = []; // Retrieve all toggle/checkbox values var category_toggles = document.querySelectorAll(".c-tgl") || []; // If there are opt in/out toggles ... if (category_toggles.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < category_toggles.length; i++) { if (_inArray(accepted_categories, all_categories[i]) !== -1) { category_toggles[i].checked = true; if (!toggle_states[i]) { changed_settings.push(all_categories[i]); toggle_states[i] = true; } } else { category_toggles[i].checked = false; if (toggle_states[i]) { changed_settings.push(all_categories[i]); toggle_states[i] = false; } } } } /** * Clear cookies when settings/preferences change */ if ( !invalid_consent && _config.autoclear_cookies && changed_settings.length > 0 ) _autoclearCookies(); if (!consent_date) consent_date = new Date(); if (!consent_uuid) consent_uuid = _uuidv4(); saved_cookie_content = { categories: accepted_categories, revision: _config.revision, data: cookie_data, rfc_cookie: _config.use_rfc_cookie, consent_date: consent_date.toISOString(), consent_uuid: consent_uuid, }; // save cookie with preferences 'categories' (only if never accepted or settings were updated) if (invalid_consent || changed_settings.length > 0) { valid_revision = true; /** * Update "last_consent_update" only if it is invalid (after t) */ if (!last_consent_update) last_consent_update = consent_date; else last_consent_update = new Date(); saved_cookie_content["last_consent_update"] = last_consent_update.toISOString(); /** * Update accept type */ accept_type = _getAcceptType(_getCurrentCategoriesState()); _setCookie(_config.cookie_name, JSON.stringify(saved_cookie_content)); _manageExistingScripts(); //_printConsentDateHTML(); } if (invalid_consent) { /** * Delete unused/"zombie" cookies if consent is not valid (not yet expressed or cookie has expired) */ if (_config.autoclear_cookies) _autoclearCookies(true); if (typeof onFirstAction === "function") onFirstAction( _cookieconsent.getUserPreferences(), saved_cookie_content ); if (typeof onAccept === "function") onAccept(saved_cookie_content); /** * Set consent as valid */ invalid_consent = false; if (_config.mode === "opt-in") return; } // fire onChange only if settings were changed if (typeof onChange === "function" && changed_settings.length > 0) onChange(saved_cookie_content, changed_settings); /** * reload page if needed */ if (reload_page) window.location.reload(); }; /** * Returns index of found element inside array, otherwise -1 * @param {Array} arr * @param {Object} value * @returns {number} */ var _inArray = function (arr, value) { return arr.indexOf(value); }; /** * Helper function which prints info (console.log()) * @param {Object} print_msg * @param {Object} [optional_param] */ var _log = function (print_msg, optional_param, error) { ENABLE_LOGS && (!error ? console.log( print_msg, optional_param !== undefined ? optional_param : " " ) : console.error(print_msg, optional_param || "")); }; /** * Helper function which creates an HTMLElement object based on 'type' and returns it. * @param {string} type * @returns {HTMLElement} */ var _createNode = function (type) { var el = document.createElement(type); if (type === "button") { el.setAttribute("type", type); } return el; }; /** * Generate RFC4122-compliant UUIDs. * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034/how-to-create-a-guid-uuid?page=1&tab=votes#tab-top * @returns {string} */ var _uuidv4 = function () { return ([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace( /[018]/g, function (c) { return ( c ^ ((window.crypto || window.msCrypto).getRandomValues( new Uint8Array(1) )[0] & (15 >> (c / 4))) ).toString(16); } ); }; /** * Resolve which language should be used. * * @param {Object} languages Object with language translations * @param {string} [requested_language] Language specified by given configuration parameters * @returns {string} */ var _resolveCurrentLang = function (languages, requested_language) { if (_config.auto_language === "browser") { return _getValidatedLanguage(_getBrowserLang(), languages); } else if (_config.auto_language === "document") { return _getValidatedLanguage(document.documentElement.lang, languages); } else { if (typeof requested_language === "string") { return (_config.current_lang = _getValidatedLanguage( requested_language, languages )); } } _log( "CookieConsent [LANG]: setting current_lang = '" + _config.current_lang + "'" ); return _config.current_lang; // otherwise return default }; /** * Get current client's browser language * @returns {string} */ var _getBrowserLang = function () { var browser_lang = navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage; browser_lang.length > 2 && (browser_lang = browser_lang[0] + browser_lang[1]); _log( "CookieConsent [LANG]: detected_browser_lang = '" + browser_lang + "'" ); return browser_lang.toLowerCase(); }; /** * Trap focus inside modal and focus the first * focusable element of current active modal */ var _handleFocusTrap = function () { var tabbedOutsideDiv = false; var tabbedInsideModal = false; _addEvent(document, "keydown", function (e) { e = e || window.event; // If is tab key => ok if (e.key !== "Tab") return; // If there is any modal to focus if (current_modal_focusable) { // If reached natural end of the tab sequence => restart if (e.shiftKey) { if (document.activeElement === current_modal_focusable[0]) { current_modal_focusable[1].focus(); e.preventDefault(); } } else { if (document.activeElement === current_modal_focusable[1]) { current_modal_focusable[0].focus(); e.preventDefault(); } } // If have not yet used tab (or shift+tab) and modal is open ... // Focus the first focusable element if (!tabbedInsideModal && !clicked_inside_modal) { tabbedInsideModal = true; !tabbedOutsideDiv && e.preventDefault(); if (e.shiftKey) { if (current_modal_focusable[3]) { if (!current_modal_focusable[2]) { current_modal_focusable[0].focus(); } else { current_modal_focusable[2].focus(); } } else { current_modal_focusable[1].focus(); } } else { if (current_modal_focusable[3]) { current_modal_focusable[3].focus(); } else { current_modal_focusable[0].focus(); } } } } !tabbedInsideModal && (tabbedOutsideDiv = true); }); if (document.contains) { _addEvent( main_container, "click", function (e) { e = e || window.event; /** * If click is on the foreground overlay (and not inside settings_modal), * hide settings modal * * Notice: click on div is not supported in IE */ if (settings_modal_visible) { if (!settings_inner.contains(e.target)) { _cookieconsent.hideSettings(0); clicked_inside_modal = false; } else { clicked_inside_modal = true; } } else if (consent_modal_visible) { if (consent_modal.contains(e.target)) { clicked_inside_modal = true; } } }, true ); } }; /** * Manage each modal's layout * @param {Object} gui_options */ var _guiManager = function (gui_options, only_consent_modal) { // If gui_options is not object => exit if (typeof gui_options !== "object") return; var consent_modal_options = gui_options["consent_modal"]; var settings_modal_options = gui_options["settings_modal"]; /** * Helper function which adds layout and * position classes to given modal * * @param {HTMLElement} modal * @param {string[]} allowed_layouts * @param {string[]} allowed_positions * @param {string} layout * @param {string[]} position */ function _setLayout( modal, allowed_layouts, allowed_positions, allowed_transitions, layout, position, transition ) { position = (position && position.split(" ")) || []; // Check if specified layout is valid if (_inArray(allowed_layouts, layout) > -1) { // Add layout classes _addClass(modal, layout); // Add position class (if specified) if ( !(layout === "bar" && position[0] === "middle") && _inArray(allowed_positions, position[0]) > -1 ) { for (var i = 0; i < position.length; i++) { _addClass(modal, position[i]); } } } // Add transition class _inArray(allowed_transitions, transition) > -1 && _addClass(modal, transition); } if (consent_modal_exists && consent_modal_options) { _setLayout( consent_modal, ["box", "bar", "cloud"], ["top", "middle", "bottom"], ["zoom", "slide"], consent_modal_options["layout"], consent_modal_options["position"], consent_modal_options["transition"] ); } if (!only_consent_modal && settings_modal_options) { _setLayout( settings_container, ["bar"], ["left", "right"], ["zoom", "slide"], settings_modal_options["layout"], settings_modal_options["position"], settings_modal_options["transition"] ); } }; /** * Returns true if cookie category is accepted by the user * @param {string} cookie_category * @returns {boolean} */ _cookieconsent.allowedCategory = function (cookie_category) { if (!invalid_consent || _config.mode === "opt-in") var allowed_categories = JSON.parse(_getCookie(_config.cookie_name, "one", true) || "{}")[ "categories" ] || []; // mode is 'opt-out' else var allowed_categories = default_enabled_categories; return _inArray(allowed_categories, cookie_category) > -1; }; /** * "Init" method. Will run once and only if modals do not exist */ _cookieconsent.run = function (user_config) { if (!document.getElementById("cc_div")) { // configure all parameters _setConfig(user_config); // if is bot, don't run plugin if (is_bot) return; // Retrieve cookie value (if set) saved_cookie_content = JSON.parse( _getCookie(_config.cookie_name, "one", true) || "{}" ); // Retrieve "consent_uuid" consent_uuid = saved_cookie_content["consent_uuid"]; // If "consent_uuid" is present => assume that consent was previously given var cookie_consent_accepted = consent_uuid !== undefined; // Retrieve "consent_date" consent_date = saved_cookie_content["consent_date"]; consent_date && (consent_date = new Date(consent_date)); // Retrieve "last_consent_update" last_consent_update = saved_cookie_content["last_consent_update"]; last_consent_update && (last_consent_update = new Date(last_consent_update)); // Retrieve "data" cookie_data = saved_cookie_content["data"] !== undefined ? saved_cookie_content["data"] : null; // If revision is enabled and current value !== saved value inside the cookie => revision is not valid if ( revision_enabled && saved_cookie_content["revision"] !== _config.revision ) { valid_revision = false; } // If consent is not valid => create consent modal consent_modal_exists = invalid_consent = !cookie_consent_accepted || !valid_revision || !consent_date || !last_consent_update || !consent_uuid; // Generate cookie-settings dom (& consent modal) _createCookieConsentHTML(); _getModalFocusableData(); _guiManager(user_config["gui_options"]); _addDataButtonListeners(); if (_config.autorun && consent_modal_exists) { _cookieconsent.show(user_config["delay"] || 0); } // Add class to enable animations/transitions setTimeout(function () { _addClass(main_container, "c--anim"); }, 30); // Accessibility :=> if tab pressed => trap focus inside modal setTimeout(function () { _handleFocusTrap(); }, 100); // If consent is valid if (!invalid_consent) { var rfc_prop_exists = typeof saved_cookie_content["rfc_cookie"] === "boolean"; /* * Convert cookie to rfc format (if `use_rfc_cookie` is enabled) */ if ( !rfc_prop_exists || (rfc_prop_exists && saved_cookie_content["rfc_cookie"] !== _config.use_rfc_cookie) ) { saved_cookie_content["rfc_cookie"] = _config.use_rfc_cookie; _setCookie( _config.cookie_name, JSON.stringify(saved_cookie_content) ); } /** * Update accept type */ accept_type = _getAcceptType(_getCurrentCategoriesState()); _manageExistingScripts(); if (typeof onAccept === "function") onAccept(saved_cookie_content); _log( "CookieConsent [NOTICE]: consent already given!", saved_cookie_content ); } else { if (_config.mode === "opt-out") { _log( "CookieConsent [CONFIG] mode='" + _config.mode + "', default enabled categories:", default_enabled_categories ); _manageExistingScripts(default_enabled_categories); } _log("CookieConsent [NOTICE]: ask for consent!"); } } else { _log( "CookieConsent [NOTICE]: cookie consent already attached to body!" ); } }; /** * Show settings modal (with optional delay) * @param {number} delay */ _cookieconsent.showSettings = function (delay) { setTimeout( function () { _addClass(html_dom, "show--settings"); settings_container.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false"); settings_modal_visible = true; /** * Set focus to the first focusable element inside settings modal */ setTimeout(function () { // If there is no consent-modal, keep track of the last focused elem. if (!consent_modal_visible) { last_elem_before_modal = document.activeElement; } else { last_consent_modal_btn_focus = document.activeElement; } if (settings_modal_focusable.length === 0) return; if (settings_modal_focusable[3]) { settings_modal_focusable[3].focus(); } else { settings_modal_focusable[0].focus(); } current_modal_focusable = settings_modal_focusable; }, 200); _log("CookieConsent [SETTINGS]: show settings_modal"); }, delay > 0 ? delay : 0 ); }; /** * This function handles the loading/activation logic of the already * existing scripts based on the current accepted cookie categories * * @param {string[]} [must_enable_categories] */ var _manageExistingScripts = function (must_enable_categories) { if (!_config.page_scripts) return; // get all the scripts with "cookie-category" attribute var scripts = document.querySelectorAll( "script[" + _config.script_selector + "]" ); var accepted_categories = must_enable_categories || saved_cookie_content["categories"] || []; /** * Load scripts (sequentially), using a recursive function * which loops through the scripts array * @param {Element[]} scripts scripts to load * @param {number} index current script to load */ var _loadScripts = function (scripts, index) { if (index < scripts.length) { var curr_script = scripts[index]; var curr_script_category = curr_script.getAttribute( _config.script_selector ); /** * If current script's category is on the array of categories * accepted by the user => load script */ if (_inArray(accepted_categories, curr_script_category) > -1) { curr_script.type = "text/javascript"; curr_script.removeAttribute(_config.script_selector); // get current script data-src var src = curr_script.getAttribute("data-src"); // some scripts (like ga) might throw warning if data-src is present src && curr_script.removeAttribute("data-src"); // create fresh script (with the same code) var fresh_script = _createNode("script"); fresh_script.textContent = curr_script.innerHTML; // Copy attributes over to the new "revived" script (function (destination, source) { var attributes = source.attributes; var len = attributes.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var attr_name = attributes[i].nodeName; destination.setAttribute( attr_name, source[attr_name] || source.getAttribute(attr_name) ); } })(fresh_script, curr_script); // set src (if data-src found) src ? (fresh_script.src = src) : (src = curr_script.src); // if script has "src" attribute // try loading it sequentially if (src) { // load script sequentially => the next script will not be loaded // until the current's script onload event triggers if (fresh_script.readyState) { // only required for IE <9 fresh_script.onreadystatechange = function () { if ( fresh_script.readyState === "loaded" || fresh_script.readyState === "complete" ) { fresh_script.onreadystatechange = null; _loadScripts(scripts, ++index); } }; } else { // others fresh_script.onload = function () { fresh_script.onload = null; _loadScripts(scripts, ++index); }; } } // Replace current "sleeping" script with the new "revived" one curr_script.parentNode.replaceChild(fresh_script, curr_script); /** * If we managed to get here and scr is still set, it means that * the script is loading/loaded sequentially so don't go any further */ if (src) return; } // Go to next script right away _loadScripts(scripts, ++index); } }; _loadScripts(scripts, 0); }; /** * Save custom data inside cookie * @param {object|string} new_data * @param {string} [mode] * @returns {boolean} */ var _setCookieData = function (new_data, mode) { var set = false; /** * If mode is 'update': * add/update only the specified props. */ if (mode === "update") { cookie_data = _cookieconsent.get("data"); var same_type = typeof cookie_data === typeof new_data; if (same_type && typeof cookie_data === "object") { !cookie_data && (cookie_data = {}); for (var prop in new_data) { if (cookie_data[prop] !== new_data[prop]) { cookie_data[prop] = new_data[prop]; set = true; } } } else if ((same_type || !cookie_data) && cookie_data !== new_data) { cookie_data = new_data; set = true; } } else { cookie_data = new_data; set = true; } if (set) { saved_cookie_content["data"] = cookie_data; _setCookie(_config.cookie_name, JSON.stringify(saved_cookie_content)); } return set; }; /** * Helper method to set a variety of fields * @param {string} field * @param {object} data * @returns {boolean} */ _cookieconsent.set = function (field, data) { switch (field) { case "data": return _setCookieData(data["value"], data["mode"]); default: return false; } }; /** * Retrieve data from existing cookie * @param {string} field * @param {string} [cookie_name] * @returns {any} */ _cookieconsent.get = function (field, cookie_name) { var cookie = JSON.parse( _getCookie(cookie_name || _config.cookie_name, "one", true) || "{}" ); return cookie[field]; }; /** * Read current configuration value * @returns {any} */ _cookieconsent.getConfig = function (field) { return _config[field] || user_config[field]; }; /** * Obtain accepted and rejected categories * @returns {{accepted: string[], rejected: string[]}} */ var _getCurrentCategoriesState = function () { // get accepted categories accepted_categories = saved_cookie_content["categories"] || []; // calculate rejected categories (all_categories - accepted_categories) rejected_categories = all_categories.filter(function (category) { return _inArray(accepted_categories, category) === -1; }); return { accepted: accepted_categories, rejected: rejected_categories, }; }; /** * Calculate "accept type" given current categories state * @param {{accepted: string[], rejected: string[]}} currentCategoriesState * @returns {string} */ var _getAcceptType = function (currentCategoriesState) { var type = "custom"; // number of categories marked as necessary/readonly var necessary_categories_length = readonly_categories.filter(function ( readonly ) { return readonly === true; }).length; // calculate accept type based on accepted/rejected categories if (currentCategoriesState.accepted.length === all_categories.length) type = "all"; else if ( currentCategoriesState.accepted.length === necessary_categories_length ) type = "necessary"; return type; }; /** * @typedef {object} userPreferences * @property {string} accept_type * @property {string[]} accepted_categories * @property {string[]} rejected_categories */ /** * Retrieve current user preferences (summary) * @returns {userPreferences} */ _cookieconsent.getUserPreferences = function () { var currentCategoriesState = _getCurrentCategoriesState(); var accept_type = _getAcceptType(currentCategoriesState); return { accept_type: accept_type, accepted_categories: currentCategoriesState.accepted, rejected_categories: currentCategoriesState.rejected, }; }; /** * Function which will run after script load * @callback scriptLoaded */ /** * Dynamically load script (append to head) * @param {string} src * @param {scriptLoaded} callback * @param {object[]} [attrs] Custom attributes */ _cookieconsent.loadScript = function (src, callback, attrs) { var function_defined = typeof callback === "function"; // Load script only if not already loaded if (!document.querySelector('script[src="' + src + '"]')) { var script = _createNode("script"); // if an array is provided => add custom attributes if (attrs && attrs.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; ++i) { attrs[i] && script.setAttribute(attrs[i]["name"], attrs[i]["value"]); } } // if callback function defined => run callback onload if (function_defined) { script.onload = callback; } script.src = src; /** * Append script to head */ document.head.appendChild(script); } else { function_defined && callback(); } }; /** * Manage dynamically loaded scripts: https://github.com/orestbida/cookieconsent/issues/101 * If plugin has already run, call this method to enable * the newly added scripts based on currently selected preferences */ _cookieconsent.updateScripts = function () { _manageExistingScripts(); }; /** * Show cookie consent modal (with delay parameter) * @param {number} [delay] * @param {boolean} [create_modal] create modal if it doesn't exist */ _cookieconsent.show = function (delay, create_modal) { if (create_modal === true) _createConsentModal(_config.current_lang); if (consent_modal_exists) { setTimeout( function () { _addClass(html_dom, "show--consent"); /** * Update attributes/internal statuses */ consent_modal.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false"); consent_modal_visible = true; setTimeout(function () { last_elem_before_modal = document.activeElement; current_modal_focusable = consent_modal_focusable; }, 200); _log("CookieConsent [MODAL]: show consent_modal"); }, delay > 0 ? delay : create_modal ? 30 : 0 ); } }; /** * Hide consent modal */ _cookieconsent.hide = function () { if (consent_modal_exists) { _removeClass(html_dom, "show--consent"); consent_modal.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); consent_modal_visible = false; setTimeout(function () { //restore focus to the last page element which had focus before modal opening last_elem_before_modal.focus(); current_modal_focusable = null; }, 200); _log("CookieConsent [MODAL]: hide"); } }; /** * Hide settings modal */ _cookieconsent.hideSettings = function () { _removeClass(html_dom, "show--settings"); settings_modal_visible = false; settings_container.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); setTimeout(function () { /** * If consent modal is visible, focus him (instead of page document) */ if (consent_modal_visible) { last_consent_modal_btn_focus && last_consent_modal_btn_focus.focus(); current_modal_focusable = consent_modal_focusable; } else { /** * Restore focus to last page element which had focus before modal opening */ last_elem_before_modal && last_elem_before_modal.focus(); current_modal_focusable = null; } clicked_inside_modal = false; }, 200); _log("CookieConsent [SETTINGS]: hide settings_modal"); }; /** * Accept cookieconsent function API * @param {string[]|string} _categories - Categories to accept * @param {string[]} [_exclusions] - Excluded categories [optional] */ _cookieconsent.accept = function (_categories, _exclusions) { var categories = _categories || undefined; var exclusions = _exclusions || []; var to_accept = []; /** * Get all accepted categories * @returns {string[]} */ var _getCurrentPreferences = function () { var toggles = document.querySelectorAll(".c-tgl") || []; var states = []; for (var i = 0; i < toggles.length; i++) { if (toggles[i].checked) { states.push(toggles[i].value); } } return states; }; if (!categories) { to_accept = _getCurrentPreferences(); } else { if ( typeof categories === "object" && typeof categories.length === "number" ) { for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) { if (_inArray(all_categories, categories[i]) !== -1) to_accept.push(categories[i]); } } else if (typeof categories === "string") { if (categories === "all") to_accept = all_categories.slice(); else { if (_inArray(all_categories, categories) !== -1) to_accept.push(categories); } } } // Remove excluded categories if (exclusions.length >= 1) { for (i = 0; i < exclusions.length; i++) { to_accept = to_accept.filter(function (item) { return item !== exclusions[i]; }); } } // Add back all the categories set as "readonly/required" for (i = 0; i < all_categories.length; i++) { if ( readonly_categories[i] === true && _inArray(to_accept, all_categories[i]) === -1 ) { to_accept.push(all_categories[i]); } } _saveCookiePreferences(to_accept); }; /** * API function to easily erase cookies * @param {(string|string[])} _cookies * @param {string} [_path] - optional * @param {string} [_domain] - optional */ _cookieconsent.eraseCookies = function (_cookies, _path, _domain) { var cookies = []; var domains = _domain ? [_domain, "." + _domain] : [_config.cookie_domain, "." + _config.cookie_domain]; if (typeof _cookies === "object" && _cookies.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < _cookies.length; i++) { this.validCookie(_cookies[i]) && cookies.push(_cookies[i]); } } else { this.validCookie(_cookies) && cookies.push(_cookies); } _eraseCookies(cookies, _path, domains); }; /** * Set cookie, by specifying name and value * @param {string} name * @param {string} value */ var _setCookie = function (name, value) { var cookie_expiration = _config.cookie_expiration; if ( typeof _config.cookie_necessary_only_expiration === "number" && accept_type === "necessary" ) cookie_expiration = _config.cookie_necessary_only_expiration; value = _config.use_rfc_cookie ? encodeURIComponent(value) : value; var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + 1000 * (cookie_expiration * 24 * 60 * 60)); var expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString(); var cookieStr = name + "=" + (value || "") + expires + "; Path=" + _config.cookie_path + ";"; cookieStr += " SameSite=" + _config.cookie_same_site + ";"; // assures cookie works with localhost (=> don't specify domain if on localhost) if (window.location.hostname.indexOf(".") > -1) { cookieStr += " Domain=" + _config.cookie_domain + ";"; } if (window.location.protocol === "https:") { cookieStr += " Secure;"; } document.cookie = cookieStr; _log( "CookieConsent [SET_COOKIE]: cookie '" + name + "'=", JSON.parse(value) ); _log( "CookieConsent [SET_COOKIE]: '" + name + "' expires after " + cookie_expiration + " day(s)" ); }; /** * Get cookie value by name, * returns the cookie value if found (or an array * of cookies if filter provided), otherwise empty string: "" * @param {string} name * @param {string} filter 'one' or 'all' * @param {boolean} [get_value] set to true to obtain its value * @returns {string|string[]} */ var _getCookie = function (name, filter, get_value) { var found; if (filter === "one") { found = document.cookie.match("(^|;)\\s*" + name + "\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)"); found = found ? (get_value ? found.pop() : name) : ""; if (found && name === _config.cookie_name) { try { found = JSON.parse(found); } catch (e) { try { found = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(found)); } catch (e) { // if I got here => cookie value is not a valid json string found = {}; } } found = JSON.stringify(found); } } else if (filter === "all") { // array of names of all existing cookies var cookies = document.cookie.split(/;\s*/); found = []; for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { found.push(cookies[i].split("=")[0]); } } return found; }; /** * Delete cookie by name & path * @param {string[]} cookies * @param {string} [custom_path] - optional * @param {string[]} domains - example: ['domain.com', '.domain.com'] */ var _eraseCookies = function (cookies, custom_path, domains) { var path = custom_path ? custom_path : "/"; var expires = "Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;"; for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < domains.length; j++) { document.cookie = cookies[i] + "=; path=" + path + (domains[j].indexOf(".") > -1 ? "; domain=" + domains[j] : "") + "; " + expires; } _log( "CookieConsent [AUTOCLEAR]: deleting cookie: '" + cookies[i] + "' path: '" + path + "' domain:", domains ); } }; /** * Returns true if cookie was found and has valid value (not empty string) * @param {string} cookie_name * @returns {boolean} */ _cookieconsent.validCookie = function (cookie_name) { return _getCookie(cookie_name, "one", true) !== ""; }; /** * Function to run when event is fired * @callback eventFired */ /** * Add event listener to dom object (cross browser function) * @param {Element} elem * @param {string} event * @param {eventFired} fn * @param {boolean} [isPasive] */ var _addEvent = function (elem, event, fn, isPasive) { elem.addEventListener( event, fn, isPasive === true ? {passive: true} : false ); }; /** * Get all prop. keys defined inside object * @param {Object} obj */ var _getKeys = function (obj) { if (typeof obj === "object") { return Object.keys(obj); } }; /** * Append class to the specified dom element * @param {HTMLElement} elem * @param {string} classname */ var _addClass = function (elem, classname) { elem.classList.add(classname); }; /** * Remove specified class from dom element * @param {HTMLElement} elem * @param {string} classname */ var _removeClass = function (el, className) { el.classList.remove(className); }; /** * Check if html element has class * @param {HTMLElement} el * @param {string} className */ var _hasClass = function (el, className) { return el.classList.contains(className); }; return _cookieconsent; }; var init = "initCookieConsent"; /** * Make CookieConsent object accessible globally */ if (typeof window[init] !== "function") { window[init] = CookieConsent; } })(); // iframemanager config var iframemanager = window.iframemanager(); var cookieconsent = initCookieConsent(); iframemanager.run({ // currLang: "de", autoLang: true, services: { Youtube: { embedUrl: "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/{data-id}", iframe: { allow: "accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; fullscreen;", }, cookie: { name: "cc_youtube", }, languages: { de: { notice: 'Dieser Content wird von Youtube gehostet. Bei der Anzeige erklären Sie sich mit den Datenschutzbedingungen von youtube.com einverstanden.', loadBtn: "Video laden", loadAllBtn: "nicht mehr fragen", }, en: { notice: 'This conent is hosted by youtube. By showing the external content you accept the terms and conditions of youtube.com.', loadBtn: "Load video", loadAllBtn: "Don\'t ask again", }, }, // function run for each iframe configured with current service onload: function (data_id) { console.log("loaded iframe with data-id=" + data_id); } }, Vimeo: { embedUrl: "https://player.vimeo.com/video/{data-id}", iframe: { allow: "accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; fullscreen;", }, cookie: { name: "cc_vimeo", }, languages: { de: { notice: 'Dieser Content wird von Vimeo gehostet. Bei der Anzeige erklären Sie sich mit den Datenschutzbedingungen von vimeo.com einverstanden.', loadBtn: "Video laden", loadAllBtn: "nicht mehr fragen", }, en: { notice: 'This conent is hosted by vimeo. By showing the external content you accept the terms and conditions of youtube.com.', loadBtn: "Load video", loadAllBtn: "Don\'t ask again", }, }, // function run for each iframe configured with current service onload: function (data_id) { console.log("loaded iframe with data-id=" + data_id); } }, Dailymotion: { embedUrl: 'https://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/{data-id}', iframe: { allow: 'accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; fullscreen;', }, cookie: { name: 'cc_dailymotion' }, languages: { 'de': { notice: 'Dieser Content wird von Dailymotion gehostet. Bei der Anzeige erklären Sie sich mit den Datenschutzbedingungen von dailymotion.com einverstanden.', loadBtn: 'Video laden', loadAllBtn: 'Nicht mehr fragen' }, 'en': { notice: 'This content is hosted by dailymotion. By showing the external content you accept the terms and conditions of dailymotion.com.', loadBtn: 'Load video', loadAllBtn: 'Don\'t ask again' } } }, Twitch: { embedUrl: 'https://player.twitch.tv/?{data-id}&parent=localhost', iframe: { allow: 'accelerometer; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; fullscreen;', }, cookie: { name: 'cc_twitch' }, languages: { 'de': { notice: 'Dieser Content wird von Twitch gehostet. Bei der Anzeige erklären Sie sich mit den Datenschutzbedingungen von twitch.tv einverstanden.', loadBtn: 'Video laden', loadAllBtn: 'Nicht mehr fragen' }, 'en': { notice: 'This content is hosted by twitch. By showing the external content you accept the terms and conditions of twitch.tv.', loadBtn: 'Load video', loadAllBtn: 'Don\'t ask again' } } }, ['Google Maps']: { embedUrl: '{data-id}', iframe: { allow : 'picture-in-picture; fullscreen;' }, cookie: { name: 'cc_maps' }, languages: { 'de': { notice: 'Dieser Content wird von Google Maps gehostet. Bei der Anzeige erklären Sie sich mit den Datenschutzbedingungen von google.com einverstanden.', loadBtn: 'Karte laden', loadAllBtn: 'Nicht mehr fragen' }, 'en': { notice: 'This content is hosted by google maps. By showing the external content you accept the terms and conditions of google.com.', loadBtn: 'Load map', loadAllBtn: 'Don\'t ask again' } } }, OSM: { embedUrl: '{data-id}', iframe: { allow : 'picture-in-picture; fullscreen;' }, cookie: { name: 'cc_osm' }, languages: { 'de': { notice: 'Dieser Content wird von Open Street Maps gehostet. Bei der Anzeige erklären Sie sich mit den Datenschutzbedingungen von osmfoundation.org einverstanden.', loadBtn: 'Karte laden', loadAllBtn: 'Nicht mehr fragen' }, 'en': { notice: 'This content is hosted by open street maps. By showing the external content you accept the terms and conditions of osmfoundation.org.', loadBtn: 'Load map', loadAllBtn: 'Don\'t ask again' } } } }, }); // cookieconsenttool config cookieconsent.run({ current_lang: getLanguage(), autoclear_cookies: true, // default: false page_scripts: true, // default: false // mode: 'opt-in' // default: 'opt-in'; value: 'opt-in' or 'opt-out' // delay: 0, // default: 0 // auto_language: null // default: null; could also be 'browser' or 'document' // autorun: true, // default: true // force_consent: false, // default: false // hide_from_bots: false, // default: false // remove_cookie_tables: false // default: false // cookie_name: 'cc_cookie', // default: 'cc_cookie' // cookie_expiration: 182, // default: 182 (days) // cookie_necessary_only_expiration: 182 // default: disabled // cookie_domain: location.hostname, // default: current domain // cookie_path: '/', // default: root // cookie_same_site: 'Lax', // default: 'Lax' // use_rfc_cookie: false, // default: false // revision: 0, // default: 0 onFirstAction: function (user_preferences, cookie) { // callback triggered only once }, onAccept: function (cookie) { console.log("accepted cookies: ", cookie); if (cookieconsent.allowedCategory("Youtube")) iframemanager.acceptService("Youtube"); if (cookieconsent.allowedCategory("Vimeo")) iframemanager.acceptService("Vimeo"); if (cookieconsent.allowedCategory("Dailymotion")) iframemanager.acceptService("Dailymotion"); if (cookieconsent.allowedCategory("Twitch")) iframemanager.acceptService("Twitch"); if (cookieconsent.allowedCategory("Google Maps")) iframemanager.acceptService("Google Maps"); if (cookieconsent.allowedCategory("OSM")) iframemanager.acceptService("OSM"); }, onChange: function (cookie, changed_preferences) { console.log("changed cookies: ", cookie); if (!cookieconsent.allowedCategory("Youtube")) iframemanager.rejectService("Youtube"); if (!cookieconsent.allowedCategory("Vimeo")) iframemanager.rejectService("Vimeo"); if (!cookieconsent.allowedCategory("Dailymotion")) iframemanager.rejectService("Dailymotion"); if (!cookieconsent.allowedCategory("Twitch")) iframemanager.rejectService("Twitch"); if (!cookieconsent.allowedCategory("Google Maps")) iframemanager.rejectService("Google Maps"); if (!cookieconsent.allowedCategory("OSM")) iframemanager.rejectService("OSM"); }, languages: { de: { consent_modal: { title: "Wir verwenden Cookies!", description: 'Diese Seite nutzt Website Tracking-Technologien von Dritten, um ihre Dienste anzubieten, stetig zu verbessern und Werbung entsprechend der Interessen der Nutzer anzuzeigen. Ich bin damit einverstanden und kann meine Einwilligung jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widerrufen oder ändern.', nonEuConsentDescription: 'Wir weisen darauf hin, dass einige Tools Daten in Drittstaaten ohne angemessenes Datenschutzniveau übertragen können. Mit dem Klick auf «Akzeptieren (inkl. Datenübertragung in Nicht-EU-Staaten)» stimmen Sie zu, dass die Daten sowohl von uns als auch von den jeweiligen Drittanbietern (auch aus Nicht-EU-Staaten) verwendet werden dürfen. Sie können Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen selbstverständlich jederzeit ändern.', primary_btn: { text: "Alle akzeptieren", role: "accept_all", // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all', info: "inkl. Datenübertragung in Nicht-EU-Staaten" }, secondary_btn: { text: "Optionale ablehnen", role: "accept_necessary", // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_btn_alt: { text: "Auswahl übernehmen", role: "accept_necessary", // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary', info: "inkl. Datenübertragung in Nicht-EU-Staaten" }, linkToPrivacyPolicy: {text: "Datenschutz"}, linkToImprint: {text: "Impressum"}, linkToSettings: {text: "Einstellungen"}, }, settings_modal: { title: "Cookie Einstellungen", save_settings_btn: "Auswahl übernehmen", accept_all_btn: "Alle akzeptieren", reject_all_btn: "Optionale ablehnen", close_btn_label: "Close", cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: "Name"}, {col2: "Domain"}, {col3: "Description"}, {col4: "Category"}, ], blocks: [ { title: "Verwendung von Cookies", description: `Unsere Website platziert Cookies auf Ihrem Gerät. Dabei handelt es sich um kleine Textdateien, mit denen unterschiedliche Zwecke verfolgt werden. Mehr Infos in der Datenschutzerklärung.`, }, { title: "Notwendig", description: `Bestimmte Cookies sind technisch notwendig, um die reine Funktionalität der Webseite zu gewährleisten. Mehr Infos in der Datenschutzerklärung.` }, // { // title: "Notwendige Cookies", // description: // "Notwendige Cookies zur Gewährleistung der Funktionalität.", // toggle: { // value: "necessary", // enabled: true, // readonly: true, // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" // }, // cookie_table: [ // { // col1: "cc_cookies", // col2: window.location, // col3: "cookie description" // } // ] // }, ...functionalBlocksDE, ...analyticsBlocksDE, ...marketingBlocksDE ], }, }, en: { consent_modal: { title: "We use cookies!", description: 'This site uses third-party website tracking technologies to provide its services, constantly improve and display advertisements according to users\' interests. I agree to this and can revoke or change my consent at any time with effect for the future.', nonEuConsentDescription: 'We point out that some tools may transfer data to third countries without an adequate level of data protection. By clicking "Accept (incl. data transfer to non-EU countries)", you agree that the data may be used by us as well as by the respective third-party providers (also from non-EU countries). You can, of course, change your cookie settings at any time.', primary_btn: { text: "Accept all", role: "accept_all", // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all' info: "incl. data transfer to non-EU countries" }, secondary_btn: { text: "Reject optional", role: "accept_necessary", // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary' }, secondary_btn_alt: { text: "Accept selection", role: "accept_necessary", // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary', info: "incl. data transfer to non-EU countries" }, linkToPrivacyPolicy: {text: "Privacy policy"}, linkToImprint: {text: "Imprint"}, linkToSettings: {text: "Settings"} }, settings_modal: { title: "Cookie preferences", save_settings_btn: "Save settings", accept_all_btn: "Accept all", reject_all_btn: "Reject optional", close_btn_label: "Close", cookie_table_headers: [ {col1: "Name"}, {col2: "Domain"}, {col3: "Description"}, {col4: "Category"}, ], blocks: [ { title: "Cookie usage", description: `Our website places cookies on your device. These are small text files that are used for different purposes. More information in the privacy policy.`, }, { title: "Necessary", description: `Certain cookies are technically necessary to ensure the pure functionality of the website. More information in the privacy policy` }, // { // title: "Strictly necessary cookies", // description: // "These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of my website. Without these cookies, the website would not work properly", // toggle: { // value: "necessary", // enabled: true, // readonly: true, // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies" // }, // }, ...functionalBlocksEN, ...analyticsBlocksEN, ...marketingBlocksEN ], }, }, }, }); let isCategorySelected = false const categorySwitches = document.querySelectorAll("input[data-cc-switch]") // set event listeners categorySwitches.forEach(item => { item.addEventListener("change", event => { const secondaryButton = document.getElementById("c-s-bn") // check if any switch is turned on isCategorySelected = Array.from(categorySwitches).some(item => item.checked) // get current language const language = cookieconsent.getConfig('current_lang') // set button text depending on language and status of switches if (isCategorySelected) { secondaryButton.innerText = language === "de" ? "Auswahl übernehmen" : "Accept selection" if(cookieconsent.getConfig("isNonEuConsentAccepted")) { const btnDescriptionSpan = document.createElement("p") btnDescriptionSpan.style.cssText = 'font-size: 0.7rem; font-weight: 400; text-align: center; opacity: 80%' btnDescriptionSpan.innerText = cookieconsent.getConfig('languages')[language]['consent_modal']['primary_btn']['info'] secondaryButton.appendChild(btnDescriptionSpan) } } else { secondaryButton.innerText = language === "de" ? "Optionale ablehnen" : "Reject optional" } }) }) // Insert CSS const cssText = ` /* cookieconsenttool styles */ /** Light color-scheme **/ :root { --cc-bg: #fff; --cc-text: #2d4156; --cc-btn-primary-bg: #16a34a; --cc-btn-primary-text: var(--cc-bg); --cc-btn-primary-hover-bg: var(--cc-btn-primary-bg); --cc-btn-secondary-bg: #eaeff2; --cc-btn-secondary-text: var(--cc-text); --cc-btn-secondary-hover-bg: #d8e0e6; --cc-toggle-bg-off: #919ea6; --cc-toggle-bg-on: var(--cc-btn-primary-bg); --cc-toggle-bg-readonly: #d5dee2; --cc-toggle-knob-bg: #fff; --cc-toggle-knob-icon-color: #ecf2fa; --cc-block-text: var(--cc-text); --cc-cookie-category-block-bg: #f0f4f7; --cc-cookie-category-block-bg-hover: #e9eff4; --cc-section-border: #f1f3f5; --cc-cookie-table-border: #e9edf2; --cc-overlay-bg: rgba(4, 6, 8, 0.85); --cc-webkit-scrollbar-bg: #cfd5db; --cc-webkit-scrollbar-bg-hover: #9199a0; } /** Dark color-scheme **/ [data-cc-theme="dark"] { --cc-bg: #181b1d; --cc-text: #d8e5ea; --cc-btn-primary-text: var(--cc-bg); 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} .c--anim .c-bn { transition: background-color 0.25s ease !important; } /* start transitions */ .c--anim #cm.bar.slide, .c--anim .bar.slide #s-inr { transition: visibility 0.4s ease, opacity 0.4s ease, transform 0.4s ease !important; } .c--anim #cm.bar.slide + #cm-ov, .c--anim .bar.slide + #cs-ov { transition: visibility 0.4s ease, opacity 0.4s ease, transform 0.4s ease !important; } #cm.bar.slide, .cc_div .bar.slide #s-inr { transform: translateX(100%); opacity: 1; } #cm.bar.top.slide, .cc_div .bar.left.slide #s-inr { transform: translateX(-100%); opacity: 1; } #cm.slide, .cc_div .slide #s-inr { transform: translateY(1.6em); } #cm.top.slide { transform: translateY(-1.6em); } #cm.bar.slide { transform: translateY(100%); } #cm.bar.top.slide { transform: translateY(-100%); } /* end transitions */ /* Show modals */ .show--consent .c--anim #cm, .show--consent .c--anim #cm.bar, .show--settings .c--anim #s-inr, .show--settings .c--anim .bar.slide #s-inr { opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); visibility: visible !important; } .show--consent .c--anim #cm.box.middle, .show--consent .c--anim #cm.cloud.middle { transform: scale(1) translateY(-50%); } .show--settings .c--anim #s-cnt { visibility: visible !important; } /* Show overlays */ .force--consent.show--consent .c--anim #cm-ov, .show--settings .c--anim #cs-ov { visibility: visible !important; opacity: 1 !important; } #cm { font-family: inherit; padding: 1.1em 1.8em 1.4em 1.8em; position: fixed; z-index: 1; background: #fff; background: var(--cc-bg); /* max-width: 24.2em; */ max-width: 42em; width: 100%; bottom: 1.25em; right: 1.25em; box-shadow: 0 0.625em 1.875em #000000; box-shadow: 0 0.625em 1.875em rgba(2, 2, 3, 0.28); opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; transform: scale(0.95); line-height: initial; } /** fix https://github.com/orestbida/cookieconsent/issues/94 **/ #cc_div #cm { display: block !important; } #c-ttl { margin-bottom: 0.7em; font-size: 1.05em; } .cloud #c-ttl { margin-top: -0.15em; } #c-txt { font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1.5em; } .cc_div #c-bns { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 1.4em; } .cc_div .c-bn { color: #40505a; color: var(--cc-btn-secondary-text); background: #e5ebef; background: var(--cc-btn-secondary-bg); padding: 1em 1.7em; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; font-size: 0.82em; -moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -o-user-select: none; user-select: none; text-align: center; border-radius: 4px; flex: 1; } #c-bns button + button, #s-cnt button + button, #s-c-bn { float: right; margin-left: 1em; } #s-cnt #s-rall-bn { float: none; } #cm .c_link:hover, #cm .c_link:active, #s-cnt button + button:hover, #s-cnt button + button:active, #s-c-bn:active, #s-c-bn:hover { background: #d8e0e6; background: var(--cc-btn-secondary-hover-bg); } /** CookieConsent settings modal **/ #s-cnt { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 101; display: table; height: 100%; visibility: hidden; } #s-bl { outline: none; } #s-bl .title { margin-top: 1.4em; } #s-bl .title:first-child { margin-top: 0; } #s-bl .b-bn { margin-top: 0; } #s-bl .b-acc .p { margin-top: 0; padding: 1em; } #s-cnt .b-bn .b-tl { display: block; font-family: inherit; font-size: 0.95em; width: 100%; position: relative; padding: 1.3em 6.4em 1.3em 2.7em; background: none; transition: background-color 0.25s ease; } #s-cnt .b-bn .b-tl.exp { cursor: pointer; } #s-cnt .act .b-bn .b-tl { border-bottom-right-radius: 0; border-bottom-left-radius: 0; } #s-cnt .b-bn .b-tl:active, #s-cnt .b-bn .b-tl:hover { background: #e9eff4; background: var(--cc-cookie-category-block-bg-hover); } #s-bl .b-bn { position: relative; } #s-bl .c-bl { padding: 1em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; /** border: 1px solid #f1f3f5; **/ border-color: var(--cc-section-border); transition: background-color 0.25s ease; } #s-bl .c-bl [role="heading"] { font-size: 20px; } /** #s-bl .c-bl:hover { background: #f0f4f7; background: var(--cc-cookie-category-block-bg); } **/ #s-bl .c-bl:last-child { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } #s-bl .c-bl:first-child { transition: none; padding: 0; margin-top: 0; border: none; margin-bottom: 2em; } #s-bl .c-bl:not(.b-ex):first-child:hover { background: transparent; background: unset; } #s-bl .c-bl.b-ex { padding: 0; border: none; background: #f0f4f7; background: var(--cc-cookie-category-block-bg); transition: none; } #s-bl .c-bl.b-ex + .c-bl { margin-top: 2em; } #s-bl .c-bl.b-ex + .c-bl.b-ex { margin-top: 0; } #s-bl .c-bl.b-ex:first-child { margin-bottom: 1em; } #s-bl .c-bl.b-ex:first-child { margin-bottom: 0.5em; } #s-bl .b-acc { max-height: 0; overflow: hidden; padding-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; display: none; } #s-bl .act .b-acc { max-height: 100%; display: block; overflow: hidden; } #s-cnt .p { font-size: 0.9em; line-height: 1.5em; margin-top: 0.85em; color: #2d4156; color: var(--cc-block-text); } .cc_div .b-tg .c-tgl:disabled { cursor: not-allowed; } #c-vln { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; position: relative; } #cs { padding: 0 1.7em; width: 100%; position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; height: 100%; } #s-inr { height: 100%; position: relative; max-width: 45em; margin: 0 auto; transform: scale(0.96); opacity: 0; padding-top: 4.75em; padding-bottom: 4.75em; position: relative; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; box-shadow: rgba(3, 6, 9, 0.26) 0px 13px 27px -5px; } #s-inr, #s-hdr, #s-bns { background: #fff; background: var(--cc-bg); } #s-bl { overflow-y: auto; overflow-y: overlay; overflow-x: hidden; height: 100%; padding: 1.3em 2.1em; display: block; width: 100%; } #s-bns { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; padding: 1em 2.1em; border-top: 1px solid #f1f3f5; border-color: var(--cc-section-border); height: 4.75em; } .cc_div .cc-link { color: #253b48; color: var(--cc-btn-primary-bg); border-bottom: 1px solid #253b48; border-color: var(--cc-btn-primary-bg); display: inline; padding-bottom: 0; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; font-weight: 600; } .cc_div .cc-link:hover, .cc_div .cc-link:active { border-color: transparent; } #c-bns button:first-child, #s-bns button:first-child { color: #fff; color: var(--cc-btn-primary-text); background: #253b48; background: var(--cc-btn-primary-bg); } #c-bns.swap button:first-child { color: #40505a; color: var(--cc-btn-secondary-text); background: #e5ebef; background: var(--cc-btn-secondary-bg); } #c-bns.swap button:last-child { color: #fff; color: var(--cc-btn-primary-text); background: #253b48; background: var(--cc-btn-primary-bg); } .cc_div .b-tg .c-tgl:checked ~ .c-tg { background: #253b48; background: var(--cc-toggle-bg-on); } #c-bns button:first-child:active, #c-bns button:first-child:hover, #s-bns button:first-child:active, #s-bns button:first-child:hover, #c-bns.swap button:last-child:active, #c-bns.swap button:last-child:hover { // background: #1d2e38; // background: var(--cc-btn-primary-hover-bg); opacity: 0.75; } #c-bns.swap button:first-child:active, #c-bns.swap button:first-child:hover { background: #d8e0e6; background: var(--cc-btn-secondary-hover-bg); } #s-hdr { position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%; display: table; padding: 0 2.1em; height: 4.75em; vertical-align: middle; z-index: 2; border-bottom: 1px solid #f1f3f5; border-color: var(--cc-section-border); } #s-ttl { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; font-size: 1em; } #s-c-bn { padding: 0; width: 1.7em; height: 1.7em; font-size: 1.45em; margin: 0; font-weight: initial; position: relative; } #s-c-bnc { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } .cc_div span.t-lb { position: absolute; top: 0; z-index: -1; opacity: 0; pointer-events: none; overflow: hidden; } #c_policy__text { height: 31.25em; overflow-y: auto; margin-top: 1.25em; } #c-s-in { position: relative; transform: translateY(-50%); top: 50%; height: 100%; height: calc(100% - 2.5em); max-height: 37.5em; } @media screen and (min-width: 688px) { /** works only on webkit-based browsers **/ #s-bl::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0.9em; height: 100%; background: transparent; border-radius: 0 0.25em 0.25em 0; } #s-bl::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { border: 0.25em solid var(--cc-bg); background: #cfd5db; background: var(--cc-webkit-scrollbar-bg); border-radius: 100em; } #s-bl::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: #9199a0; background: var(--cc-webkit-scrollbar-bg-hover); } #s-bl::-webkit-scrollbar-button { width: 10px; height: 5px; } } /** custom checkbox **/ /* The container */ .cc_div .b-tg { position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; display: inline-block; margin: auto; right: 1.2em; cursor: pointer; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; vertical-align: middle; } /* Hide the browser's default checkbox */ .cc_div .b-tg .c-tgl { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; display: block; top: 0; left: 0; margin: 0; border: 0; } /* Create a custom checkbox */ .cc_div .b-tg .c-tg { position: absolute; background: #919ea6; background: var(--cc-toggle-bg-off); transition: background-color 0.25s ease, box-shadow 0.25s ease; pointer-events: none; } .cc_div span.t-lb, .cc_div .b-tg, .cc_div .b-tg .c-tg, .cc_div .b-tg .c-tgl { width: 3.4em; height: 1.5em; border-radius: 4em; } .cc_div .b-tg .c-tg.c-ro { cursor: not-allowed; } .cc_div .b-tg .c-tgl ~ .c-tg.c-ro { background: #d5dee2; background: var(--cc-toggle-bg-readonly); } .cc_div .b-tg .c-tgl ~ .c-tg.c-ro:after { box-shadow: none; } /* Style the checkmark/indicator */ .cc_div .b-tg .c-tg:after { content: ""; position: relative; display: block; left: 0.125em; top: 0.125em; width: 1.25em; height: 1.25em; border: none; box-sizing: content-box; background: #fff; background: var(--cc-toggle-knob-bg); box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(24, 32, 35, 0.36); transition: transform 0.25s ease; border-radius: 100%; } /* Show the checkmark when checked */ .cc_div .b-tg .c-tgl:checked ~ .c-tg:after { transform: translateX(1.9em); } #s-bl table, #s-bl th, #s-bl td { border: none; } #s-bl tbody tr { transition: background-color 0.25s ease; } #s-bl tbody tr:hover { background: #e9eff4; background: var(--cc-cookie-category-block-bg-hover); } #s-bl table { text-align: left; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; } #s-bl td, #s-bl th { padding: 0.8em 0.625em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; font-size: 0.8em; padding-left: 1.2em; } #s-bl th { font-family: inherit; padding: 1.2em 1.2em; } #s-bl thead tr:first-child { border-bottom: 1px solid #e9edf2; border-color: var(--cc-cookie-table-border); } .force--consent #s-cnt, .force--consent #cs { width: 100vw; } #cm-ov, #cs-ov { position: fixed; left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; background: #070707; background: rgba(4, 6, 8, 0.85); background: var(--cc-overlay-bg); display: none; transition: none; } .show--settings #cs-ov, .c--anim #cs-ov, .force--consent .c--anim #cm-ov, .force--consent.show--consent #cm-ov { display: block; } #cs-ov { z-index: 2; } .force--consent .cc_div { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; width: 100vw; visibility: hidden; transition: visibility 0.25s linear; } .force--consent.show--consent .c--anim .cc_div, .force--consent.show--settings .c--anim .cc_div { visibility: visible; } .force--consent #cm { position: absolute; } .force--consent #cm.bar { width: 100vw; max-width: 100vw; } html.force--consent.show--consent { overflow-y: hidden !important; } html.force--consent.show--consent, html.force--consent.show--consent body { height: auto !important; overflow-x: hidden !important; } /** END BLOCK PAGE SCROLL */ /** BEGIN ICONS **/ .cc_div .b-bn .exp::before, .cc_div .act .b-bn .exp::before { border: solid #2d4156; border-color: var(--cc-btn-secondary-text); border-width: 0 2px 2px 0; padding: 0.2em; display: inline-block; position: absolute; content: ""; margin-right: 15px; position: absolute; transform: translateY(-50%) rotate(45deg); left: 1.2em; top: 50%; } .cc_div .act .b-bn .b-tl::before { transform: translateY(-20%) rotate(225deg); } .cc_div .on-i::before { border: solid #fff; border-color: var(--cc-toggle-knob-icon-color); border-width: 0 2px 2px 0; padding: 0.1em; display: inline-block; padding-bottom: 0.45em; content: ""; margin: 0 auto; transform: rotate(45deg); top: 0.37em; left: 0.75em; position: absolute; } #s-c-bn::before, #s-c-bn::after { content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0.82em; top: 0.58em; height: 0.6em; width: 1.5px; background: #444d53; background: var(--cc-btn-secondary-text); transform: rotate(45deg); border-radius: 1em; margin: 0 auto; } #s-c-bn::after { transform: rotate(-45deg); } .cc_div .off-i, .cc_div .on-i { height: 100%; width: 50%; position: absolute; right: 0; display: block; text-align: center; transition: opacity 0.15s ease; } .cc_div .on-i { left: 0; opacity: 0; } .cc_div .off-i::before, .cc_div .off-i::after { right: 0.8em; top: 0.42em; content: " "; height: 0.7em; width: 0.09375em; display: block; background: #cdd6dc; background: var(--cc-toggle-knob-icon-color); margin: 0 auto; position: absolute; transform-origin: center; } .cc_div .off-i::before { transform: rotate(45deg); } .cc_div .off-i::after { transform: rotate(-45deg); } .cc_div .b-tg .c-tgl:checked ~ .c-tg .on-i { opacity: 1; } .cc_div .b-tg .c-tgl:checked ~ .c-tg .off-i { opacity: 0; } /** END ICONS **/ #cm.box.middle, #cm.cloud.middle { top: 50%; transform: translateY(-37%); bottom: auto; } #cm.box.middle.zoom, #cm.cloud.middle.zoom { transform: scale(0.95) translateY(-50%); } #cm.box.center { left: 1em; right: 1em; margin: 0 auto; } /* Start cloud layout */ #cm.cloud { max-width: 50em; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; left: 1em; right: 1em; overflow: hidden; padding: 1.3em 2em; width: unset; } .cc_div .cloud #c-inr { display: table; width: 100%; } .cc_div .cloud #c-inr-i { width: 70%; display: table-cell; vertical-align: top; padding-right: 2.4em; } .cc_div .cloud #c-txt { font-size: 0.85em; } .cc_div .cloud #c-bns { min-width: 170px; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; } #cm.cloud .c-bn { margin: 0.625em 0 0 0; width: 100%; } #cm.cloud .c-bn:first-child { margin: 0; } #cm.cloud.left { margin-right: 1.25em; } #cm.cloud.right { margin-left: 1.25em; } /* End cloud layout */ /* Start bar layout */ #cm.bar { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; border-radius: 0; position: fixed; padding: 2em; } #cm.bar #c-inr { max-width: 32em; margin: 0 auto; } #cm.bar #c-bns { max-width: 33.75em; } #cm.bar #cs { padding: 0; } .cc_div .bar #c-s-in { top: 0; transform: none; height: 100%; max-height: 100%; } .cc_div .bar #s-hdr, .cc_div .bar #s-bl, .cc_div .bar #s-bns { padding-left: 1.6em; padding-right: 1.6em; } .cc_div .bar #cs { padding: 0; } /* align bar to right by default */ .cc_div .bar #s-inr { margin: 0; margin-left: auto; margin-right: 0; border-radius: 0; max-width: 32em; } .cc_div .bar.left #s-inr { margin-left: 0; margin-right: auto; } /* Force table to not be like tables anymore */ .cc_div .bar #s-bl table, .cc_div .bar #s-bl thead, .cc_div .bar #s-bl tbody, .cc_div .bar #s-bl th, .cc_div .bar #s-bl td, .cc_div .bar #s-bl tr, .cc_div .bar #s-cnt { display: block; } /* Hide table headers (but not display: none;, for accessibility) */ .cc_div .bar #s-bl thead tr { position: absolute; top: -9999px; left: -9999px; } .cc_div .bar #s-bl tr { border-top: 1px solid #e3e7ed; border-color: var(--cc-cookie-table-border); } .cc_div .bar #s-bl td { /* Behave like a "row" */ border: none; position: relative; padding-left: 35%; } .cc_div .bar #s-bl td:before { position: absolute; left: 1em; padding-right: 0.625em; white-space: nowrap; content: attr(data-column); color: #000; color: var(--cc-text); overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } /* End bar layout */ /* Positions */ #cm.top { bottom: auto; top: 1.25em; } #cm.left { right: auto; left: 1.25em; } #cm.right { left: auto; right: 1.25em; } #cm.bar.left, #cm.bar.right { left: 0; right: 0; } #cm.bar.top { top: 0; } /* end positions */ @media screen and (max-width: 688px) { #cm, #cm.cloud, #cm.left, #cm.right { width: auto; max-width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 1.4em !important; right: 1em; left: 1em; bottom: 1em; display: block; } .force--consent #cm, .force--consent #cm.cloud { width: auto; max-width: 100vw; } #cm.top { top: 1em; bottom: auto; } #cm.bottom { bottom: 1em; top: auto; } #cm.bar.bottom { bottom: 0; } #cm.cloud .c-bn { font-size: 0.85em; } #s-bns, .cc_div .bar #s-bns { padding: 1em 1.3em; } .cc_div .bar #s-inr { max-width: 100%; width: 100%; } .cc_div .cloud #c-inr-i { padding-right: 0; } #cs { border-radius: 0; padding: 0; } #c-s-in { max-height: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; transform: none; } .cc_div .b-tg { transform: scale(1.1); right: 1.1em; } #s-inr { margin: 0; padding-bottom: 7.9em; border-radius: 0; } #s-bns { height: 7.9em; } #s-bl, .cc_div .bar #s-bl { padding: 1.3em; } #s-hdr, .cc_div .bar #s-hdr { padding: 0 1.3em; } /** dynamic table layout **/ #s-bl table { width: 100%; } #s-inr.bns-t { padding-bottom: 10.5em; } .bns-t #s-bns { height: 10.5em; } .cc_div .bns-t .c-bn { font-size: 0.83em; padding: 0.9em 1.6em; } #s-cnt .b-bn .b-tl { padding-top: 1.2em; padding-bottom: 1.2em; } /* Force table to not be like tables anymore */ #s-bl table, #s-bl thead, #s-bl tbody, #s-bl th, #s-bl td, #s-bl tr, #s-cnt { display: block; } /* Hide table headers (but not display: none;, for accessibility) */ #s-bl thead tr { position: absolute; top: -9999px; left: -9999px; } #s-bl tr { border-top: 1px solid #e3e7ed; border-color: var(--cc-cookie-table-border); } #s-bl td { /* Behave like a "row" */ border: none; position: relative; padding-left: 35%; } #s-bl td:before { position: absolute; left: 1em; padding-right: 0.625em; white-space: nowrap; content: attr(data-column); color: #000; color: var(--cc-text); overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } #cm .c-bn, .cc_div .c-bn { width: 100%; margin-right: 0; } #s-cnt #s-rall-bn { margin-left: 0; } .cc_div #c-bns { flex-direction: column; } #c-bns button + button, #s-cnt button + button { margin-top: 0.625em; margin-left: 0; float: unset; } #cm.cloud, #cm.box { left: 1em; right: 1em; width: auto; } #cm.cloud.right, #cm.cloud.left { margin: 0; } .cc_div .cloud #c-bns, .cc_div .cloud #c-inr, .cc_div .cloud #c-inr-i { display: block; width: auto; min-width: unset; } .cc_div .cloud #c-txt { font-size: 0.9em; } .cc_div .cloud #c-bns { margin-top: 1.625em; } } /* Begin IE fixes */ .cc_div.ie #c-vln { height: 100%; padding-top: 5.62em; } .cc_div.ie .bar #c-vln { padding-top: 0; } .cc_div.ie #cs { max-height: 37.5em; position: relative; top: 0; margin-top: -5.625em; } .cc_div.ie .bar #cs { margin-top: 0; max-height: 100%; } .cc_div.ie #cm { border: 1px solid #dee6e9; } .cc_div.ie #c-s-in { top: 0; } .cc_div.ie .b-tg { padding-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 0.7em; } .cc_div.ie .b-tg .c-tgl:checked ~ .c-tg:after { left: 1.95em; } .cc_div.ie #s-bl table { overflow: auto; } .cc_div.ie .b-tg .c-tg { display: none; } .cc_div.ie .b-tg .c-tgl { position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin-bottom: 0.2em; height: auto; } .cc_div.ie #s-cnt .b-bn .b-tl { padding: 1.3em 6.4em 1.3em 1.4em; } .cc_div.ie .bar #s-bl td:before { display: none; } .cc_div.ie .bar #s-bl td { padding: 0.8em 0.625em 0.8em 1.2em; } .cc_div.ie .bar #s-bl thead tr { position: relative; } .cc_div.ie .b-tg .t-lb { filter: alpha(opacity=0); } .cc_div.ie #cm-ov, .cc_div.ie #cs-ov { filter: alpha(opacity=80); } /** END IE FIXES **/ /* iframemanager styles */ div[data-service] *, div[data-service] :before, div[data-service] :after { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; float: none; font-style: inherit; font-variant: normal; font-weight: inherit; font-family: inherit; line-height: 1.2; font-size: 1em; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-transform: none; letter-spacing: unset; color: inherit; background: none; border: none; box-shadow: none; text-decoration: none; text-align: left; } div[data-service] .c-ld { bottom: 2em; right: 2.5em; opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; transform: translateY(10px); transition: opacity 0.3s ease, visibility 0.3s ease, transform 0.3s ease; } div[data-service] .c-ld, div[data-service] .c-ld:after { position: absolute; z-index: 1; border-radius: 100%; width: 20px; height: 20px; } div[data-service] .c-ld::after { content: ""; border: 4px solid white; border-top: 4px solid transparent; animation: spin 1s linear infinite; } div[data-service].c-h-n .c-ld { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; transform: translateY(0); } @keyframes spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } div[data-service] { display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; min-height: 150px; min-width: 300px; font-family: inherit; position: relative; background-color: #0b1016; } div[data-service] button, div[data-service] label, div[data-service] input, div[data-service] h1, div[data-service] h2, div[data-service] h3 { transition: none; animation: none; } div[data-service]::before { padding-top: 56.25%; display: block; content: ""; } div[data-autoscale] { height: auto; width: 100%; } div[data-service] .c-nt { color: #fff; max-width: 100%; height: 100%; width: 100%; transition: opacity 0.3s ease, visibility 0.3s ease; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; z-index: 2; } div[data-service] .c-bg { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0.5; z-index: 1; transition: opacity 0.3s ease, visibility 0.3s ease, transform 0.3s ease; } div[data-service] .c-bg::before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 1; transition: opacity 0.3s ease, visibility 0.3s ease; background: rgb(30, 56, 97); background: linear-gradient( 14deg, rgb(12 15 23 / 95%) 10%, rgb(0 0 0 / 51%) 100%, rgba(68, 77, 125, 0.1082983535210959) 0% ); background: -moz-linear-gradient( 14deg, rgba(30, 56, 97, 1) 0%, rgba(206, 220, 233, 0.1181022750897234) 100% ); background: -webkit-linear-gradient( 14deg, rgba(30, 56, 97, 1) 0%, rgba(206, 220, 233, 0.1181022750897234) 100% ); background: linear-gradient( 14deg, rgba(30, 56, 97, 1) 0%, rgba(206, 220, 233, 0.1181022750897234) 100% ); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr="#1e3861",endColorstr="#cedce9",GradientType=1); } div[data-service] .c-bg-i { background-size: cover; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.5s ease, transform 0.5s ease; } div[data-service] .c-bg-i.loaded { opacity: 1; } div[data-service] .c-tl { display: block; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } div[data-service].c-h-n .c-bg { opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); } div[data-service].c-h-n .c-nt { opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; } div[data-service] .c-n-c { display: table; height: 100%; width: 100%; position: relative; z-index: 1; margin: 0; font-size: 0.9em; transition: background-color 0.3s ease, opacity 0.3s ease; } div[data-service] .c-n-t { display: block; font-size: 0.95em; position: relative; z-index: 1; line-height: 1.4em; color: #fff; max-width: 420px; margin: 0 auto; margin-bottom: 20px; } div[data-service] .c-n-t, div[data-service] .c-n-a { text-align: center; } div[data-service] .c-t-cn { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0 12px; transition: opacity 0.3s ease, transform 0.3s ease, visibility 0.3s ease; } div[data-service] .c-n-c .c-la-b, div[data-service] .c-n-c .c-l-b { display: inline-block; position: relative; padding: 1em; vertical-align: middle; background: var(--cc-btn-primary-bg); border: none; border-radius: 0.25em; font-size: 0.85em; padding-left: 2.8em; color: #ffffff; margin: 0 auto; font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; transition: opacity 0.3s ease, transform 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.25, 1, 0.5, 1), visibility 0.3s ease, box-shadow 0.3s ease, background-color 0.3s ease; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19) 0px 4px 12px; } /* Play icon */ div[data-service] .c-n-c .c-l-b::before { content: ""; display: block; position: absolute; top: 12px; left: 1.1em; z-index: 2; height: 0; border-left: 12px solid white; border-top: 7.5px solid transparent; border-bottom: 7.5px solid transparent; } div[data-service] .c-n-c .c-la-b { margin-left: 1em; padding: 1em; background: rgba(225, 239, 255, 0.8); color: #0d1f34; } div[data-service] .c-n-c .c-la-b:hover { background: rgba(225, 239, 255, 0.95); } div[data-service] .c-n-c .c-l-b:hover { opacity: 0.75; // background: var(--cc-btn-primary-hover-bg); } div[data-service] .c-n-c .c-la-b:active { transition: none; background: rgba(225, 239, 255, 0.6); } div[data-service] .c-n-c .c-l-b:active { transition: none; box-shadow: 0 0 0 4px rgba(24, 104, 250, 0.24); } div[data-service].c-h-n .c-t-cn { opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; transform: translateY(-10px); } div[data-service] iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; height: 100%; border: none; max-width: 100%; width: 100%; background: #000000; display: block; visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; z-index: 1; transition: opacity 0.5s ease; } div[data-service].c-h-b iframe { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; transform: scale(1); transition-delay: 0.1s; } div[data-service] .c-n-t a { color: var(--cc-btn-primary-bg); text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--cc-btn-primary-bg); } div[data-service] .c-n-t a:hover { border-color: transparent; } /* The switch - the box around the slider */ .c-switch { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 60px; height: 34px; } /* Hide default HTML checkbox */ .c-switch input { opacity: 0; width: 0; height: 0; } /* The slider */ .c-slider { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: #ccc; -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; } .c-slider:before { position: absolute; content: ""; height: 26px; width: 26px; left: 4px; bottom: 4px; background-color: white; -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; } input:checked + .c-slider { background-color: #2196F3; } input:focus + .c-slider { box-shadow: 0 0 1px #2196F3; } input:checked + .c-slider:before { -webkit-transform: translateX(26px); -ms-transform: translateX(26px); transform: translateX(26px); } /* Rounded sliders */ .c-slider.round { border-radius: 34px; } .c-slider.round:before { border-radius: 50%; } .cc-custom-btn { color: #40505a; color: var(--cc-btn-primary-text); background: #e5ebef; background: var(--cc-btn-primary-bg); padding: 1em 1.7em; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; font-size: 1em; -moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -o-user-select: none; user-select: none; text-align: center; border-radius: 4px; flex: 1; } .cc-custom-btn:hover { opacity: 0.75; color: var(--cc-btn-primary-text); padding: 1em 1.7em; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; font-size: 1em; -moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -o-user-select: none; user-select: none; text-align: center; border-radius: 4px; flex: 1; background: #d8e0e6; background: var(--cc-btn-primary-hover-bg); } .cc-custom-bold, .cc-custom-bold:hover { font-weight: bold; } /* The switch - the box around the slider */ .cc_div .cc-custom-switch { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 48px; height: 24px; } /* Hide default HTML checkbox */ .cc_div .cc-custom-switch input { opacity: 0; width: 0; height: 0; } /* The slider */ .cc_div .cc-custom-slider { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: var(--cc-btn-secondary-bg); -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; border-radius: 34px; } .cc_div .cc-custom-slider:before { position: absolute; content: ""; height: 16px; width: 16px; left: 6px; bottom: 4px; background-color: var(--cc-btn-primary-text); -webkit-transition: .4s; transition: .4s; border-radius: 50%; } .cc_div input:checked + .cc-custom-slider { background-color: var(--cc-toggle-bg-on); } .cc_div input:disabled + .cc-custom-slider { background-color: var(--cc-toggle-bg-on); opacity: 0.5; } .cc_div input:focus + .cc-custom-slider { box-shadow: 0 0 1px #2196F3; } .cc_div input:checked + .cc-custom-slider:before { -webkit-transform: translateX(22px); -ms-transform: translateX(22px); transform: translateX(22px); } .c-tgl::after { background: inherit!important; } `; // Check if head has style tag let headStyleTag = document.querySelector("style"); if (!headStyleTag) { // Create style tag headStyleTag = document.createElement("style"); document.querySelector("body").appendChild(headStyleTag); } // Append styles headStyleTag.innerText = headStyleTag.innerText + cssText;